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A collection of tasks

for Formative Assessment


Grade 3
Dear teacher!

The group of teachers designed this collection of tasks as a teaching aid to assist teachers
within the framework of updating the content of education. Tasks with assessment criteria and
descriptors are samples for assisting teachers in providing constructive feedback to learners in terms
of achievement of learning objectives; in selecting and designing similar tasks, in planning lessons
and carrying out Formative Assessment.
The advisory nature of the tasks collection allows teachers to adapt, add and make changes
in tasks according to learners’ capacities and requirements.
Additional materials (manuals, presentations, plans, etc.), the discussion possibility on
forums and video instructions can be found on the official website of «Nazarbayev Intellectual
Schools» Autonomous Educational Organisation smk.edu.kz.

We wish you creative work and success!

This collection of tasks is designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations,
educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria-based assessment and
Freely available Internet resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio
materials, etc. have been used in designing this tasks collection. The collection of tasks was
designed for the uncommercial purposes.

TERM 1........................................................................................................................................... 4
Cross curricular unit: Animals ........................................................................................................ 4
Cross curricular unit: Light and Dark ........................................................................................... 15
TERM 2......................................................................................................................................... 26
Cross curricular unit: Time ........................................................................................................... 26
Cross curricular unit: Buildings .................................................................................................... 45
TERM 3......................................................................................................................................... 63
Cross curricular unit: Art and Music............................................................................................. 63
Cross curricular unit: Explorers and Inventors ............................................................................. 83
TERM 4....................................................................................................................................... 104
Cross curricular unit: Water, water everywhere ......................................................................... 104
Cross curricular unit: Having fun................................................................................................ 116


Cross curricular unit: Animals

Topic Animal types
Learning objective (3.L5) Distinguish between phonemically distinct words
Assessment criteria • Differentiate clearly between phonemically words
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Task. Listen to the teacher and write the number of the word you hear under the picture.
Teacher reads:
1. A forest
2. A river
3. Sea
4. Field
5. Mountain

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the number of the word under the correct picture;
• spells words accurately.

Topic Animal types

Learning objective (3.S1) Make basic statements which provide personal
information on a limited range of general topics
Assessment criteria • Make up personal sentences on general topics
Level of thinking skills Application
Task. Look at the pictures. Use the ideas to tell about animals. Give personal information.
Example: This is a fox. It is red. It lives in the forest. It eats small animals. The fox can run.
I like a fox. I can see it in the Zoo.

Descriptor: A learner
• names the animal;
• gives its colour;
• tells where it lives;
• tells what it can do;
• gives personal information.

Topic Animal types

Learning objective (3.UE5) Use interrogative pronouns including: which, what,
where, whose, how many, what kind of … on a limited range of
familiar topics

Assessment criteria • Use which, what, where, whose, how many, what kind of…in
the context of familiar topics

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Use the words to make questions. Write them in the table.

What How many Which Where Whose What kind of

1. can the golden eagle do?

2. animal lives in the mountains?

3. sea animals do you know?

4. legs does the saiga antelope have?

5. picture of safari animals is it?

6. can you see a snow leopard?

Descriptor: A learner
• fills the table with correct pronouns;
• makes up a question;
• spells the words correctly.

Topic Animal types

Learning objective (3.UE14) Use prepositions of location and position: at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to
describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in,
at to talk about days and times and no preposition next/last week

Assessment criteria • Describe location of people and position of things using at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above
• Talk about days and times using on, in, at
• Use next/last week

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Match the preposition to the picture.

Where is the dog?


in front of




next to


Descriptor: A learner
• uses the correct preposition;
• matches the prepositions to the appropriate picture.

Topic Body parts

Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify specific information and details in supported talk on

general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the sentences and circle the correct word. Put the number next to the correct

Teacher reads
What do the animals have?
1. Many elephants have got tusks.
2. Crabs don’t have paws, they have got claws.
3. Elephant has got a long trunk.
4. Birds don’t have arms, they have got wings.
5. Lion has got a tail.
6. Animals have got 4 paws.
7. Wolves and dogs have got snouts.

Descriptor: A learner
• writes numbers next to the correct picture.

Topic Body parts

Learning objective (3.S1) Make basic statements which provide personal
information on a limited range of general topics

Assessment criteria • Make up basic personal sentences on general topics

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures. Describe and compare animals. Use the ideas to help you.

1. Name the animal or bird.

2. Say where it lives.

3. What it eats.

4. What its colour is.

5. Compare their parts of the

bodies (tails, paws, necks,
Example: Zebra’s tail is
longer than sheep’s tail.
6. Say which animals you
like and don’t like.

Descriptor: A learner
• names and describes the animal;
• compares their parts of the bodies;
• makes up sentences.

Topic Animal Song and Dance
Learning objective (3.L2) Understand a limited range of short supported questions
which ask for personal information

Assessment criteria • Identify short supported personal questions

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the question and answer it.

1. What can a dog do? Animals sounds
2. Did you hear a dog bark in the street?
3. Can the lion fly?
4. Where can you see a lion?
5. What animal can swim?
6. Can the frog bark?
7. Can the bird roar?
8. What sound can a kitten make?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions correctly.

Topic Animal Song and Dance

Learning objective (3.L9) Recognise short basic words that are spelt out

Assessment criteria • Identify short simple words that are spelt out

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the words. Put the number of the word you hear under the appropriate word.
Teacher reads:
1. H-i-s-s
2. B-a-r-k
3. B-l-e-a-t
4. R-o-a-r
5. Q-u-a-c-k


Descriptor: A learner
• puts the number under the correct word.

Topic Animal Song and Dance
Learning objective (3.W1) Plan, write and check short sentences with
considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and
some curricular topics
Assessment criteria • Write a clear plan with considerable support
• Write short sentences with support
• Check short sentences
Level of thinking skills Application

Put a tick in the right box

Task. Write the sentence in the space. Use the ideas in the table. Check the sentences.
1. Name the animal.
2. Choose the action it does.
3. Ticks the correct option
4. Make up a sentence.
5. Write the sentence in the space.
6. Check the sentence.
is barking.  Example:
is hissing.
is mewing. 1. The dog is barking.

is roaring.
2. ______________________________
is quacking.

is bleating.

is mewing.
3. ________________________________
is roaring.

is barking.
is quacking.
is mewing. 4. ________________________________
is bleating.

is mewing.
5. ________________________________
is hissing.

is bleating.
Descriptor: A learner
• reads the words;
• ticks the correct option;
• uses words in the sentences;
• makes up sentences;
• writes the sentences;
• checks the sentences.

Topic Animal Song and Dance

Learning objective (3.UE4) Use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that,
those to refer to things on a limited range general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Use a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things
on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gaps. Use words from the table. Use each word once.

a/an the some any this these that those

1. This is ______ cat .

2. That is _______________ elephant .

3. ________________animals can swim.

4. _______________are birds.

5. ________________ are monkeys.

6. ___________ dog is barking.

7. _______________ dolphin is swimming.

8. Are there _________________ birds on the tree ?

9. ______________ horse eats grass.

Descriptor: A learner
• fills in the gaps with appropriate determiners;
• uses each word only once.

Topic Animal Song and Dance

Learning objective (3.UE10) Use common present continuous forms,

including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is
happening now

Assessment criteria • Tell what is happening at the moment

• Use Present Continuous forms in a talk
• Use short answers and contractions in a talk

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture and say what people or animals are doing. Make up dialogue..
Example: The girl is feeding giraffes.
Is she feeding a monkey? –No, she isn’t.

Descriptor: A learner
• makes up sentences;
• uses present continuous forms correctly;
• gives the short answers appropriately.

Topic Craft project

Learning objective (3.L1) Understand short supported classroom instructions in an

increasing range of classroom routines

Assessment criteria • Identify short classroom instructions with support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Think about the animal you want to make. Listen to

the instructions and follow them. Use the ideas.

1. Take a piece of paper any colour you need.

2. Put your hand on it and draw your palm.

3. Take scissors and cut the outline.

4. Draw the parts of the body of the animal

(head, tail, ears).

5. Glue the parts to the body.

6. Decorate the animal.

Descriptor: A learner
• follows classroom instructions;
• makes paper animal.

Topic Craft project

Learning objective (3.S6) Take turns when speaking with others in a limited range
of short, basic exchanges

Assessment criteria • Interact with others in short basic conversation

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Group work. Present your animal to the class.

Tell about it. Ask and answer questions if you need.
Use the ideas.
This is my bird.
It is blue and white.
It is made of paper.
Can your bird sing?
Yes, it can sing songs and fly.
Can you help me with my project?
Thank you for help.
Your presentation is great.

Descriptor: A learner
• works in a group;
• presents the animal to the class;
• makes up sentences about the animal;
• asks and answers the questions.

Cross curricular unit: Light and Dark

Topic Day and Night

Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in supported talk on general

and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the poem and fill in the gaps. Use the words from the table.
Teacher reads the poem.
Lightning Bugs
On a warm, calm, summer night,
You might see a yellow light
Dart in the air from bush to tree.
Whatever can that bright light be?
Go get a jar, with a lid that’s tight,
And try to catch your own night light!
yellow tree summer night light

Lightning Bugs

On a warm, calm, ____________________night,

You might see a ______________________light

Dart in the air from bush to ______________.

Whatever can that bright ________________be?

Go get a jar, with a lid that’s tight,

And try to catch your own __________ light !

Descriptor: A learner
• uses words from the box;
• fills in the gaps correctly.

Topic Day and Night
Learning objectives (3.L7) Use contextual clues to predict content in short,
supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.S4) Respond to questions on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Make prediction about short supported talk using contextual
• Reply to questions on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task 1. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher. Think what we are going to talk about.
Discuss with a partner.

Teacher reads phrases from the picture.

Task 2. Answer the questions.

1. When do you get up in the morning?
2. What do you do in the morning?
3. What do you eat for breakfast?
4. Do you go to school in the morning?
5. What do you have for dinner?
6. What do you like to do in the evening?
7. When do you go to bed?
8. Does the Sun shine at night?
9. What can you see in the night sky?
10. Do animals and birds sleep at night?
Descriptor: A learner
• discusses the topic with a partner using the picture;
• answers the questions correctly;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic Day and Night

Learning objective (3.R5) Understand the main points of short simple texts on a
limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using
contextual clues

Assessment criteria • Identify the main points of short texts using contextual clues on
familiar topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the text. Circle T (True) or F (False) next to the sentence.

Day and night

The Sun rises in the morning. It gets light and warm. The birds sing songs. People go to work,
children go to school.
When night comes, the Moon appears in the dark sky and millions of stars sparkle brightly.
Nocturnal animals start their active life.

1. The Moon rises at the daytime. T F

2. Millions of stars sparkle brightly in the dark sky. T F
3. Nocturnal animals start their active life at night. T F

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• marks the sentence for T (True) and for F (False) information
according to the text.

Topic Sources of light

Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify details in the short supported talk on general and
curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the sentence. Tick the correct picture.

Techare reads

1. The Sun is a source of light.

When a television is turned on, it

produces light.

Lightning Bugs, fireflies and glow-

wormsmake their own light.

