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Instrumentation and Control


1.1 calculate parameters of an orifice plate

B. Tech Engineering (Hon’s).AE(ECSL).AM(IESL)
Lec -01

 1. Instrumentation sensors for

 2. Instrumentation Systems.
 3. Mathematical model parts of a physical
control system.
 4. The Stability of a control system.
 5. Design stable feedback control systems.
Instrumentation sensors for

 What is a sensor?
A sensor can be defined as an electronic device that is
used to measure a change in the environment.

Input Signal Sensor Output Signal

Sensor Inputs

 Pressure
 Temperature
 Weight
 Force
 Strain
 Displacements
 Motion etc.
Different Type of Sensors

 Different types of sensors measure different variables.

 1. Position Sensors
 2. Pressure Sensors
 3. Vibration Sensors.
 4. Torque Sensors
 5. Weight Sensors etc.
Orifice Plate
 What is an Orifice Plate?

 An orifice plate is a device used for measuring flow rate, for reducing pressure or for
restricting flow
What is the purpose of Orifice Plate?

 Orifice plates are a primary flow

element, detecting the flow of a fluid
passing through the plate by sensing the
pressure drop across the plate. When a
fluid flows through a restriction in a pipe, it
creates a pressure difference between
upstream and downstream of the

 The orifice plate is a metallic disc with a concentric hovel in it, it is

introduced into the tube which has moving fluid in it.
 This flow meter is simplest, less expensive, and exists in large no of different
 As a result, these meters are almost cover fifty percent market of volume
flow rate instruments.
 One restriction of the orifice plate is that its imprecision is characteristically
at least plus-minus two percent and can be near plus-minus five percent.
 The enduring pressure damage produced in the calculated movement is amid
50 and 90 percent of the extent of the pressure difference, (P1− P2).
Working Principle
 When a fluid, whose rate of flow is we are going to measure, is moved in the
Orifice Meter, there is a pressure loss amid the inward segment and outward
Segment of Orifice plate.
 We can measure this change in pressure by any pressure measurement
instrument such as an anemometer.
 Meanwhile, this difference in pressure is indirectly proportionate to the rate of
flow according to Bernoulli’s Equation henceforth the pressure difference
measurement instrument can be organized to show rate of flow instead of
displaying differential pressure.
 The operational standard of the Orifice Meter is similar, like that of the Venturi
Structure of an Orifice Plate

 The thickness of the plate, the location of the hole on the plate, the size of
the bore, the number of bores on the plate; variations in these constraints
gives rise to a variety of different types and designs of orifice plates.
Construction of orifice plate
Inlet Section
 A linear ranging piece of similar dimensions as the inlet pipe for a conclusion
joining for an inward movement linking. Here we calculate the inward pressure of
the different fluids.
Orifice Plate
 An Orifice Plate is implanted in amid the Inlet and Outlet Segments to generate a
pressure drop and therefore calculate the movement of the fluid.
Outlet Section
 It is the linear spreading unit like to the Inlet unit. At this point, the dimensions is
similar as the outlet tube for an end link for a departing movement.
 At this point, we calculate the pressure of the fluid at the releasing point.
 As exposed in the diagram, a washer is cast-off to cover the place amid the
Orifice Plate and the Overhang outward, stop seepage.
Types of Orifice plate
Shape & Size of Orifice meter

 Orifice meters are constructed in varied arrangements

dependent on the solicitation definite prerequisite, The
contour, dimension and position of hovels on the Orifice
Plate defines the Orifice Meter properties as per the
 Concentric Orifice Plate
 Eccentric Orifice Plate
 Segment Orifice Plate
 Quadrant Edge Orifice Plate
Concentric Orifice Plate
 It is prepared of SS and its dimensions fluctuate from 3.175 to 12.70 mm. The plate breadth at
the orifice verge must not be surpassed by any of giving limits:
 1 – D/50, here D is The tube inner diameter.
 2 – d/8 here d is the orifice wiseacre diameter
 3 – (D-d)/8

Eccentric Orifice Plate

 It is alike to the Concentric Orifice plate other than the counterbalance hovel which is jaded at
an angle to a sphere. It is usually engaged for gaging liquids that contains solids components, oily
water, and drizzly steam.

