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Unit 5 Moving to a new house Lesson 2What do you need? EET 02:00 What are the things in your bedroom? You can say: bed mirror {Optional question(s) : oe Mocs 05:00 = through the words and phrases. Make sure your student knows the meaning and usage of each. Bo we chair mirror wer @ let's go Isfea(ri] Ermira(e)] (Java) [daimig ‘teil (lets) Ask your student to choose the correct words or phrases.(ToDOMIEK a. She looks in the miror every moming. shower b. Can Isit on this__/ dinnerane chair c. We often have meals on C — itor d. We wont fo buy a new {or our bathroom fete @.—Do you want to go to the shop? dining table one Okay. 2 Useful sentences [Ty Go through the sentences to prepare your student for the conversation. What do you need? | Inged a small dining fable and four chairs. What else do you need? "Let me think ... Oh, | also need @ new shower for the bathroom. STITT 05:00 [ToDo EER 1. Role play. Make sure your student understands the conversation completely. Emphasize and explain the words in red and the sentence in yellow. [Kate needs things for her new house.) Kate: | want to buy a small dining table. SS dining room also want three chairs for my new house. Shaw your student what KEA swith picture, Oh, | also need a mirror and a new shower. Ben: You can buy them at IKE Kate: Let me think ... Ben: Okay. | will go with you. SEMIMEEMIc ml 03:00 [ToDoeevas 2. Practice the conversation. Make sure your student recalls it correctly. Teacher: Do you need anythi for your new house? (03 PA dining table You: Yes. |need a small rm crairs also want three Teach ‘ou can buy them at IKEA. What else do you need? You: Let me think peinior (> shower Oh, lalso needa and a new, Okay. | will go with you. Let's go. Ns ets dosh, ooo EERIE [ESEMITEE Tem 03:00 3. Make a new conversation with your student. Note: Words in brackets are suggestions only. Hey ... (student's name) Do you need Teacher nything for your new nouse? a Yes. Ineed.... You Teacher (What else do you need?) You P Teacher — (Where do you want to buy them?) . You = Summary UE Help your student to recall what he/she has learned. Words and phrases: ja 02:00 [ToDo Ask your student to make sentences with what he/she has learned. Please give feedback. Words and phrases: a choir a mirror a gicved a dining table a let's go Give your answer: - What (else} do you need?

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