4. The Moon is not a source of light.

A mirror doesn't make its own light, it

just reflects it.

Reflective strips on clothing help

cyclists to be visible at night.

Descriptor: A learner
• ticks the correct picture for each sentence.

Topic Sources of light

Learning objective (3.R3) Begin to read with rereading and usual support very
short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the details while rereading very short fiction and non-
fiction texts using support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Read the text.

Sources of light
Text 1.
The Sun, fires, torches and lamps are sources of light.
Mirrors and other objects reflect light. They do not make their
own light.
When a television is turned on, it produces light. Some
animals, such as fireflies and glow-worms are light sources.
They make their own light.

Text 2.
The Moon is not a source of light. It reflects light from the
Mirrors and polished metals reflect light well. Reflective
surfaces can be very useful.

Reflective strips on clothing and bikes help cyclists to be

visible at night.

Make up sentences. Use words from the boxes.

reflect mirror sources Moon strips

1. The Sun, fires and lamps are all ________________ of light.

2. Mirrors and other objects ____________________ light.
3. The ______________ is not a source of light.
4. The _______________reflects light from the Sun.
5. Reflective _____________ on clothing and bikes help cyclists at night.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• uses proper words from the box;
• completes the sentences.

Topic Sources of light
Learning objectives (3.S1) Make basic statements which provide personal
information on a limited range of general topics (3.UE13) Use can to make requests and ask permission; use
must / mustn’t / have to to talk about obligation
Assessment criteria • Make up basic personal sentences on general topics
• Use can, must/mustn’t/have to to make requests, talk about
obligation and ask for permission
Level of thinking skills Application
Task. Answer the questions. Use can, can’t, must, mustn’t, have to.

1. What do you have to use when it is dark in the room?

2. When can the television produce light?
3. Can I switch on the light when it is dark in the room?
4. Must I wear clothes with reflective stripes when I ride a bike in the evening?
5. Must you wear reflective strips on clothing and bikes when you ride a bike?
6. Do we have to use light in the room when the sun is shining?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions;
• gives personal information;
• uses the verbs can/can/t; must / mustn’t / have to appropriately in

Topic Sources of light

Learning objective (3.UE3) Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things;
use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative
form] to make comparisons
Assessment criteria • Describe things on general and some curricular topics
• Use variety of adjectives, including possessive adjectives in
• Use comparative form of one-syllable and some two-syllable
adjectives in description
Level of thinking skills Application
Task. Use the words in the box. Fill in the gaps.

beautiful hot bright hotter darker brighter

1. The Sun is a star. It is ____________________.

2. There are many ___________________ stars in the dark sky.
3. The ______________ Moon reflects the light from the Sun.
4. The fire is _____________ than the candle.
5. The light of the torch is ____________ than the light of the lightning bugs.
6. The night sky is ______________than the evening sky.
Descriptor: A learner
• uses appropriate adjectives;
• fills in the gaps correctly;
• makes up sentences.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.L5) Distinguish between phonemically distinct words

Assessment criteria • Differentiate clearly between phonemically words

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the words. Fill in the gaps with the correct letter.
Teacher reads the words.
1. Bright- light- night
2. Star- park- dark
3. Moon- spoon- cartoon

P L S B p M N D C

___ight ___tar __right ___ark S__oon ___ight __ark ___oon ___artoon

Descriptor: A learner
• chooses the correct letter;
• writes the correct letter in the space provided.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.L8) Understand short, narratives on a limited range of

general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify general information of a short story on general and

curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story. Write the animal word into the appropriate table. Use the words from the
Teacher reads the text:
Nocturnal animals are awake at night. They sleep during the day. Hedgehogs, skunks and
raccoons are nocturnal animals.
They can see in the dark and hunt at night. For example, an owl has special eyes that help it to
see colours at night.
Diurnal animals are awake during the day. They sleep at night. Deer, squirrels and eagles are
diurnal animals.
They hunt during the day. Some diurnal animals, like butterflies, get their food from flowers.
Snakes are diurnal animals. Snakes are reptiles. Reptiles need to rest in the sunlight during the
day to be warm.

deer hedgehogs squirrels owl eagles raccoons snakes skunks

Diurnal Animals Nocturnal Animals

Descriptor: A learner
• divides the name of the animals into diurnal and nocturnal;
• writes the name of the animals into the correct column.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.S3) Give short, basic description of people and objects on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Describe people and objects in short basic sentence

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the pictures. Choose one animal you want to speak about. Use the ideas to help you.

1. Name the animal.

2. Tell about its colour.
3. Say where it lives.
4. Tell what it eats.
5. Tell what it can do.
6. Tell when it hunts and when it sleeps.
7. Say animal diurnal or nocturnal is.

Descriptor: A learner
• names the animal;
• tells about its colour, size, way of life;
• defines the type of the animal;
• pronounces words clearly;
• uses grammatically correct sentences in speech.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.S6) Take turns when speaking with others in a limited range
of short, basic exchanges

Assessment criteria • Interact with others in short basic conversation

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Talk to each other about day and night animals and activities. Ask and answer questions.
Do you know any nocturnal Yes, I know a bat. It hunts at
animals? night. What do they do at day
They sleep at day time. Do I like to play at the day time.
you sleep at day time? Snakes and lizards like to
warm in the sun.

Descriptor: A learner
• talks with classmates about animals;
• asks and answers the questions;
• keeps the dialogue;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.W5) Link with support words or phrases using basic
coordinating connectors

Assessment criteria • Use linking words to connect words and phrases with support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the table.

and but or and then

1. Owl is a nocturnal bird _____ it hunts at night.

2. Snakes _____ other reptiles need to rest in the sunlight during the day to be warm and
3. Hedgehogs, skunks and raccoons sleep during the day, _______ they hunt at night.
4. Which animals are active in the day time nocturnal__________ diurnal?
5. Animas hunt, eat their food ____________ rest or sleep.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses connectors from the box correctly;
• makes up sentences.

Topic Out at night

Learning objective (3.W7) Spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency

words accurately during guided writing activities

Assessment criteria • Write often used familiar words clearly during guided writing

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Identify the word and spell it out. Fill in the crossword. Write the words

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the words correctly in the crossword;
• spells words correctly.


Cross curricular unit: Time

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.L8) Understand short, narratives on a limited range of

general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify main ideas of narratives on general and some

curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the text. Tick the correct item in the box next to the item.

Teacher reads:

1. My alarm clock rings at 6:30 7:30 8:30

2. I take a bath a bus a shower
I usually have bread with a glass of
3. a cup of coffee a cup of tea
chocolate and milk
4. I go to school by bus by car on foot
5. I usually do my homework from 3 to 4 from 4 to 5 from 3 to 5
6. I go to bed at 10 o’clock 12 o’clock 11 o’clock

Descriptor: A learner
• Identifies specific and general information and ticks the correct

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.S1) Make basic statements which provide personal
information on a limited range of general topics

Assessment criteria • Make up basic personal sentences on general topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the picture and tell about your day. Make up 9 sentences.

Descriptor: A learner
• tells about his/her day;
• uses ideas from the picture;
• makes up grammatically sentences;
• uses proper topical vocabulary;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.S2) Ask questions to find out about present experiences on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.S4) Respond to questions on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Talk about present experiences by asking questions on general

and some curricular topics
• Give answers to the questions on general and some curricular

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Talk to each other about daily routine. Ask and answer the questions. Use prompts.

When do you……..?
Where do you…….?
What do you ………………at ….. o’clock?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses prompts;
• asks and answers the questions;
• talks to the partner about his/her daily routine;
• uses grammatically correct sentences;
• uses appropriate topical vocabulary in speech.

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.W1) Plan, write and check short sentences with considerable
support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Write a clear plan with considerable support

• Write short sentences with support
• Check short sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Make up 7 sentences. Draw the time on a clock. Write sentences using drawn time and
phrases from the box.

Go to school eat dinner get up leave school eat lunch go to bed

eat breakfast

Check sentences for grammar and spelling errors.

Descriptor: A learner
• draws the time on the clock;
• uses phrases from the box;
• writes sentences using drawn time;
• spells the words correctly.

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.UE2) Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count and ordinal
numbers 1- 10

Assessment criteria • Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count

• Use ordinal numbers 1-10

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Match up the number on the left to the words on the right.

Task 2. Solve. Write your answer


Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • matches up the numbers to the words;
Task 2 • does the sums and minus;
• writes down his/her answers.

Topic Times of my day

Learning objective (3.UE14) Use prepositions of location and position: at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to
describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in,
at to talk about days and times and no preposition next/last week

Assessment criteria • Describe location of people and position of things using at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above
• Talk about days and times using on, in, at
• Use next/last week

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures. Fill in the gap with the correct preposition.

at behind between in in front of near next to on under above

Descriptor: A learner
• fills in the gaps with proper prepositions;
• uses prepositions from the box.

Topic Days of the week

Learning objective (3.R1) Recognize, identify and sound with support a limited
range of familiar words in simple sentences

Assessment criteria • Identify familiar words in simple sentences

• Pronounce familiar words in simple sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task 1. Read the text. Write the words of the days of the week under the picture. Say the words

This is Mike. He’s got small brown eyes. He can dance and he can
swim. He can’t ride a bike.
Every Monday, he plays football with his brother at home. Every
Tuesday, he swims with his friends at school. On Wednesdays, he sings
Chinese songs. On Thursdays, he plays computer games at home. Every
Friday, he draws pictures in his bedroom.

Task 2. Read the sentences. Write True or False next to the sentences.

1. Mike plays football with his sister. ___________________

2. He swims on Tuesdays. ___________________
3. Mike plays computer games on Thursday. ___________________
4. Mike reads Chinese books. ___________________
5. He draws pictures on Wednesdays. ____________________

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text and writes the right day of the week under the picture
according to the text;
• pronounces words of the week intelligibly;
• marks sentences for True and False information.

Topic Days of the week

Learning objectives (3.L7) Use contextual clues to predict content in short,
supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.W6) Use upper and lower case letters accurately when
writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing

Assessment criteria • Make prediction about short supported talk using contextual
• Write short sentences, including names and places, using upper
and lower case letters

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Look at the picture. Think what we are going to talk about. Discuss with a partner.

Listen to the story. Write the days of the week under the pictures.
Teacher reads:
This is Kate. She is nine years old. She is short and beautiful. She has got long dark hair. She
has got blue eyes. She can swim and dance well. She can sing modern songs.
On Monday she reads books. On Tuesday she plays the piano. On Wednesday she rides a
bike. On Thursday Kate swims in the swimming pool. She flies a kite on Friday. She watches TV
on Saturday. On Saturday she goes to the park.

Task 2. Listen to the story again. Write T for true ideas and F for false ideas next to the sentence.
Teacher reads the text again from Task 1.

1. Kate is tall and beautiful. ____

2. She has got long dark hair. ____
3. On Tuesday she plays the piano. ____
4. On Wednesday she goes out to the park. ____
5. On Friday she reads books. ____
6. On Saturday she watches TV. ____

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • makes prediction about the topic;
• expresses personal viewpoints on topic;
• uses days of the week in his/her speech;
• discusses the topic with the partner;
• writes the correct days of the week under the pictures;
Task 2 • writes T or F next to the sentences according to the text.

