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Introduction to Interior Design

What is interior design?

Interior design is about our experience with places and shaping indoor spaces with beautiful aesthetics.
By definition, it is “the art and science of enhancing the interiors of a space to achieve a healthier and
aesthetically pleasing environment.”
Related to architecture, interior design involves designing man-made spaces to make them pleasant and
An interior designer is equipped with a professional degree and training in interior designing and has
knowledge of colors, fabrics & furniture.

What Interior Designers Do

Interior designers make interior spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements
and selecting decorative items, such as colors, lighting, and materials.
Interior design is all about research, conceptual development, efficient planning and creating a relaxed
environment for the stakeholders.
They work with architects, engineers & builders to plan the look and function of indoor spaces.
With an evolving lifestyle and fast-paced urbanization, the scope of interior design has grown significantly,
making it one of the most sought after professions in India today.
The market trend shows a remarkable growth in the demand of interior designers.
Many people rely on professionals to design spaces to achieve a comfortable and happy living.
With booming property prices, Indian homes are becoming smaller and house owners seem to have found
the solution to space crisis in the face of interior designing.
People are attracted to have theme-based interiors and styles to make their homes stand out, leading to the
potential increase in interior design jobs in the coming years.

The interior design market is expected to see an exponential growth by 2025 globally.
As per MarketWatch, in 2018, interior design market was valued at 130,100 million USD and can expect a
potential (CAGR) growth rate of 8.5% between 2019-2024, leading the market to be valued at 212,300.
Talking about Indian Market, in a research conducted by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), the number
of designers in India was estimated at 36,387 out of which 10.17% were interior designers.
As per a report by Brandongaille , interior design jobs are expected to see an estimated increase by 13% in
the next decade.
Going by the increasing number of people opting for interior design, the demand for interior designers is
bound to significantly increase in the years to come.

Pros and Cons of Interior Design Career


Creative freedom No fixed clientele

Growth prospects Constant knowledge updation

Increasing demand Work pressure

Flexible work schedule No fixed salary

Job satisfaction Requires attention to detail

Financial rewards Pressure from stakeholders

Interior Design Jobs in India

Here is a list of Interior design jobs in India.

Interior Designer 4.9k 720 148 1.4k 7.2k

3D Interior
designer 5.4k 214 97 854 6.5k

Interior Architect 2.2k 643 16 226 3.08k

Duties of Interior Designers

Interior designers typically do the following:

 Search for and bid on new projects

 Determine the client's goals and requirements for the project
 Consider how the space will be used and how people will move through the space
 Sketch preliminary design plans, including electrical and partition layouts
 Specify materials and furnishings, such as lighting, furniture, wall finishes, flooring, and plumbing
 Create a timeline for the interior design project and estimate project costs
 Place orders for materials and oversee the installation of the design elements
 Oversee construction and coordinate with general building contractors to implement the plans and
specifications for the project
 Visit the site after the project is complete, to ensure that the client is satisfied.

The following are examples of types of interior designers:

 Corporate designers create interior designs for professional workplaces from small office settings to
large-scale corporations within high-rise buildings. They focus on creating spaces that are efficient,
functional, and safe for employees. They may incorporate design elements that reflect a company's
brand in their designs.
 Healthcare designers use the evidence-based design process in designing and renovating healthcare
centers, clinics, doctors' offices, hospitals, and residential care facilities. They specialize in making
design decisions based on credible research to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients,
residents, and the facility.
 Kitchen and bath designers specialize in kitchens and bathrooms and have expert knowledge of the
variety of cabinets, fixtures, appliances, plumbing, and electrical solutions for these rooms.
 Sustainable designers use strategies to improve energy and water efficiencies and indoor air quality,
and they specify environmentally preferable products, such as bamboo and cork for floors. They may
obtain certification in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) from the U.S. Green
Building Council. Such certification indicates expertise in designing buildings and spaces with
sustainable practices in mind.
 Universal designers renovate spaces in order to make them more accessible. Often, these designs are
used to renovate spaces for elderly people and people with special needs; however, universal designs
can benefit anyone. For example, an entranceway without steps may be necessary for someone in a
wheelchair, but it is also helpful for someone pushing a baby stroller.