Segment Orifice Plate

 It consists of a hole which is a semi-circle. The diameter is usually 98 percent of the diameter of
the tube.
Quadrant Edge Orifice Plate
 This kind of orifice plate is work for movements like unpolished oil, higher viscous sauces. It is
believably used when the line Reynolds Statistics from 100,000 or above or in among to 3,000 to
5,000 with correctness constant of unevenly 0.5 percent.
Specifications of Orifice meter

 Line dimensions of these instruments is 6 mm to 800 mm

 Its accurateness is from plus-minus 0.5 percent to plus-minus 3.0


 Its Working Temperature is Up to 800C

 Its Working Pressure Up to 400 bar.

Applications of Orifice meter

 It can be used for Natural Gases.

 We can use it in different Water purifications Plants.

 It can be used in such plants where oil is filtered.

 It can also use in Petrochemicals and Factories.

Advantages of Orifice meter
 The price of the orifice meter is very low then other types of flow measurement instruments.

 It needs less space to work therefore it is the best choice for such applications where less space
needs to work.

 Its Working retort can be deliberate with excellence.

 It can be installed at any position like horizontal vertical and tapper.

Limitations of Orifice meter
 It can definitely get blocked due to scums in gas or in indistinct fluids.
 The least pressure that can be attained for interpretation of the movement is occasionally tough
to attain due to limits in the vena-contracta distance for an Orifice Plate.
 Dissimilar Venturi meter, down tributary pressure, cannot be improved in Orifice Meters.
Complete head damage is about 40 percent to 90 percent of the differential pressure.
The Bernoulli Equation
Assuming a horizontal flow (neglecting the minor elevation difference between
the measuring points) the Bernoulli Equation can be modified to

p1 + 1/2 ρ v12 = p2 + 1/2 ρ v22 (1)

p = pressure (Pa, psf (lb/ft2))

ρ = density (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

v = flow velocity (m/s, ft/s)

The equation can be adapted to vertical flow by adding elevation heights:

p1 + 1/2 ρ v12 + γ h1 = p2 + 1/2 ρ v22 + γ h2 (1b)
γ = specific weight of fluid (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

h = elevation (m, ft)

Assuming uniform velocity profiles in the upstream and downstream flow
- the Continuity Equation can be expressed as
q = v1 A1 = v2 A2 (2)
q = flow rate (m3/s, ft3/s)

A = flow area (m2, ft2)

Combining (1) and (2), assuming A2 < A1, gives the "ideal" equation:
q = A2 [ 2(p1 - p2) / ρ(1 - (A2 / A1)2) ]1/2 (3)
For a given geometry (A), the flow rate can be determined by measuring
the pressure difference p1 - p2.
The theoretical flow rate q will in practice be smaller (2 - 40%) due to
geometrical conditions.
The ideal equation (3) can be modified with a discharge coefficient:

q = cd A2 [ 2 (p1 - p2) / ρ (1 - (A2 / A1)2) ]1/2 (3b)

cd = discharge coefficient

The discharge coefficient cd is a function of the jet size - or orifice opening - the
area ratio = Avc / A2

Avc = area in "vena contracta" (m2, ft2)

"Vena Contracta" is the minimum jet area that appears just downstream of the
restriction. The viscous effect is usually expressed in terms of the non-dimensional
parameter Reynolds Number - Re.
Equation (3) can be modified with diameters to:

q = cd (π / 4) D22 [ 2 (p1 - p2) / ρ (1 - d4) ]1/2


D2 = orifice, venturi or nozzle inside diameter (m, ft)

D1 = upstream and downstream pipe diameter (m, ft)

d = D2 / D1 diameter ratio

π = 3.14...

Equation (4) can be modified to mass flow for fluids by simply multiplying with the density:

m = cd (π / 4) D22 ρ [ 2 (p1 - p2) / ρ (1 - d4) ]1/2 (5)

 where
 m = mass flow (kg/s)
 Flange location - Pressure tap location 1 inch upstream and 1
inch downstream from face of orifice
 "Vena Contracta" location - Pressure tap location 1 pipe diameter (actual
inside) upstream and 0.3 to 0.8 pipe diameter downstream from face of
 Pipe location - Pressure tap location 2.5 times nominal pipe diameter
upstream and 8 times nominal pipe diameter downstream from face of
 The discharge coefficient - cd - varies considerably with changes in area
ratio and the Reynolds number. A discharge coefficient cd = 0.60 may be
taken as standard, but the value varies noticeably at low values of the
Reynolds number.

Example 01
Example 02
Example 03
Thank you

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