Topic Days of the week

Learning objectives (3.W4) Write with support short basic sentences with
appropriate spaces between words (3.UE2) Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count and ordinal
numbers 1- 10

Assessment criteria • Write with support short sentences by applying spaces between
• Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count
• Use ordinal numbers 1-10

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Write sentences. Leave enough space between words. Use pictures and words to help you.

Example: Sunday is the first day of the week.

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________

Descriptor: A learner
• uses days of the week in writing;
• uses ordinal numbers in writing;
• arranges words in the sentences correctly;
• leaves space between the words;
• spells words accurately.

Topic Days of the week

Learning objectives (3.S2) Ask questions to find out about present experiences on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics (3.UE17) Use me too and I don’t to give short answers

Assessment criteria • Talk about present experiences by asking questions on general

and some curricular topics
• Respond shortly using me too and I don’t

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about daily and weekly activities using ideas
from the pictures. Use me too and I don’t to answer the questions.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses ideas from the pictures;
• asks his/her partner questions about daily and weekly activities;
• uses me too, I don’t in his/her answer;
• answers the questions of his/her partner properly;
• pronounces words clearly;
• uses grammatically correct sentences in speech.

Topic Days of the week

Learning objectives (3.S6) Take turns when speaking with others in a limited
range of short, basic exchanges (3.UE9) Use common present simple forms [positive,
negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and
like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common
past simple forms to describe actions and feelings

Assessment criteria • Interact with others in short basic conversation

• Talk about wishes and likes, habits and facts, simple future
timetabled events in positive, negative and interrogative
sentences in Present Simple
• Use contraction forms in a talk in Present Simple
• Give a description of actions and feelings in Past Simple forms

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Talk to your partner. Tell what you like to do, what you want to do, what you did last week or
year. Tell what you feel when doing it. Use pictures for help.

Descriptor: A learner
• talks with his/her partner;
• uses present/past simple forms in the conversation ;
• uses grammatically correct sentences;
• tells about activities he/she likes and wants to do;
• tells what he/she did last month, year;
• tells about his/her feeling and emotions during the particular activity;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.L7) Use contextual clues to predict content in short,
supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Make prediction about short supported talk using

contextual clues

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Read the words on the board and think what we are going to listen about.

Teacher writes on the board:

play- played go-went
like-liked read-read
watch-watched come-came

Task 2. Listen to the story. Fill in the gaps with words from the boxes.

Teacher reads:
It was Sunday yesterday. Mary’s father and mother were not at home. They went to visit their
friends. Mary didn’t go with them. She went to the shop to buy a pen and a pencil. Then she wrote
a long letter to her friend. Mary likes to play the piano. She played the piano. Then she read a book
about animals. In the evening her friend Jenny came to see her. They played games and watched
TV. They watched a very funny film. They liked the film very much. When mother and father
came home Mary said, “I had a very good time.”

shop a book piano watched Sunday liked

1. It was __________________yesterday.
2. She went to the____________ to buy a pen and a pencil.
3. Mary likes to play the _______________.
4. Then she read __________________about animals.
5. They ____________________a very funny film.
6. They _________________the film very much

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • reads the words and make a prediction about the topic;
Task 2 • uses words form the boxes;
• completes sentences with proper words.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in short simple texts with
considerable support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the text. Answer the questions.

I like my art class. We have a great teacher Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. She taught
us how to mix paint to make the right colours for painting. We draw and paint every day in class.
We have an art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. I
have three paintings I am working on now. I hope my work will be in the art exhibition.

Answer the questions

1. What is one of the favourite classes of the student?
A) math
B) reading
C) art
D) music
2. Mrs. Hilbert is a … .
A) nice lady
B) wonderful artist
C) sweet person
D) beautiful person
3. What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to do?
A) bake chocolate cake
B) write great stories
C) mix paint
D) do long divisions
4. Where will the art exhibit be?
A) at the library
B) at one of the banks
C) at the school
D) at the church
5. How many paintings is she working on now?
A) one
B) two
C) six
D) three

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• answers the questions using information from the text.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.L8) Understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the idea of short stories on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task 1.Listen to the story. Answer the question.

Who is on my bed?

Teacher reads:
It was 10 o’clock. I went to see who was on my bed.
I saw a pig on my bed. I said, “ Get off , pig!”
I put the pig out, but a dog was on my bed. “ Get off, dog!”
I said. Then I saw the cat on my bed. I put the cat out.
Now it was me on my bed.

Task 2. Listen to the story again. Match the picture to the word.
Teacher reads the text again from Task 1.

1. 2. 3. 4.
I saw a I saw a I saw a I saw a

A. B. D.

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • answers the question;
Task 2 • matches the words to the pictures according to the story.

Topic At the right time
Learning objective (3.L9) Recognize short basic words that are spelt out
Assessment criteria • Identify basic words that are spelt out
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Task. Listen to the teacher and identify the day of the week. Write the correct name of the day.

Teacher spells the words out:

F-r-i-d-a-y, S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y, M-o-n-d-a-y, W-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y, T-u-e-s-d-a-y, S-u-n-d-a-y, T-h-u-r-s-

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the words correctly.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.UE9) Use common present simple forms [positive, negative,
question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits
and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common past simple
forms to describe actions and feelings
Assessment criteria • Talk about wishes and likes, habits and facts, simple future
timetabled events in positive, negative and interrogative
sentences in Present Simple
• Use contraction forms in a talk in Present Simple;
• Give a description of actions and feelings in Past Simple forms
Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Tell about the things you like/don’t like to do or did/didn’t do last year, last summer, at
different time of the day. Use words below.

Present go spend wake buy swim have need play talk

Simple up
Past went spent woke bought swam had needed played talked
Simple up

Usually Last year

In the morning Last spring
At day time Last summer
In the evening Last Sunday
At night Last winter
Every day Last week
Descriptor: A learner
• uses verbs in past and present forms appropriately;
• uses given words correctly in sentences;
• tells about likes and activities he/she does and did;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.R3) Begin to read with rereading and usual support very
short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the details while rereading very short fiction and non-
fiction texts using support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the text.


Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul went camping in the

They woke up early in the morning and then they went for
a walk. In the village they bought everything they needed. In
the afternoon they played football and swam in the river. They
did not have a TV set, so after dinner they talked and then they
went to sleep.

Answer the questions.

1. Where did Jimmy and Paul go on Easter holidays?
2. What did they do in the morning?
3. Why did they go to the village?
4. What game did they play in the afternoon?
5. Did they swim in the lake?
6. Why didn’t they watch TV?

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• answers the questions according to the text.

Topic At the right time

Learning objectives (3.S6) Take turns when speaking with others in a limited range
of short, basic exchanges (3.UE2) Use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal
numbers 1-10

Assessment criteria • Interact with others in short basic conversation

• Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count
• Use ordinal numbers 1-10

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Talk to your partner. Ask and answer questions.

1. How many days are there in a week?

2. What is the first day of the week?
3. What is your favourite day of the week?
4. What do you do on Wednesday?
5. How much is it 35+ 15=?
6. Do the sum 50 + 10=?
7. Tell the ordinal numbers 1- the first, 2- , 3- up to
the tenth ( the 10th ).
8. What is the sixth day of the week?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses cardinal numbers in a talk;
• uses ordinal numbers in a talk;
• asks questions to his/her partner;
• answers his/her partner’s questions;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic At the right time

Learning objective (3.UE14) Use prepositions of location and position: at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to
describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in,
at to talk about days and times and no preposition next/last week

Assessment criteria • Describe location of people and position of things using at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above
• Talk about days and times using on, in, at
• Use next/last week

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gap with a preposition.

In between at on in with in

1. Usually I get up _______________ 7o’clock.

2. I don’t go to school _____________ Saturday and Sunday.
3. School starts __________ September.
4. My school is ______front of my house.
5. My house is ________________ a shop and a bank.
6. Last Sunday I was ___________ the park.
7. I played ___________ my friends.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses prepositions from the boxes appropriately;
• completes the sentences.

Cross curricular unit: Buildings

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.L1) Understand short supported classroom instructions in an

increasing range of classroom routines

Assessment criteria • Identify short classroom instructions with support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the teacher. Follow the instructions.

1. Take a pencil and a piece of paper.

2. Draw a square or a rectangle.
3. Draw a triangle on the top of the rectangle.
4. Draw rectangles on both sides of the triangle.
5. On the right side of the triangle draw a rectangle.
6. In the middle of the square draw a rectangle.
7. On the left side of it draw a small circle.
8. On both sides of the rectangle draw two squares.
9. Name the picture.
10. Name the parts of the house.

Descriptor: A learner
• follows the instructions;
• draws the house;
• names the parts of the house.

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in supported talk while


Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story and put the pictures into the correct order. Write the number under the

Teacher reads:
Three little pigs lived in a forest. One pig built a house of straw. The second pig built a house
of wood. The third pig built a house of bricks.
One day a wolf came to the forest. He saw a straw house, blew at it, the house broke down.
Poor pig ran to the wooden house. The wolf blew at the wooden house and it broke down too. The
two pigs ran to the brick house. The third pig locked the door. The wolf blew at the brick house,
but it didn’t move.
The wolf went to the forest. Looked at the house and saw a chimney on the roof. The wolf
climbed up the chimney and came down it. The pigs made a fire and put a pan on it. The wolf fell
into the pan, cried and flew into the chimney. Poor wolf ran away and never come back.

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the numbers under the pictures according to the story;
• arranges the pictures into correct order.

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.S3) Give short, basic description of people and objects on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Describe people and objects in short basic sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Use the pictures. Tell the story about three pigs and the wolf. Describe pigs’ houses.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Descriptor: A learner
• describes the pigs’ houses;
• uses past simple forms;
• tells the story according to the pictures;
• pronounces words clearly;
• uses appropriate topical vocabulary;
• uses grammatically correct sentences.

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.R5) Understand the main points of short simple texts on
a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by
using contextual clues

Assessment criteria • Identify the main points of short texts using contextual
clues on familiar topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the texts.
Hut is made of straws and mud.
Huts are built in the villages.
Mud walls and straw roofs keep house cool in
Huts are built in warm places.

Igloos are made of ice and snow.
People used igloos as houses.
An igloo can reach temperatures of up to 50
degrees inside.
Igloo is built in cold arctic places.

Yurt is made of wood and felt.
Yurt is built in Central Asia, Mongolia.
Yurt is warm and light.

Wooden cottage
Wooden cottage is made of wood.
Wooden cottage is built in the country.
Wooden cottage is warm and beautiful.

Brick house
Brick house is made of bricks.
Brick houses are built in the cities.
Brick houses are warm and comfortable.

Stone castles
Stone castles are made of stone.
Stone castles are built many years ago.
Stone castles are old and beautiful.

Choose the correct option to give the answer.

1. What is the hut made of?
a) ice and snow b) straws and mud c)wood and felt

2. Where is igloo built in?

a) cold arctic places b) in the cities c) Central Asia, Mongolia

3. What kind of living place is Yurt?

a) old and beautiful b) warm and comfortable c) warm and light

4. Where is wooden cottage built?

a) the Moon b) the cities c) the country

5. What is brick house made of?

a) stone b) bricks c) straw

6. When are stone castles built?

a) many years ago b) yesterday c) last year

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• chooses the correct answers according to the texts.

