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© 2017
What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a religion

People who follow the

religion of Buddhism
are known as Buddhists

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When did Buddhism begin?

Buddhism began about 500 BC (about

500 years before Jesus was born)

Buddhism Christianity
begins begins

1000 BC 0BC / AD 2000 AD

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Who started Buddhism?

Buddhism was founded

by Siddhattha Gotama

Siddhatta Gotama
became known as the
Buddha (which means
someone who has
gained Enlightenment)

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Where did Buddhism begin?

Buddhism began in India

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Who was Buddha and what did he do?

The Buddha was a rich and

powerful prince in India

When he was about 29 years old, he left

his father’s palace and saw people
suffering for the first time in his life

He was upset by what he had seen and

wanted to help people who were suffering
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Who was Buddha and what did he do?

He gave up his possessions, cut

off his hair, put on a simple
robe and travelled around India
speaking with holy men

He believed that he found

‘Enlightenment’ (the truth about life
and why people suffered) and so he
started teaching other people what
he believed as he travelled

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What did Buddha teach people?

Buddha taught the ‘Four Noble Truths’:

1) Nothing in life is perfect

2) This is because people are greedy and selfish

3) People can stop being greedy and selfish

4) People can do this by following the

‘Noble Eightfold Path’
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What does the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ involve?

1) Right understanding:
understanding the Buddha’s teaching

2) Right intention:
thinking about people in a kind way

3) Right speech:
not telling lies or speaking unkindly

4) Right action:
treating other living things well

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What does the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ involve?

5) Right livelihood:
doing a useful job that does not harm other people

6) Right effort:
always doing your best

7) Right state of mind:

being aware of what you are doing and feeling

8) Right concentration:
using meditation to help calm your mind
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What does the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ involve?

The ‘Eightfold Path can be shown on a Dharma

Wheel, also called a Dharmachakra

© 2017
What do Buddhists believe?

Buddhists make five promises called

the ‘Five Moral Precepts’:

1) Not to kill or hurt living things

2) Not to steal and to be generous

3) Not cheating on your partner

4) Not lying or saying unkind things

5) Not using alcohol or drugs

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What do Buddhists believe?

Buddhists believe in reincarnation:

a cycle of life, death and rebirth

Achieving ‘Enlightenment’ allows a person to

achieve Nibbana / Nirvana and escape this cycle

Nirvana Rebirth

Death Life
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What did Buddha teach?

Buddha also taught the ‘Three Signs of Being’:

1) Nothing in life is perfect

2) Everything in the world changes

and nothing lasts forever

3) Each person’s ‘kamma’ (life force), which can

be good or bad, carries into their next life

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What do Buddhists believe about the Buddha?

Buddhists do not believe that

the Buddha was a God, that God spoke to him
or that he was sent by God

Instead they think that the Buddha was an

ordinary man who gained Enlightenment

Altogether, Buddha’s teachings are

called Dhamma (or Dharma)

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Are there different groups of Buddhists?

There are different groups of Buddhists who

• live in different countries

• have different holy books

• may follow the teachings of people other

than the first Buddha

The main groups of Buddhists are Theravada

Buddhists, Mahayana Buddhists and Tibetan Buddhists

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Do Buddhists have a holy book?

The main Theravada Buddhist holy book is called the

Tipitaka (the three baskets of wisdom)

Originally and traditionally, the Tipitaka was written

on separate pieces of paper in special boxes

Today they are also available as modern books

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Do Buddhists have a holy book?

Mahayana Buddhists have some other sacred texts,

as well as the Tipitaka (which they call ‘Tripitaka)

Two important Mahayana texts are the

Lotus Sutra and the Diamond Sutra

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Do Buddhists have a holy book?

Tibetan Buddhists use the

Kanjur (Buddha’s teachings) and
the Tenjur (writings about the teachings),
as well as other books like the ‘Book of the Dead’

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Do Buddhists have a sacred language?

The Tipitaka (the holy book of Theravada

Buddhists) is written in Pali

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Do Buddhists have a sacred language?

The holy books of Mahayana

Buddhists are written in Sanskrit

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What festivals do Buddhists celebrate?

Many Buddhist festivals are to celebrate

events in the life of the Buddha

Different types of Buddhist in different

places celebrate different festivals

Probably the most important Buddhist

festival is Wesak (or Buddha Day)

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How do Buddhists celebrate festivals?

Buddhists may do some of the following to

celebrate a festival day:

Light lamps Decorate temples

Give presents
and candles with flowers and
and cards
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What other times do Buddhists celebrate?

Buddhists also have events

for special times in their lives

They may celebrate at

the times of a baby being
born, joining a monastery
(where monks live),
marriage and death

Different Buddhists celebrate

different times in people’s lives and
celebrate them in different ways
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Where do Buddhists go to pray?

The building that a Buddhist goes to pray

in is called a temple
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Who are Buddhist religious leaders?

Buddhist religious leaders are called monks

They live together in buildings called monasteries

Buddhist monks live very simple lives and spend

most of their time meditating or reading

They own very few possessions and have some extra

rules that they have to live by

There are some Buddhist nuns (women),

but there are a lot more monks (who are men)
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What clothes do Buddhists wear?

Buddhist monks and nuns

wear simple robes

The colour of the robes is different

in different places in the world

Other Buddhists dress in the

style of clothing of their
particular country, or they
may wear ‘Western’ clothing

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What special symbols and objects do Buddhists have?

Dharma Wheel / Dharmachakra

Lotus flower
(rises from the mud to
become a beautiful flower,
as people should do)

Statues of the Buddha

There are also other special symbols

and objects for Buddhists
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Where do Buddhists live?

Most Buddhists live in the ‘Far East’ in Asia

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How many Buddhists are there?

There are about 500 million

Buddhists in the world

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Which places are special for Buddhists?

The Shwe Dagon Pagoda

is the oldest Buddhist
temple in Myanmar

Eight hairs from the Buddha’s

head are said to be kept there

In 1774 AD, the king of

Myanmar ordered that the
pagoda should be covered in gold

There are also 1500 bells!

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Which places are special for Buddhists?

Lumbini Bodh Gaya

(where the (where the Buddha
Buddha was born) gained Enlightenment)

There are also other special places for Buddhists,

like Sarnath, where the Buddha taught people for the
first time after he had gained Enlightenment
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Festival Time: A Year of Buddhist Festivals by Flora York

Our Places of Worship: Buddhism by Honor Head

Word Religions Today: Buddhism by Kathryn Walker

Religions of the World: Buddhism by Sue Penney

© 2017
Source of images

Map of India -

Loose-leaf Tipitaka -

Set of 3 Tipitaka books -

Part of Lotus Sutra -,_09.jpg

Part of Kanjur -


Dharmachakra -,_withprint_(en).svg

Global distribution map -

Pali and Sanskrit -

Wesak lights -

Decorating temple -

Head-shaving -

Marriage -

Pie chart of religions –

Shwe Dagon Pagoda -

Lumbini -,_Lumbini.jpg

Bodh Gaya -,_Bodh_Gaya.jpg

All other images or

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