Interior Designing Skills

Core Skills:

Spatial Understanding spaces and utilization while planning interiors, ambiance and room
Awareness function.

To digitally create designs for clients, designers must be hands-on with software like
Technical Vectorworks, Autodesk Revit, 3D Max, Archicad, AutoCAD, Sketch Up, 3D
Knowledge Homeplanner, and Chief Architect.

Designers must be able to forecast expenditure, make budgets, identify hidden costs,
Budgeting negotiate and be good at bookkeeping for efficient use of money.

Time Designers must know how to manage calendars, delegate, and manage time to get
Management work done before deadlines.

Dynamic An interior designer must be creative and know artistic styles, colors, fabrics, and
Creativity emerging trends.

Soft Skills:
• An interior designer must have excellent communication skills as a major part of their job is to
communicate ideas.
• They should be good at problem-solving for effective process management, prioritization of tasks and
• Interior designers must be proactive and critical thinkers who can solve problems at the earliest.
• An interior designer must be organized to be able to complete projects on time and in the assigned budget.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations for Interior Designers

Licensure requirements vary by state. In some states, only licensed designers may do interior design work.
In other states, both licensed and unlicensed designers may do such work; however, only licensed designers
may use the title "interior designer." In still other states, both licensed and unlicensed designers may call
themselves interior designers and do interior design work.
In states where laws restrict the use of the title "interior designer," only candidates who pass their state-
approved exam, most commonly the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam,
may call themselves registered interior designers. Qualifications for eligibility to take the NCIDQ exam
include at least a bachelor's degree in interior design and 2 years of work experience.
California requires a different exam, administered by the California Council for Interior Design Certification
(CCIDC). Qualifications for eligibility to take the CCIDC exam include a combination of education and
Voluntary certification in an interior design specialty, such as environmental design, allows designers to
demonstrate expertise in a particular area of the occupation. Interior designers often specialize to distinguish
the type of design work they do and to promote their expertise. Certifications usually are available through
professional and trade associations and are independent from the NCIDQ licensing examination.

Education for Interior Designers

A bachelor's degree is usually required in order to become an interior designer, as are classes in interior
design, drawing, and computer-aided design (CAD). A bachelor's degree in any field is acceptable, and
interior design programs are available at the associate's, bachelors, and master's degree levels.

Important Qualities for Interior Designers

Artistic ability. Interior designers use their sense of style to develop designs that are aesthetically pleasing.
Creativity. Interior designers need to be imaginative in selecting furnishings and fabrics and in creating
spaces that serve the client's needs and fit the client's lifestyle.
Detail oriented. Interior designers need to be precise in measuring interior spaces and creating drawings, so
that their drawings can be used by other workers such as engineers or other designers.
Interpersonal skills. Interior designers need to be able to communicate effectively with clients and others.
Much of their time is spent soliciting new clients and new work and collaborating with other designers,
engineers, and general building contractors on ongoing projects.
Problem-solving skills. Interior designers must address challenges, such as construction delays and the high
cost or sudden unavailability of certain materials, while keeping the project on time and within budget.
Visualization. Interior designers need a strong sense of proportion and visual awareness in order to
understand how pieces of a design will fit together to create the intended interior environment.
Good Interior Designers are able to think creatively about the use of space, color and movement and will
draw on other artistic mediums for creative inspiration. They will also be effective communicators with the
ability to persuade in communicating a design idea.

Interior Designer Responsibilities:

Outline client design objectives.
Conceptualize and sketch design plans.
Determine cost of completion and project requirements in the budgeting phase.
Set a timeline for the completion of an interior design project.
Source materials and products included in plans.
Create 'mood boards' to sample your design vision.
Utilize computer applications in the design process.
Inspect design after completion to determine whether client goals have been met.

Interior Designer Requirements:

Bachelor's degree in Interior Design or related field.
Portfolio of design work.
Project management experience.
Experience with computational design.
Highly creative, imaginative and artistic.
Excellent communication skills, especially in regard to communicating an artistic vision.
Proficiency in AutoCAD, Illustrator, Sketch Up or similar design software.