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.R4) Use with some support a simple picture dictionary

Assessment criteria • Use simple picture dictionary with some support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures. Read the words and their definitions. Answer the questions.

What material is the hat made of?

STRAW - dry grass. It is made of______________
People make hats of straw.

What material is the house made of?

It is made of______________
BRICK- material in a
rectangle shape to build houses.

What material is the table made of?

WOOD - material It is made of _____________
from trees. People make tables, chairs of

What material is the wall made of?

STONE - hard material. It is made of _____________
People build walls or houses of it.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the words and their definitions;
• uses pictures as support;
• answers the questions correctly.

Topic Four walls

Learning objective (3.UE11) Use has got / have got, there is / are statement and
question forms including short answers and contractions

Assessment criteria • Use has got / have got statement and question forms
• Use there is / are statement and question forms
• Use has got / have got , there is / are short answers and

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Talk to your partner. Describe the picture. Ask and answer questions.
Tell about the house, walls, widows, a roof, a chimney, a door. Use the words: has got / have got,
there is / are.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses has got/have got, there is/there are to describe a picture;
• asks questions about the house;
• answers questions.

Topic Our town

Learning objective (3.W7) Spell a growing number of familiar high-

frequency words accurately during guided writing activities

Assessment criteria • Write often used familiar words clearly during guided
writing activities

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures. Write the correct word under the picture.
Teacher may write the words on the blackboard:

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the name of the pictures;
• spells the words correctly.

Topic Our town

Learning objective (3.UE1) Use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some
common irregular plural forms; use possessive forms ‘s/s’ with
proper names and nouns to talk about ownership

Assessment criteria • Use singular and plural forms of nouns and some irregular
• Talk about ownership using possessive forms ‘s/s’ with
proper names and nouns

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Read the words. Write plural form of the words.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps. Use words from the boxes.

his Mary’s her John’s my

1. This is ______________ city.

2. This is __________________ friend.
3. That is ________________ house.
4. This is __________________ shop.
5. That is _________________bank.

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • writes plural forms of nouns correctly;
Task 2 • uses possessive pronouns;
• completes sentences with pronounces from the boxes.

Topic Our town

Learning objective (3.UE3) Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a

limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things;
use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative
form] to make comparisons

Assessment criteria • Describe things on general and some curricular topics

• Use variety of adjectives, including possessive adjectives in
• Use comparative form of one-syllable and some two-syllable
adjectives in description

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures. Choose one picture to describe. Tell about the buildings, streets, places
in the city. Use big, tall, beautiful, modern, bright, new etc.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses adjectives to describe the objects in the picture;
• tells about buildings, streets, places;
• describe the picture.

Topic Our town
Learning objective (3.UE9) Use common present simple forms [positive,
negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and
like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common
past simple forms to describe actions and feelings
Assessment criteria • Talk about wishes and likes, habits and facts, simple future
timetabled events in positive, negative and interrogative
sentences in Present Simple
• Use contraction forms in a talk in Present Simple;
• Give a description of actions and feelings in Past Simple

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

1. Where do you like to go?

2. Why do you like to go there?
3. What do you like to do there?
4. Who do you like to go there with?
5. Do you often go there?
6. Did you go there with parents or friends?
7. Were you happy there?

Descriptor: A learner
• tells about places he/she likes to go;
• tells about activities he/she likes;
• uses present simple forms correctly;
• uses past simple forms;
• uses grammatically correct sentences

Topic Our town

Learning objective (3.UE14) Use prepositions of location and position: at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to
describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in,
at to talk about days and times and no preposition next/last week

Assessment criteria • Describe location of people and position of things using at,
behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above
• Talk about days and times using on, in, at
• Use next/last week

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the map of the city. Answer the questions. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

in front of near between behind next to at the corner

1. Where is the bank? The bank is _______________ the hotel.

2. Where is the library? The library is __________ the city hall and the post office.
3. Where is the Zoo? The Zoo is _____________the Post office.
4. Where is the supermarket? The supermarket is ___________ the hospital.
5. Where is the bookstore? The bookstore is_______________ the hospital.
6. Where is the police station? The police station is ____________ the corner.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses prepositions from the boxes and the picture;
• completes sentences with proper prepositions;
• answers the questions according to the picture.

Topic Around the house

Learning objective (3.L4) Understand a limited range of short supported questions
on general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify short supported questions on general and some

curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Look at the picture. Listen to the questions and answer them.

Teacher reads questions.

1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Is the house big or small?
3. How many floors are there in the house?
4. What is there near the garage?
5. Where is the garage?
6. How many windows are there in the house?
7. Are there any flowers in front of the house?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions according to the picture;
• says the size of the house, number of floors and windows;
• says the location of the garage.

Topic Around the house

Learning objective (3.S2) Ask questions to find out about present experiences on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Talk about present experiences by asking questions on general

and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the picture and ask questions about the rooms in the house.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses picture to talk about the rooms;
• asks questions about the rooms and objects in the house;
• uses grammatically correct sentences;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic Around the house

Learning objective (3.R3) Begin to read with rereading and usual support very
short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the details while rereading very short fiction and non-
fiction texts using support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Read the text.

My House

My house is where my family lives. It is blue. There are four

bedrooms in my house. We have a kitchen and three bathrooms. Our
family room is where we like to watch television together. When
people come over, we eat in the dining room. We have a swing in the
backyard. I love my house.

Answer the questions.

1. What colour is the house?
2. How many bedrooms are there in the house?
3. What happens in the family room?
4. What is there in the backyard?

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text with support;
• answers the questions according to the text.

Topic Around the house
Learning objective (3.W4) Write with support short basic sentences with
appropriate spaces between words
Assessment criteria • Write with support short sentences by applying spaces between
Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Use the words in the boxes. Put them into correct order to make a
sentence. Write the sentence. Leave space between words.

a This is house beautiful

1. __________________________________________________

It windows has got three.

2. __________________________________________________

There is on a chimney the roof.

3. __________________________________________________

beautiful There are in the flowers yard.

4. __________________________________________________

house. People in live the

5. __________________________________________________
Descriptor: A learner
• makes up sentences;
• puts the words in correct order;
• writes the sentences;
• leaves space between words.

Topic Around the house

Learning objective (3.W1) Plan, write and check short sentences with considerable
support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Write a clear plan with considerable support

• Write short sentences with support
• Check short sentences

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Follow the questions to write about the house.

1. Name the object.
2. Size, colour.
3. Rooms.
4. Car.
5. Animals.

1. Name the object in the picture.

This is a ___________________.
2. Tell about the size.( big or small)
It is ______________________.
3. How many rooms are there?
There are _________________.
4. Is there a car in the garage?
There is __________________.
5. What animals are there in the yard?
There is a ____________ and a____________.

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions according to the picture;
• writes sentences correctly;
• uses the plan to check.

Topic Around the house

Learning objective (3.UE4) Use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that,
those to refer to things on a limited range general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Use a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things
on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use a, an, the, some, any, this.

1. __________________ is a family.
2. They live in _____________ house.
3. ________ house is big and beautiful.
4. There is ______ animal in the house.
5. There are ________trees in the yard.
6. Are there ________ flowers near the house?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses determiners correctly;
• completes sentences with proper determiners.

Cross curricular unit: Art and Music

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objectives (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of general
and some curricular topics (3.S8) Recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited
range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the content of short narratives on general and some
curricular topics
• Retell basic story and events on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to a story and answer the questions.

1. What did Nick tell his mother one day?

2. Which instrument did Nick want to play?
3. What did Nick see in the music shop?
4. Who helped Nick choose the instrument he liked?

Now retell the story.

Teacher reads:
One day a boy named Nick told his mother that he wanted to learn to play a musical
instrument. His mother asked which instrument Nick wanted to play, but the boy did not know. So,
they went to a music shop to find what Nick liked.
Nick saw many instruments in the shop. They were of different sizes, shapes and colors. He
spent a lot of time, but could not choose.
The shop man decided to help. He let Nick listen and observe him playing every instrument.
The boy was very excited. He said his favourite instrument was the electronic guitar.

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions according to the talk;
• retells the story using questions as support.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objective (3.S3) Give short, basic description of people and objects on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Describe people and objects in short basic sentence

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Imagine you went to the concert yesterday. Think and say, which musical instruments you
saw and heard at that concert. Which of the instruments you liked and why.
Teacher can use different pictures of musical instruments as a support.

Descriptor: A learner
• talks about musical instruments he/ she saw and heard at the
• tells what musical instruments he/she likes;
• explains why he/she likes these instruments;
• pronounces words clearly.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objective (3.S5) Pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly
when reading aloud

Assessment criteria • Pronounce familiar words and short phrases clearly

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Match the pictures to the words. Write the names of the instruments in the boxes.
Read the words aloud to your teacher.
trumpet piano kettledrum oboe flute guitar
clarinet bassoon drum horn harmonica











Descriptor: A learner
• matches pictures of the musical instruments to their names;
• reads words and phrases aloud.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objective (3.R1) Recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range
of familiar words in simple sentences

Assessment criteria • Identify familiar words in simple sentences

• Pronounce familiar words in simple sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the sentences and match them to the pictures of instruments. Choose ONE instrument to
colour and say why you like it.

1. It’s a green drum. A.

2. It’s a red guitar. B.

3. It’s a yellow flute. C.

4. It’s a blue piano. D.

5. It’s a purple kettledrum. E.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the sentences;
• matches the sentences to the pictures;
• colours one instrument;
• talks about one instrument, explaining why he/she likes it.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objective (3.R2) Read and follow with limited support familiar
instructions for classroom activities

Assessment criteria • Read and follow classroom instructions with some support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Find the names of 5 musical instruments and cross them.


Descriptor: A learner
• reads and follows the instructions;
• crosses the names of 5 musical instruments in the word search.

Topic Musical instruments

Learning objective (3.UE12) Use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes,
often, always, never to indicate when and how often; begin to use
simple adverbs of manner example given well, badly

Assessment criteria • Use simple adverbs of manner well, badly

• Use sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Imagine you are a musician. Use sometimes, often, always, never and well, badly to tell the

- what instrument you play (1 sentence)

- when and how often you play it (1-2 sentences)
- how you play it: well or badly (1 sentence)
- why you like it (1 sentence)

Descriptor: A learner
• makes and tells the class 4-5 sentences about a musical instrument;
• explains why he/she plays this instrument well/badly;
• uses adverbs of time, frequency and manner in his/her sentences;
• uses grammatically correct sentences.

Topic Drawing chairs

Learning objective (3.L1) Understand short supported classroom

instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines

Assessment criteria • Identify simple supported instructions on classroom activities

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to teacher’s instructions. Draw and colour the chair.

