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Logo of Your Business

Name of Your Business

Address of Your Business

E-Mail Address of Your Business

Contact Number

Owned by:

Your Names as the Owners


Note: Since the name, address, name/s of the owner/s of the business appear on the cover page, they may no longer be
repeated in the Introduction section of the business plan.

(This section provides an overview of key aspects of your business)

Description of the Business (10 POINTS)

(This section of Introduction include information about the product or service that the
business intends to produce or provide.)

Location of the Business(10 POINTS)

(This section of Introduction indicates the reason/s for the selection of the location.)
Include the following factors:
1. Proximity to the target consumers
2. Distance from the sources of raw materials, labor, and utilities
3. Availability and cost of transportation
4. Peace and order situation
5. Presence of direct competitors
6. The geographic and climatic conditions

Funding Requirements and Source of Funds (10 POINTS)

(This section of Introduction indicates the initial funding requirement and the possible source/s of
(This section provides two to three pages summarizing the complete business plan.)

Vision Statement (10 POINTS)

(Describes where the business is headed and the future state that it plans to be. Intended as a
guide to help the organization make decisions that align with its philosophy and declared set of

Mission Statement(10 POINTS)

( A short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is, identifying the goal of
its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary customers or market, and
its geographical region of operation. Describes what the business does, or what the business is all

Objectives of the Business (10 POINTS)

Business Model (This section of the Executive Summary is the way the business will make money)


1. Customer Segment (Who are your customers?)

2. Value Proposition (This section indicates the relevant and unique benefit that your customer gets from
buying your product or services.)
3. Channels (This section is the distribution system where products or services will be made available to
your customers)
4. Customer Relationship (This section is the relationship as well as the solution that will be established with
buyers and end users of your products or services)
5. Revenue Stream (This section is the strategy you will use to capture the most value from your customers)
6. Key Resources (Describes your most important strategic assets. Typically combination of your physical,
intellectual, human, and financial)
7. Key Activities (This section is the critical repetitive activities that are routinized by your business to
provide the value to your customers and to your business in a sustainable way)
8. Key Partners (This section is the people or groups who will help your business to enhance the value
(This section provides the external and internal factors affecting the
performance of your business.)

Industry Trend (10 POINTS)

(This section describes the possible business opportunities or ideas that may happen or
arise in the world market.)

Consumer Analysis (30 POINTS)

(This section comprises behavioral profile and demographic profile of consumers.)
1. Behavioral Profile
A. Customer Purchase Criteria
(Describe the factors a consumer thinks about before deciding
to buy a product.)

B. Purchase Processes and Patterns

(Describe how a consumer conducts their buying process.)
What was the reason they bought a product?
How many times might they buy this product again?
What is the schedule for them to purchase this product?
How much of the product did they purchase?
What situation does the consumer use this product?

2. Demographic Profile
What level of education do they possess?
What is their income range?
Do they have children or pets in their homes?
What is their marital status?

Competitor Analysis (40 POINTS)

1. Identify your competitors

Direct competitors
Secondary/indirect competitors
Substitute competitors
2. Obtain information on your competitors.
(After you've identified your competitors, assess them using the marketing mix.)
- Product: (Compare their products to your own, preferably by purchasing and testing
them. How is the standard/quality? What characteristics do you like or dislike?
- Pricing: (What are the prices of their products and services? Do their prices differ
between channel partners and customers? What is their policy on discounts? Can
you provide an estimate of their cost structure?)
- Place: In comparison to your company, what is their geographic reach or service
- Promotion: How do they interact and engage with their customers through
marketing? What is their social media presence?
Examine their websites, social media, product documents, brochures, and
catalogues for positioning. Who are their intended customers? What is their distinct
selling point?
- Reputation: What are people saying online and on social media platforms about the
goods and services of your rivals? How do the reviews stack up against those for
your company?
- People: How big is their company? What is the general demographic of the
- Partnerships: Who are their suppliers in collaborations? How long have they been
(This section provides the external and internal factors affecting the
performance of your business.)

3. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals.

(Compare your performance to that of your rivals in the above-mentioned categories. Write down
everything that would influence a customer to choose or not choose each rival.)
Are they popular because of their location, for example? What about the caliber of their employees?
Are their prices excessively high? Is their product missing a key feature that customers want?

4.Determine your competitive advantage

(Explain your business’ advantage relative to the competition and where do your business want to


Types or Forms of the Business

*Forms of Business Organization (according to ownership)

- Sole Proprietorship

- Partnership

- Corporation

* Liability of the owners

*Types of Business According to Activities

- Merchandising

- Service

- Manufacturing

- Agricultural Venture

- Hybrid Business

Organizational Structure (include an organizational chart)

(Prepare the organizational structure that best fits to your business.)

Roles and Responsibilities

- background

- experiences

- qualifications

- areas of expertise

- Roles

Salary Requirements

(Show the total estimated monthly and annual salary requirements of your business. All other
mandatory benefits must likewise be specified.)
(This section presents or describe

Production Schedule

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