6 Essential Skills Every Interior Designer Needs

Those who want to go into a creative field might first consider getting a degree in motion graphics or decide
they want to take an online fashion designing course. But an interior design career can be highly rewarding
and will allow you to follow your passions in a creative way. Also, the industry is huge and on the rise. By
2018, revenues of interior design services in the United States are projected to reach approximately 12
billion U.S. dollars! 

However, individuals who pursue interior design careers do need a specific skill set in order to be
successful. If you're wondering just how to become an interior designer, pursuing a degree at interior
decorating schools -- like our program here at FIDM -- will give you the tools and experience required.
Whether you have a natural aptitude or need to work hard to acquire this skill set, you'll need the following
for a fruitful interior design career:

A creative eye and attention to detail

First and foremost, you'll need to be highly creative. You'll be expected to design spaces for all sorts of
clients. Although having a point of view can be an asset, you'll also need to be very adaptable. You'll also
have to focus on both the little details and the big picture simultaneously to craft cohesive spaces. While
creativity is not the sole requirement for this job, it's certainly a prerequisite.

Trend identification

Trends come and go, and you'll need to stay ahead of the curve. Being able to identify and predict trends
will help you stay relevant and in-demand. Plus, being able to spot bad trends will ensure your career stays
relevant for years to come.

Knowledge of sustainable practices

It's becoming more common for clients to request eco-friendly features. You'll need to have a good working
knowledge of these desirable design features and technologies, especially if you opt to stay in the California
area. Clients will rely on you to make the best decisions for them, so this knowledge is key for overall

Superior communication

As an interior designer, you'll be expected to effectively communicate your vision to your clients and
practice excellent listening skills. You'll also need to work in tandem with contractors and other
professionals who will be responsible for carrying out your designs.

Sketching ability and computer knowledge

If you've wondered how to become an interior designer, you might picture needing to create all your designs
by hand. These days, most interior designers use computer-based design programs to create visual
representations of their work; however, the ability to create preliminary sketches is helfpul, too. Being able
to utilize both methods will make you more of an asset to your clients. But due to the popularity of many
home design TV shows, clients especially want to see 2D and 3D visuals of designs in real life.


A good interior designer must be extremely organized in order to complete projects on time and on budget.
When work takes too long or costs soar above what a client was promised, you're not likely to find repeat
business. Designers need to plan out everything to the day and to the dollar. Although unexpected delays
and costs will inevitably pop up, you'll need to allow for these surprises in your plans ahead of time.

Still interested in pursuing an interior design career? Our programs can help you hit the ground running. If
you want to learn more about how to become an interior designer, check out our Interior Design major page
or get in touch with us today.
Difference between Interior Designers and Interior Decorator:

Interior design is the art and science of understanding people’s behaviour to create functional spaces within
a building, while interior decorating is the furnishing or adorning of a space with decorative elements to
achieve a certain aesthetic. In short, interior designers may decorate, but decorators do not design.

Professional Requirements for Interior Designers

Because of the complexity of their role, interior designers are generally expected to achieve a higher level of
education than interior decorators, who require no formal training or licensure.

In addition to learning principles of applying gathered knowledge to the creative process of designing a
space, designers must also adhere to code and regulatory requirements and encourage the principles of
environmental sustainability.

Many U.S. states and Canadian provinces have passed laws requiring interior designers to be licensed or
registered—documenting their formal education and training—and many of them specifically require that all
practicing interior designers earn the NCIDQ Certificate to demonstrate their experience and qualifications.

(Interior Designer
 Schooling: Interior design is a profession that requires specific schooling and formal training. The
work involved usually includes studying color and fabric, computer-aided design (CAD) training, drawing,
space planning, furniture design, architecture, and more. Upon graduating, designers often apprentice with a
registered and established interior designer before moving on to establish their own companies.
 Credentials: In some states and provinces, professional designers are required to pass an exam and
become registered with a governing council (which one will depend on what country and state/province he
or she is in) before they can be called designers. However, there are just as many locations where no
credentialing is required. So it's a good idea to find out what the situation is in your area before starting your
 What they do: Designers are comfortable with spatial planning and can help design and renovate
interiors—from drawing up the initial floor plans to placing the last decorative accent. Designers don't just
enhance the look; they also enhance the function of a room.
 Who they work with: Interior designers often work closely with architects and contractors to help
achieve the look the client desires, whether that client is designing a residential home, an office, a hotel, or
any other interior space.