Teacher’s instructions:
1. Take a ruler and a pencil
2. Connect the dots from 1 to 25 to get a picture of a chair
3. To finish the picture connect the dots:
- 10 and 13
- 9 and 14

- 4 and 1
- 1 and 25
- 25 and 22
- 21 and 18
- 17 and 14
- 6 and 11
- 5 and 12
4. Now your picture is finished! Colour your chair.
5. Choose any colour you like.
6. You have ___ minutes to colour (teacher decides on the time).
7. When you finish, put your picture to the blackboard.

Descriptor: A learner
• follows instructions for drawing a chair;
• colours the chair any colour he/she likes;
• completes the task correctly.

Topic Drawing chairs

Learning objective (3.L3) Understand the main points of short, slow, carefully
articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Identify the main idea of a short slow carefully talk on general
and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the history of chairs. Read the statements and mark them True (T) or False (F).

1. Before the 16th century, chairs were only for important people. ____________
2. Before the 16th century, benches were only for important people. ____________
3. Old chairs were big and not beautiful. ____________
4. Today chairs are made of different materials. ____________
5. It is very difficult to find and buy chairs today. ____________

Teacher reads:
Many years ago, only the king or the important person in the room sat on a chair.
Other people stood or used benches. The chairs were tall and large and had many different
decorations. They were made of stone and wood. In the 16th century, chairs became furniture for
all people.
Today a chair has got four legs, a seat, and a back. It has different shapes, sizes and colours. It
is made of wood, plastic, metal and many other materials. You can find chairs in every house, flat,
office or other building. People like chairs; they are popular today.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the statements;
• marks the statements true if the statements agrees with the
given information;
• marks the statements false if the statements contradicts the
given information.

Topic Drawing chairs

Learning objective (3.R4) Use with some support a simple picture dictionary

Assessment criteria • Use a simple picture dictionary with support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Read the sentences about different types of chairs and match them to the pictures.

1. A
This seat has got four legs, two arms and
a back. It is long. Many people can sit
on it.

2. B
This seat has a long back. It is for an
important person, like a king.

3. C
This seat has got four legs, a back and a
small table. This chair is for a child to
help him/her eat.

4. D
This seat hasn’t got a back or arms, but
it has got three or four legs.

5. E
This seat is for one person. It is very
comfortable and soft. It has 4 legs, 2
arms and a back.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the descriptions of different types of chairs;
• matches the descriptions to the pictures.

Topic Drawing chairs

Learning objective (3.UE11) Use has got / have got, there is / are statement and
question forms including short answers and contractions

Assessment criteria • Apply has got / have got there is / are in sentences and
• Apply has got / have got there is / are in short answers and

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Think of chairs you have in your house / flat. Choose ONE and describe it. Write:

- How many chairs are there in your house / flat?

- Which chair did you choose to describe?
- Why did you choose this chair?
- What parts has it got?
- Who is this chair for in your house / flat?

Task 2. Find a partner, ask and answer questions about the chair you and your classmate
described, in a form of a short dialogue.

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • describes a chair he/she has at home using definite grammar
patterns (have/has got, there is/are);
Task 2 • talks to a partner (asks and answers questions) about a chair
he/she described.

Topic My music

Learning objective 31.5.1 (3.L5) Distinguish between phonemically distinct words

Assessment criteria • Determine phonemically appropriate words

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the song. Choose and write the correct answer. Read the words in the tables aloud.
Teacher reads:
Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on that farm he had some ducks.
Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on that farm he had some pigs.
Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on that farm he had some cows.
Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on that farm he had some dogs
Old MACDONALD had a farm
And on that farm he had some cats.

1. Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on that farm he had some _______________s
dark duck dog

2. Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on that farm he had some _______________s
pig beak big

3. Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on that farm he had some _______________s
cow car cat

4. Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on that farm he had some _______________s
dark duck dog

5. Old MACDONALD had a farm

And on that farm he had some _______________s
cat cut caught

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the lines and writes the correct word;
• reads the words aloud to be able to distinguish different

Topic My music

Learning objective (3.S4) Respond to questions on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Produce answers to questions on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Choose a partner, ask and answer the questions.

1. Do you like to listen to music?

2. Why do you like music?
3. How often do you listen to music?
4. What is your favourite music?
5. Why do you like this music?

Descriptor: A learner
• works in pairs;
• asks and answers questions about music;
• pronounces words clearly;
• uses topical vocabulary.

Topic My music

Learning objective (3.W3) Write short phrases to identify people, places and

Assessment criteria • Write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. What can you see in the picture? Write what / who you see.
Example: Black guitar. In the picture, I can see my favourite singer.






Descriptor: A learner
• describes pictures in written form;
• writes short phrases/sentences for each picture.

Topic My music

Learning objective (3.W5) Link with support words or phrases using basic
coordinating connectors

Assessment criteria • Use linking words to connect words and phrases with support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gaps with and, or, but, so.

1. She says that she loves her dog, ________ she doesn't play with it very often.
2. Do you like apples ________ bananas?
3. I was shopping all day, _______ I did not have time to do my homework.
4. My sister took me to the shop, ________ bought me a new dress.
5. Mother told us to wash dishes, ________ clean our rooms.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses and, or, but, so;
• completes sentences correctly..

Topic My music

Learning objective (3.UE17) Use me too and I don’t to give short answers

Assessment criteria • Respond using me too and I don’t

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Your new friend tells you some information about himself. He also wants to know about
you. Use “me too” or “I don’t” to tell him about yourself.

1. I like playing the piano. What about you?

2. I know many types of music. What about you?
3. I have a brother, who can play the bassoon. What about you?
4. I like listening to Kazakh music. What about you?
5. On weekends, I often go to different concerts. What about you?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions;
• uses phrases "me too" and "I don't".

Topic Shadow puppet show

Learning objective 3.L8 Understand short narratives on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify short stories on general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story about the Hare and the Tortoise. Answer the questions.

Teacher reads: The Hare and The Tortoise

Once, a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly with a heavy shell on his back. The hare was very
proud of himself and he asked the tortoise. “Shall we have a race?"
The tortoise agreed. They started the running race. The hare ran very fast. But the tortoise
walked very slowly. The proud hair rested under a tree and soon slept off. But the tortoise walked
very fast, slowly and steadily and reached the goal. At last, the tortoise won the race.

Answer the questions in full sentences.

1. Who are the main characters in this story?
2. How did the story start?
3. Which animal slept in the middle of the race?
4. Which animal won the race at the end?
5. Why did this animal win the race?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in full sentences according to the story.

Topic Shadow puppet show

Learning objective (3.W1) Plan, write and check short sentences with considerable
support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Plan, produce and proofread short sentences with considerable
support on personal, general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Describe the picture. The questions can help you.

1. Which puppets can you see in the picture?

2. What is the name of the story?
3. Who are the main characters of the story?
4. What is this story about?

Use this space to plan and write your answers:


Check your sentences (the teacher can help you) and write the correct ones here:


Descriptor: A learner
• plans his / her sentences (possibly with help of questions) to
describe the picture;
• writes answers to the questions;
• checks and writes down the correct sentences.

Topic Shadow puppet show

Learning objective (3.W6) Use upper and lower case letters accurately when
writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing

Assessment criteria • Write short sentences, including names and places, using upper
and lower case letters

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Listen to the sentences and write them down correctly.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Techer reads:
1. The Three Little Pigs
2. This is the story from England.
3. Puppets were popular in Africa.
4. Peter and the Wolf.

Descriptor: A learner
• writes phrases and sentences;
• uses upper and lower case letters appropriately;
• spells words correctly.

Topic Shadow puppet show

Learning objective (3.W8) Include appropriate use of a full stop during guided
writing of short, familiar sentences

Assessment criteria • Write a full stop at the end of short sentence

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture and answer the questions in full sentences. Put a full stop at the end of
the sentence.

1. Which of the puppets do you like?

2. Why do you like this puppet?
3. What name can you give to this puppet?
4. What role can this puppet play in a shadow puppet show?

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in full sentences;
• includes a full stop at the end of each sentence;
• starts sentence with capital letter.

Cross curricular unit: Explorers and Inventors

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.L2) Understand a limited range of short supported questions
which ask for personal information

Assessment criteria • Identify short supported personal questions

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Talk to a partner. Listen and answer the questions in full sentences.

1. Do you like learning about space? Why / why not?

2. Do you want to become an astronaut? Why / why not?
3. Do you want to fly to space? Why / why not?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in complete sentences;
• provides personal information.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of general
and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the main idea of a short story on general and
curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the teacher and mark the sentences True and False.

1. There are eight planets in the Solar System. __________________

2. The sun is not a planet. __________________
3. Mercury is a very big planet. __________________
4. The colour of Mars is orange. __________________
5. There are two planets in the Solar System, which have rings. __________________

Teacher reads:
Our Solar System has eight planets. The sun is at the center of the Solar System. The sun is a
star. A star is a hot ball of gas.
Mercury is the first planet from the sun. This is a small, hot and rocky planet.
Venus is the second closest planet from the sun. Venus is rocky, cloudy, windy and very hot.
We live on the Earth, the third planet from the sun. Earth is rocky and has a lot of water.
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is a rocky, red planet.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. This planet is a gas giant. It has four rings.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. This gas giant has seven beautiful rings made of ice,
dust and rocks.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is a light-blue gas giant. Uranus is very cold and
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. This is a light-blue gas giant. This planet is very

Descriptor: A learner
• marks the sentences True and False.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.S8) Recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited
range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Retell very short stories and events on general and curricular

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Watch the video or listen to the story. Retell the story shortly with help of pictures.
Follow the link to watch the video: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-

Teacher can read the story:

Thousands of miles from Earth is a small planet, Fliptune. It is dark and cold. Little green
aliens live there. They use torches to see. One day, a young alien, Neila, put the wrong batteries in
her torch. Suddenly, there was a dazzling beam of light. It went up into the sky and hit planet
Earth. The light hit a boy called Billy and his dog, Splodge. Neila quickly turned the torch off, but
the pair were sucked up by the light. They landed near Neila. “Hello,” said Billy. Neila waved.
“Wow!” said Billy. “Everything’s made of ice cream!” Splodge licked his paw. “The ice cream
never melts, and nobody eats it. It’s too cold here,” said Neila. Neila looked sad. “Can you help
us?” she said. “We need sunshine to make things grow.” “No problem,” said Billy. “Can you get
us home? I have an idea.” “Wait there!” said Neila. She got her torch and put the wrong batteries
in again. ZOOOOOOOOM! Billy and Splodge were speeding back to Earth. Billy pointed his
bedroom mirror between the sun and Fliptune. The sun’s rays bounced off the mirror and up onto
Neila’s planet. Thanks to Billy, Fliptune is not cold any more. Splodge moves the mirror each day
to keep the sun shining there. Now, Neila and her friends sit in the sun and enjoy all that free ice

Descriptor: A learner
• watches the video;
• retells the story shortly with help of pictures.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.R5) Understand the main points of short simple texts on a
limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using
contextual clues

Assessment criteria • Identify the main points in the short text using contextual clues

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the first part of the story about Fliptune and Neila the alien. Choose the correct answer
to complete the sentences. Write the answer on the line.

Thousands of miles from Earth, there is a small planet, Fliptune. It is dark, cold and far from
the Sun. Little green aliens live there. They use torches to see.
One day, a young alien, Neila, put the wrong batteries in her torch and there was a dazzling
beam of light. It went up into the sky and hit planet Earth.

1. Fliptune is ____________ and cold. dark light dangerous

2. The aliens use ____________ to see. candles torches lights
3. Neila put the wrong ____________ in her torch. power bulb batteries

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the story;
• chooses and circles the correct answer.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the some detailed information in short simple texts with
considerable support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the story. Put the sentences in a right order.

The light hit a boy called Billy and his dog, Splodge. They flew through space and landed near
“Hello,” said Billy. Neila waved.
“Wow!” said Billy. “Everything’s made of ice cream!”
“The ice cream never melts. It’s too cold here,” said Neila.
Neila looked sad. “Can you help us?” she said. “We need sunshine.”
“No problem,” said Billy. “Can you get us home? I have an idea.”

Neila was sad, but Billy said he would help her.

The beam of light hit Billy and his dog, Splodge. They flew to Fliptune.
Fliptune was made of ice cream.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the story;
• puts the sentences in the right order according to the text.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.W1) Plan, write and check short sentences with considerable
support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Write a clear plan with considerable support

• Write short sentences with support
• Check short sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Imagine you have a torch like Neila’s, which could take you anywhere in the world.
Where would you like to go? Why? Write 4-6 sentences about it and draw a picture!

Note for a teacher: Show the video if the learners do not remember the story. Or Teacher can
discuss the topic with learners to give them ideas.
Follow the link to show the video: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-

Teacher can read

Thousands of miles from Earth, on the far side of the universe, is a small planet, Fliptune. It is
dark and cold, far from the sun, behind a much bigger planet. Little green aliens live there. They use
torches to see.
One day, a young alien, Neila, put the wrong batteries in her torch. Suddenly, there was a
dazzling beam of light. It went up into the sky, around the Sun, and hit planet Earth.
The light hit a boy called Billy and his dog, Splodge. Neila quickly turned the torch off, but the
pair were sucked up by the light. They flew through space and landed near Neila.
“Hello,” said Billy. Neila waved.
“Wow!” said Billy. “Everything’s made of ice cream!” Splodge licked his paw.
“The ice cream never melts, and nobody eats it. It’s too cold here,” said Neila.
“It will in my tummy,” thought Splodge.
Neila looked sad. “Can you help us?” she said. “We need sunshine to make things grow.”
“No problem,” said Billy. “Can you get us home? I have an idea.”
“Wait there!” said Neila.
She got her torch and put the wrong batteries in again. ZOOOM! Billy and Splodge were
speeding back to Earth. Billy pointed his bedroom mirror between the sun and Fliptune. The sun’s
rays bounced off the mirror and up onto Neila’s planet.
Thanks to Billy, Fliptune is not cold any more. Splodge moves the mirror each day to keep the
sun shining there. Now, Neila and her friends sit in the sun and enjoy all that free ice cream.

Descriptor: A learner
• plans 4-6 sentences in accordance with the task;
• writes and checks 4-6 sentences about where he/she would like
to go;
• explains why he/she would like to go there;
• draws a picture of imaginary place.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.W2) Write words and phrases of regular size and shape

Assessment criteria • Include words and phrases of regular size and shape in sentences

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Imagine that Billy and Splodge discover another strange planet. Write about that planet in 4-5
sentences. Answer the questions.

• What's it called?
• What's the weather like?
• What grows there?
• What type of aliens lives there?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses words and phrases of regular size and shape;
• answers the questions;
• writes 4-5 sentences about the planet.

Topic Exploring space

Learning objective (3.UE9) Use common present simple forms [positive, negative,
question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits
and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common past simple
forms to describe actions and feelings

Assessment criteria • Talk about wishes and likes, habits and facts, simple future
timetabled events in positive, negative and interrogative
sentences in Present Simple
• Use contraction forms in a talk in Present Simple
• Give a description of actions and feelings in Past Simple forms

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. You may choose any 4 questions you
like to ask.
In your answers use the correct present and past simple forms.
Example: Did you visit the space museum yesterday? – Yes, I did. / Yes, I visited the space
museum yesterday.

1. Do you want to be an astronaut?

2. Do you like learning about space?
3. How many planets are there in our Solar System?
4. Did you know that the Sun is a star?
5. Was it interesting for you to visit the space museum?
6. Do you know how many astronauts flew into space and explored it?
7. Are you going to read a book about the space shuttle?
8. How did you feel when we started learning about space in English?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses appropriate present / past simple forms;
• answers the questions.

Topic Marco Polo
Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics
Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in supported talk on general
and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the information about the Silk Road and answer the questions in full sentences.

1. What is the Silk Road?

2. Why was the Silk Road important?
3. What goods did the Chinese sell?
4. What goods did the merchants buy?

Teacher reads:
The Silk Road was a trade route that went from China to Eastern Europe. The Silk Road was
important because it helped to share ideas, culture, inventions, and unique products, have trade
between different kingdoms and empires.
On the Silk Road one of the main products traded was silk cloth from China. People from
Asia and Europe liked Chinese silk very much. The Chinese also sold teas, salt, sugar, porcelain,
and spices. They were expensive luxury goods, because it was a long trip and merchants didn't
have a lot of room for goods. They bought goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in full sentences.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.S3) Give short, basic description of people and objects on a
limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Describe people and objects in short basic sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Imagine you are a merchant. You travelled along the Silk Road and saw many interesting
people, places and things. Now you are at home. In 5-7 sentences, tell your friends about the
places, people and things you saw.

Descriptor: A learner
• makes 5-7 basic sentences;
• describes people and objects, things;
• describes his / her past experiences.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.S4) Respond to questions on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Reply to questions on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Talk to a partner. Answer the questions in full sentences.

1. What do you know about Marco Polo?

2. What do you know about the Silk Route?
3. Was it interesting for you to learn about Marco Polo and his adventures?
4. Why was / wasn’t it interesting for you to learn about Marco Polo and his adventures?
5. Do you like travelling?
6. Why do / don’t you like travelling?
7. What countries do you want to go to?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in full sentences.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.S5) Pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly
when reading aloud

Assessment criteria • Articulate familiar words and phrases correctly

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Read the sentences aloud to your partner first and then to your teacher.
1. Marco Polo was a merchant and explorer.
2. Marco was born in Venice, Italy in 1254
3. Marco Polo's father and uncle wanted to travel the Silk Road.
4. Marco first went to China when he was 17 years old.
5. He met a lot of different people and had many adventures.

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the sentences aloud;
• pronounces familiar words and phrases intelligibly.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify detailed information in simple texts with considerable


Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Read the text and mark the statements True or False.
The Silk Road was a trade route that went from China to Eastern Europe. The Silk Road was
important because it helped to share ideas, culture and inventions.
It was called the Silk Road because one of the main products traded was silk cloth from
China. People from Asia and Europe liked Chinese silk very much. The Chinese also sold teas,
salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices.

1. The Silk Road was very long. __________

2. The Silk Road was very important. __________
3. The main product of the Silk Road was porcelain. __________
4. The Chinese sold animals on the Silk Road. __________

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the texts;
• marks the statements true and false according to the text.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.W2) Write words and phrases of regular size and shape

Assessment criteria • Include words and phrases of regular size and shape in

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Think, which words you must write
with a capital letter.

1. many / silk / years / popular / road / was / ago / the


2. the / people / bought / silk / many / on / things / road


3. polo / the / road / travelled / marco / silk


4. father’s / polo’s / name / niccolo / was / marco


Descriptor: A learner
• puts the words in the correct order;
• writes appropriate words with a capital letter.

Topic Marco Polo
Learning objective (3.W3) Write short phrases to identify people, places and

Assessment criteria • Write sentences to identify people, places and objects

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the picture. Describe what you see.

In the picture, I can see_______________

Marco Polo

Descriptor: A learner
• describes the picture in short phrases;
• writes about people, people and objects in the picture.

Topic Marco Polo

Learning objective (3.W6) Use upper and lower case letters accurately when
writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing

Assessment criteria • Write short sentences, including names and places, using upper
and lower case letters

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Listen to the sentences and write them down correctly.

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________

Teacher reads the sentences:

1. Marco Polo was born in Italy.
2. China is a big country in the East.
3. Porcelain has many beautiful pictures on it.
4. Chinese spices are very nice.

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the sentences down correctly;
• uses upper and lower case letters accurately.

Topic Bright ideas

Learning objective (3.L9) Recognise short basic words that are spelt out

Assessment criteria • Identify short simple words that are spelt out

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Listen to the words spelt out by your teacher and write them down correctly.


Teacher reads:
1. nice
2. useful
3. silly
4. dangerous
5. clever
6. easy
7. difficult

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the words down correctly.

Topic Bright ideas

Learning objective (3.S2) Ask questions to find out about present experiences on
a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Talk about present experiences by asking questions on

general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Imagine your friend is a famous inventor. He shows you his / her new invention, but you
don’t understand what it is. Think and ask him 3 questions to know more about the invention.

Descriptor: A learner
• makes 3 questions about an invention;
• asks a peer 3 question about an invention.

Topic Bright ideas

Learning objective (3.UE3) Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a

limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things;
use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives
[comparative form] to make comparisons

Assessment criteria • Describe things on general and some curricular topics

• Use variety of adjectives, including possessive adjectives in
• Use comparative form of one-syllable and some two-syllable
adjectives in description

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. You came home after school. You had an interesting art lesson where you made different
paper and plastic inventions. For example, it is water cleaning device. In 4-6 sentences, tell your
family about your and your friend’s invention. Use positive, comparative and possessive
adjectives in your sentences.

Descriptor: A learner
• makes 4-6 sentences about inventions;
• uses positive, comparative and possessive adjectives in the

Topic Bright ideas

Learning objective (3.UE6) Use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those in
open and closed questions

Assessment criteria • Apply this, these, that, those in interrogative sentence

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentences.

1. Is ______________ your invention? These This Those

2. Look there! Is ______________the famous inventor on the bus? That This These
3. Come here and look! Aren’t ______________robots nice? Those These That
4. Are the computers in _______________room useful? These Those This
5.______________ your smart phone over there? Is that Are that Is this
6.______________ electronic books your favourite? Are these Those Are that

Descriptor: A learner
• chooses the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the

Topic Bright ideas

Learning objective (3.UE7) Use personal object pronouns [indirect] in

conjunction with direct object nouns to describe actions and events

Assessment criteria • Describe actions and events using personal object pronouns
with direct object nouns

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Choose the correct pronoun to replace the underlined part.

1. The teacher gave the students the task to invent a robot for EXPO.
a. me b. them c. you
2. I am reading the book about bright ideas to my little sister.
a. her b. us c. him
3. The boys are riding their bikes.
a. it b. them c. her
4. My father is writing a letter to John about his new clever idea.
a. me b. her c. him
5. Sally is going to Anne. They will watch a film.
a. her b. him c. me
6. Can you tell the people about this car, please?
a. you b. them c. us
7. These electronic books are for Peter.
a. him b. her c. you
b. Can you tell my sister and me about that plane, please?
a. her b. me c. us

Descriptor: A learner
• chooses the correct personal object pronoun;
• replaces the underlined part with the correct personal object

Topic Inventions in Kazakhstan

Learning objective (3.L7) Use contextual clues to predict content in short,
supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Predict the content of the short story using contextual clues

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the words in the box. Predict the content of the short story with help of these

2013 Kostanay mini laboratory Moon climate and surface camera laser

Listen and check if your idea was right.