Interior Decorator

 Schooling: To practice professionally, interior decorators aren't required to have formal training or

schooling because they focus primarily on aesthetics and don't participate in renovations or structural
planning. A decorator comes into the picture after the structural planning and execution are completed to
focus on the surface look of the space. Many professional interior decorators have college degrees in related
fields, but it is not a requirement for the profession.
 Credentials: Even though no schooling is required to become an interior decorator, there are many
programs and courses available. These courses often focus on color and fabric, room layouts, space
planning, furniture styles, and more. Certifications from organizations like C.I.D. (Certified Interior
Decorators International) offer coursework and certification to help decorators authenticate their practices.
 What they do: Good decorators are skilled at coming into a room and whipping it into visual shape.
For new spaces, they can help clients decide on a style, choose a color scheme, purchase furniture, and
accessorize. They're also often brought in to spruce up an existing space that needs to be updated or redone.
 Who they work with: Decorators don't generally work with any contractors or architects, since
structural work is usually complete before they come on board. They do, however, work with furniture
makers, upholsterers, and other industry professionals. Most often, though, they work directly with
homeowners or business managers.)

Tips to Get an Interior Design Job

1) Research about the field

Research well and learn everything there is to know about your field.
Understand the different aspects of interior designing and gather relevant information to choose a specific
area of work.
2) Learn the necessary tools
Make sure you are hands-on with important software like AutoCAD, Sketch Up, 3D Home planner, Vector
works, etc.
All aspiring interior designers must learn these tools to help you start strong and grow early in your career.
3) Get a degree in interior designing
Earn a formal degree to get well-versed with the technicalities and details of the profession before you set
out to get a job in it.
5) Make a Portfolio
A portfolio is an asset to your career. It is a collection of your best work.
Make a portfolio and include sketches of ideas, before and after images of work sites, fabric samples, etc.
A portfolio will help you take potential clients through the best of your work and will prove your credibility
as an interior designer.
5) Intern to train
In a profession like interior design, work experience really counts.
Before aiming for an interior design job, do intern for 6-12 months to understand the critical aspects of
interior design.

Popular Interior Designing Blogs

Here is a list of popular Interior designing blogs:
 Young House Love
 Decorilla
 Apartment Therapy
 The Inspired Room
 Studio Mcgee
 Hunted Interior
 Coco Lapine
 Old Brand New
 Wit and Delight
 Liz Marie
 DPages

Popular Must Read Interior Design Books

Here is a list of popular Interior Design books
1. The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes.
2. The Inspired Room: Simple Ideas To Love The Home You Have.
3. The Maker.
4. Dream Decor.
5. Farrow & Ball: How to Decorate.
6. Home Decor Cheat Sheets: Need-to-Know Stuff for Stylish Living.
7. Simple Decorating: 50 ways to inspire your home.

Popular YouTube Videos & Channels

Here is a list of popular Interior Designing channels you must follow:
1. Studio McGee
2. House and Home
3. Three Birds Renovation
4. Emily Henderson
5. Apartment Therapy
6. Jenna Sue

Interior Designing Forums

Here are 5 popular interior designing forums for you to explore
1. Houzz
2. International Interior Design Association(IIDA)
3. Zingy Homes
4. The Future Of Design (TFOD)
5. Common Floor
Interior Design Webinars
Here is the list of most popular Interior Design Webinars
1. Tools for Beautiful and Effective Design WEBINAR.
2. Dassault Systèmes Interior Cabin Design with CATIA Creative Design and CATIA Icem.
3. Interiors and Architecture.
4. KeyShot Webinar 55: Master Lighting and Interiors.

Top Interior Design Companies to Follow

Here are a few top interior design companies to follow in India
1. Acme Interiors
2. Carafina
3. Spacewood
4. Brawn Globus
5. Space Matrix
6. Monnaie
7. Dream Space India
8. Livspace
9. Spacejoy
10. Homelane


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