Teacher reads:
In 2013 the young inventor Oleg Lilo from the Novotroitsk village in Kostanay region
invented a mini-laboratory “Moon”. He was the eighth grade student. Oleg said this laboratory
could explore the climate and surface of the Moon. You could control this device at distance. It
had the camera, the laser. This student got the first place for his invention at a competition in

Descriptor: A learner
• reads through the given contextual clues;
• predicts the content of the short story;
• compares his/her idea to the original one.

Topic Inventions in Kazakhstan

Learning objective (3.L8) Understand short narratives on a limited range of

general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify main ideas of narratives on general and some

curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story and answer the questions in full sentences:

1. Who is Nazifa Baktybaeva?

2. When did Nazifa make her first invention?
3. What kind of invention was it?
4. Why did NASA offer Nazifa to study in the USA?
5. What does Nazifa do today?

Teacher reads:
Nazifa Baktybaeva, a student from Almaty, constructed an aerostat to explore the galaxy.
Nazifa hopes to become an astronaut in the future.
Nazifa made her first invention when she was 16. She invented the orbiter “Venus”, which
could explore the most mysterious planet of the solar system. The orbiter attracted attention of
NASA, and they offered Nazifa to continue her education in the USA.
Later, Nazifa Baktybaeva, started to design and construct aerostats by herself. She won a lot
of the international scientific competitions. Nazifa decided to stay in Kazakhstan and continue to
design and construct rockets.

Descriptor: A learner
• answers questions in full sentences.

Topic Inventions in Kazakhstan

Learning objective (3.S2) Ask questions to find out about present experiences on
a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Talk about present experiences by asking questions on general

and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Imagine your friend is a famous inventor of Kazakhstan. He invented a smart device. You
want to know what he is inventing now. Think and ask him 5 questions.

Descriptor: A learner
• makes 5 questions about an invention;
• asks a peer 5 question about an invention.

Topic Inventions in Kazakhstan

Learning objective (3.W5) Link with support words or phrases using basic
coordinating connectors

Assessment criteria • Use linking words to connect words and phrases with support

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gaps with and, but, or and so

1. Many inventions for cooking different national food ________ making drinks were invented
in Kazakhstan.
2. There are many young inventors in Kazakhstan, ___________ they are not very famous to
the world.
3. There are many young inventors in Kazakhstan, ___________ soon our country will be
popular with its inventions.
4. The pupil of NIS in Astana Kazbek Tokhtarov invented the "smart" yurta. It has solar
batteries _________ warm floor.

Descriptor: A learner
• completes sentences with appropriate connectors.


Cross curricular unit: Water, water everywhere

Topic Rain, rain

Learning objective (3.S5) Pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly
when reading aloud

Assessment criteria • Articulate familiar words and phrases correctly

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Choose one rhyme and read it aloud to teacher.

Rain, rain, go away

Come again another day
Everybody wants to play
Rain, rain, go away

It's raining, it's pouring,

The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head.
And couldn't get up in the morning.

The itsy-bitsy spider

Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sunshine
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the rhyme;
• pronounces familiar words and phrases intelligibly.

Topic Rain, rain

Learning objective (3.R1) Recognise, identify and sound with support a limited
range of familiar words in simple sentences

Assessment criteria • Identify familiar words in simple sentences

• Pronounce familiar words in simple sentences

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Change the picture to the word. Write it. Read the sentences to your teacher.

1. Do you like wearing ? ______________________

2. Which do you like more?


3. Yesterday my father bought me a new


4. In , the weather is usually rainy. _____________________

5. always appears after rain. _____________________

Key answers:
1. Raincoat; 2. Rain boots; 3. Umbrella; 4. Autumn; 5. Rainbow
Descriptor: A learner
• replaces the picture with the familiar word;
• writes words properly;
• reads sentences aloud.

Topic Rain, rain

Learning objective (3.R2) Read and follow with limited support familiar
instructions for classroom activities

Assessment criteria • Recognize and follow familiar classroom instructions

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Find the words from the box in the word search.

rain umbrella wet drops water puddle

Key answers:

Descriptor: A learner
• finds the words in the word search;
• croses the proper words.

Topic By the sea

Learning objective (3.L4) Understand a limited range of short supported questions
on general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify short supported questions on general and some

curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the questions. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Which sea animals can you see in the picture?

2. What is the weather like at the beach?
3. What are the boys at the beach doing?
4. What are the girls with brown hair doing?
5. What colour are the boy’s diving glasses?

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in full sentences.

Topic By the sea

Learning objective (3.L5) Distinguish between phonemically distinct words

Assessment criteria • Differentiate clearly between phonemically words

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Listen to the sentences and circle the correct word. Read the words aloud.
1. beach peach
2. shells sells
3. wish fish
4. drive dive
5. hat hot

Teacher reads:
1. My little brother doesn’t like to sunbathe at the beach.
2. Yesterday we saw many shells in the sea.
3. I like to fish with my father.
4. Last summer my father was teaching me to dive.
5. Look! The girl in the hat is eating ice-cream.

Descriptor: A learner
• identifies and circles the correct word;
• reads the words aloud.

Topic By the sea

Learning objective (3.W7) Spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency

words accurately during guided writing activities

Assessment criteria • Write often used familiar words clearly during guided
writing activities

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Listen to the words and write the missing letters.

Teacher reads:
1.creature; 2. jellyfish; 3. dolphin; 4. octopus; 5. squid; 6. whale; 7. Turtle
1. __ r __ __ t __ r __
2. __ e __ __ __ f __ __ h
3. d __ l __ __ __ n
4. o__t __ p __ s
5. s __ __ __ d
6. __ __ al__
7. t__ r __ __ __

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the missing letters in the words.

Topic By the sea

Learning objective (3.UE10) Use common present continuous forms, including
short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now

Assessment criteria • Tell what is happening at the moment

• Use Present Continuous forms in a talk
• Use short answers and contractions in a talk

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Look at the pictures and answer the questions in full sentences. Use Present Continuous forms.
Include short answers and contractions in some sentences.
Example (short answer): Is he sunbathing? – Yes, he is.
(contractions): He’s sunbathing.
He isn’t sunbathing.

1. What is Peppa Pig doing?


2. What is the boy doing?

3. Are they fishing? _______________________________

4. What is she doing?


5. Is the boy swimming? _______________________________


Key answers:
1. Peppa Pig is eating ice-cream.
2. The boy is diving.
3. Yes, they are.
4. She is swimming.
5. No, he isn’t. He is collecting shells.

Descriptor: A learner
• answers the questions in written form;
• answers the questions in full sentences;
• uses Present Continuous forms to answer the questions;
• uses short answers and contractions in some sentences.

Topic A beach story

Learning objective (3.L1) Understand short supported classroom instructions in an

increasing range of classroom routines

Assessment criteria • Identify short classroom instructions with support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to and follow the instructions.

Teacher reads:
1. Find a partner.
2. In pairs discuss your last summer holidays (where you went, what you saw, what you did,
3. With a partner, make a short dialog about your last summer holidays.
4. Draw some pictures if you want to illustrate your dialog.
5. Present your dialog to the class.

Descriptor: A learner
• works with a partner;
• discusses and makes a dialog;
• draws pictures if necessary;
• presents the dialog to the class.

Topic A beach story

Learning objective (3.R2) Read and follow with limited support familiar
instructions for classroom activities

Assessment criteria • Recognize and follow familiar classroom instructions

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Complete the crossword with the correct


2. You go to the _______ in summer. You can
swim there.
4. What is the weather like in summer?
7. They help you hide your eyes from sunlight.
8. This sea creature is green and brown and has
got 4 legs.
10. The season when you don't go to school.

1. This sea creature is purple and has got 8 legs.
3. Sit or lie in the sun.
5. The last month of summer.
6. People like to eat this sweet and cool thing in summer.
9. My brother likes to collect ________ when we go to the beach.

Key answers:
2. Beach; 4. Hot; 7. Sunglasses; 8. Turtle; 10. Summer
1. Octopus; 3. Sunbathe; 5. August; 6. Ice-cream; 9. Shells

Descriptor: A learner
• completes the crossword with the correct words.

Topic A beach story

Learning objective (3.R5) Understand the main points of short simple texts on a
limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using
contextual clues

Assessment criteria • Identify the main points in the short text using contextual clues
on familiar topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Look at the pictures to help you with some new words. Read the short text about Peppa Pig
and her family at the beach and answer the questions.

sunshade towel bucket

spade sun cream

Peppa and her family are on the beach.

“We have so many things today: a sunshade, a beach bag, towels, buckets and spades and a
ball”, says Mother Pig, “we must not forget them when we go back home”.
“We want to play” says Peppa.
“Good”, says Mother Pig, “but before you go, you need some sun cream on. The sun is very

1. Which things did Mother Pig take to the beach?

2. What did Peppa and George want to do?
3. Why did Mother Pig put the sun cream on her children?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses pictures as contextual clues;
• reads the text;
• answers questions in full sentences.

Topic A beach story

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in short simple texts with
considerable support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read a short text and draw a picture, which shows the main information of the text.

I like to go to the beach. You can do a lot of fun things at the beach: swim, play with the ball
in the water. We collect shells in the sand.
I have two sisters, Maggie and Amy. They like to play in the sand too. They like to make
sandcastles. My brother, Mark, likes to swim and play in the water too.

Draw your picture here:

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• draws an illustration to the text.

Topic A beach story

Learning objective (3.W8) Include appropriate use of a full stop during guided
writing of short, familiar sentences

Assessment criteria • Write short, familiar sentences including a full stop

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Describe the picture. You may choose names, which you like for the boys and girls at the

Write your sentences here:


Descriptor: A learner
• writes sentences, describing the picture;
• includes a full stop at the end of each sentence.

Cross curricular unit: Having fun

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.L7) Use contextual clues to predict content in short,
supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular

Assessment criteria • Make prediction about short supported talk using contextual

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Look at the words in the box. Predict the content of the short story with help of these words.

Amanda USA to ride down water slides to watch plays Alex to throw
balls to feed animals Zoe

Listen and check if your idea was right.

Teacher reads:
Hello! My name is Amanda and I live in the USA. I live in the state of Illinois and in the city
of Chicago. I am 9 years old. I go to school at Bauer Elementary School.
School is good, but I really like to have fun. I like to ride down water slides at the aqua park
with my friends. I do not like to watch plays at the theatre.
I have a little brother. His name is Alex. He also likes to have fun. My brother likes to throw
balls at the fun zone near our house. He loves the fun zone so much! He does not like to feed
animals at the zoo. He does not like animals. Well, maybe he likes our cat, Zoe, but he doesn’t like
zoo animals!

Descriptor: A learner
• reads through the given contextual clues;
• predicts the content of the short story;
• compares his idea to the original one.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.S8) Recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited
range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Retell very short stories and events on general and some
curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Listen to the story about Amanda. Retell the story shortly with help of pictures.

to throw balls to watch plays an aqua park

to feed animals

Teacher reads:
Hello! My name is Aruzhan and I live in Kazakhstan, in the city of Almaty. I am 10 years old.
I like to have fun. I like to ride down water slides and dive at the aqua park.
I have a brother. His name is Olzhas. He is 7 and he also likes to have fun. My brother likes to
throw balls at the fun zone, but he does not like to feed animals at the zoo.

Descriptor: A learner
• retells the story shortly with help of pictures.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.R3) Begin to read with rereading and usual support very
short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general
and curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify the details while rereading very short fiction and non-
fiction texts using support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Read the story 2 or 3 times. What name can you give to this story? Why did you give this
name to the story?

Write your idea (name) here:


Billy was very excited. It was the day of the circus! Billy loved the circus.
The performance started at eight.
The door opened and the lions jumped into the ring. There were six of them.
Five of them were very big, but one was small. It jumped on one leg and did many funny
things. Then it stopped and looked at Billy.
“Hello,” said Billy to the elephant, “I’m Billy.”

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the story 2 or 3 times;
• makes up a name for the story;
• explains the choice of the name for the story.

Topic Fun places
Learning objective (3.R5) Understand the main points of short simple texts on a
limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using
contextual clues
Assessment criteria • Identify the main points of short texts using contextual clues on
familiar topics
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Look at the pictures to help you with some new words. Watch the video, listen to the story
and answer the questions in full sentences.
Follow the link to watch the video: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/no-

1. Where did Katie go after school?

2. What did the mother read at the playground?
3. Where did Jessie go at night?
4. Who did Jessie see there?

Teacher can read:

It was half past three and Katie had just finished school. Her mum was waiting at the gates
with Jessie, the dog. “Can we go to the park with Jaia, Mum?” said Katie. “Alright, we can go for
half an hour,” said Mum. When they got to the park, Katie and Jaia ran towards the swings and
slides. “Come on!” shouted Katie, “Let’s see how high we can go on the swings!” “You can’t
come in here, Jess!” shouted Katie and Jaia. Mum took Jessie over to the bench and tied him to it.
She sat down and started to read the paper. (Half an hour later) “Did you have a nice time?” Mum
asked. “Yes, it was brilliant! I went the highest!” said Katie. “No, I went the highest,” said Jaia.
“Come on, we need to take you home,” said Mum. That night, Jessie couldn’t sleep. He was
thinking about the park. Quietly, he got out of his basket and walked downstairs. He squeezed
through the cat flap – he was outside! He ran towards the park. Soon Jessie was at the park. He
walked towards the swings. The gate was open. He went through and looked around…the
playground was full of dogs! Jessie climbed up the ladder, went down the slide, whizzed round on
the roundabout, went up and down on the see-saw, bounced on the springy, and went up and down
on the swing. “Wooooof!” barked Jessie. He went as high as he could on the swing. Soon it was
time to go. Jessie got off the swing, went through the gate and walked back home. He squeezed
through the cat-flap, walked upstairs and got into his basket. He looked at Katie. “I went the
highest,” thought Jessie. And went to sleep.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses pictures as contextual clues;
• watches the video;
• answers questions in full sentences.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in short simple texts with
considerable support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the text about Katie and her dog Jessie and mark the statements True or False.
The pictures can help you with some new words.

Katie finished school at three o’clock. Her mother waited for her with Jessie, the dog.
“Can we go to the park with Jaia, mother?” asked Katie.
“Okay, we can go for an hour,” answered mother.
When they got to the park, Katie and Jaia ran to the swings and slides.
The mother took Jessie to the bench and tied him to it. She sat down and started to read the

1. Katie finished school at 3 o’clock. _______________

2. After school Katie went to the playground with her friend. _______________
3. Katie didn’t have a dog. _______________
4. Katie’s mother waited for her on a bench. _______________

Descriptor: A learner
• reads the text;
• marks the statements true or false.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.W7) Spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency

words accurately during guided writing activities

Assessment criteria • Write often used familiar words clearly during guided writing

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Listen to the words and write the missing letters.

1. __ __f__
2. c__n__m__
3. __ __r__ __s
4. e__ __ib__t__ __n
5. l__ __r__r__
6. mu __ __ __m
7. p__ __l
8. __ __ __ atr__

Teacher reads:
1. café; 2. cinema; 3. circus; 4. exhibition; 5. library; 6. museum; 7. pool; 8. Theatre

Descriptor: A learner
• writes the missing letters in the words.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.UE9) Use common present simple forms [positive, negative,
question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits
and facts, simple future timetabled events; use common past simple
forms to describe actions and feelings
Assessment criteria • Talk about wishes and likes, habits and facts, simple future
timetabled events in positive, negative and interrogative
sentences in Present Simple
• Use contraction forms in a talk in Present Simple
• Give a description of actions and feelings in Past Simple forms
Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. You may choose any 5 questions you
like to ask.
In your answers use the correct present and past simple forms.
Example: Did you feel happy yesterday at the beach? – No, I didn’t, because it was very

1. Where do you want to go after school today?
2. Did you like the exhibition yesterday?
3. How often do you go to the swimming pool?
4. Did you know that there is a new space museum in our city?
5. Are you going to the library tomorrow?
6. What are you doing tomorrow?
7. How did you feel in the aqua park yesterday?
8. What did you do at the beach last summer?
9. Where did you go last summer?
10. Did you go somewhere last winter?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses appropriate present and past simple forms;
• makes positive and negative sentences;
• asks and answers questions.

Topic Fun places

Learning objective (3.UE17) Use me, too and I don’t to give short answers
Assessment criteria • Respond shortly using me too or I don’t
Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Read the sentences. Use “me too” or “I don’t” to talk about yourself.
1. Our teacher likes to go to the museum.
2. I like to drink juice.
3. I like to go to fun places in our city.
4. Every Sunday I like to go to the swimming pool.
5. I like to visit exhibitions often.
Descriptor: A learner
• gives short answers using "me too" and "I don't"

Topic Number games

Learning objective (3.L1) Understand short supported classroom instructions in an

increasing range of classroom routines
Assessment criteria • Identify short classroom instructions with support
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to and follow the teacher’s instructions.

Example: ehret - three

tefnfie -
ewelvt -
gheeneit -
esven -
tenninee -
tow -
einn -
lnveee -
xsi -
eon -
nnstveeee -
hgtie -
ufor -
stxneei -
evif -
hieetrnt -
tentwy -
ueenrtfo -

Teacher reads the instructions:

1. Put the letters in order to make names of the numbers from 1 to 20.
2. Write the correct name on the first line.

Key answers:
fifteen; twelve; eighteen; seven; nineteen; two; nine; eleven; six; one; seventeen; eight; four;
sixteen; ten; five; thirteen; twenty; fourteen

Descriptor: A learner
• unscrambles the names of numbers;
• writes the correct name of the number on the first line.

Topic Number games

Learning objective (3.R6) Understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in short simple texts with
considerable support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read and follow the Magic Monkey's instructions:

1. Think of a number with 2 digits
2. Add the two numbers together
3. Subtract the new number from your original number
4. Look at the symbol next to your number

5. Remember the symbol

6. Now the Magic Monkey will guess your number

Was the Monkey right?

Follow the link to read the instructions:


Descriptor: A learner
• reads the instructions;
• follows the instructions accordingly.

Topic Number games

Learning objective (3.UE2) Use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal
numbers 1-10

Assessment criteria • Use cardinal numbers 1-100 to count

• Use ordinal numbers 1-10

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Play the game. Match the name of the cardinal number to the picture.
Follow the link to play the game: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/word-

Match the name of the cardinal number to the picture.










One hundred

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct ordinal numbers.
1. Sunday is _________________________ day of the week.
2. Monday is ________________________ day of the week.
3. Wednesday is ______________________ day of the week.
4. February is ________________________ month of the year.
5. October is ________________________ month of the year.
6. August is _________________________ month of the year.

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • matches the words to the pictures;
Task 2 • completes the sentences with the appropriate ordinal numbers.

Topic Number games

Learning objective (3.UE8) Use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give
short instructions on limited range of familiar topics

Assessment criteria • Give short commands using positive and negative imperative

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Give 3 – 4 short instructions about numbers to your partner. Use imperative forms. The
words in the box may help you.

to count to think to use to write numbers games to solve to

calculate plus minus cardinal numbers ordinal numbers

Descriptor: A learner
• uses words in the box for help;
• uses positive and negative imperative forms;
• gives instructions to his / her partner.

Topic Number games

Learning objective (3.UE11) Use has got / have got, there is / are statement and
question forms including short answers and contractions

Assessment criteria • Use has got / have got statement and question forms
• Use there is / are statement and question forms
• Use short answers and contradictions

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Describe the pictures in full sentences. Answer the questions, using has got / have got, there
is / there are in your sentences.
Example: How many tails has the dog got? – The dog has got one tail.
How many chairs are there in the room? – There are 10 chairs in the room.


How many apples are there in the picture? _______________________________



How many legs have two crocodiles got? _______________________________



How many ears has the elephant got? _______________________________



How many mirrors are there in the bathroom? _______________________________



How many numbers are there on the clock _______________________________

face? _______________________________

Key answers:
1. There are 9 apples in the picture.
2. Two crocodiles have got 8 legs.
3. The elephant has got 2 ears.
4. There is 1 bathtub in the bathroom.
5. There are 12 numbers on the clock face.

Descriptor: A learner
• uses has got and have got;
• uses there is and there are structures in his / her sentences;
• describes pictures in full sentences.

Unit Flying kites
Learning objective (3.L6) Understand some specific information and detail of
short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics
Assessment criteria • Identify some detailed information in supported talk on general
and curricular topics
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story about Jasper and Emma. Think and write 3-5 sentences to say what you
Follow the link to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRime3JfxM4
Note for a teacher: play the video from 0:51 to 3:00

Write your sentences here:


Teacher can read:

On a hot summer day we were up in the attic looking for things to play with.
“Hey, look, Emma, what’s this?” – asks Jasper
“Oh, it’s a kite. It can fly. It flies so high in the sky, that from below it looks this tiny.” –
answers Emma.
“Oh, the kite is broken! Look at that, it doesn’t fly!” – says Jasper.
“It will! But you have to run very fast!” – says Emma.
“Okay, Jasper, as fast as you can!” – says Emma and Jasper starts running.
(Jasper runs and falls down.)
“It wasn’t your fault, Jasper. I don’t think we have any wind.” – says Emma.
“If there’s no wind, we may just have to make it ourselves” – answers Jasper.
(Emma rides a bicycle and Jaspers runs and tries to make wind himself by blowing at the
“I’m not sure this is going to work. I guess we need more wind.” – says Emma.
(Jasper blows at the kite again.)
(Emma and Jasper go home. They go to the balcony with the kite and the hairdryer. They use
the hairdryer to make wind.)
“Now it’s flying, but it’s not getting smaller like you said it would.” – says Jasper.
(For a second, Jasper blows the wind at his face, so the kite falls down.)
“Ooooh noo!” – shouts Emma.

Descriptor: A learner
• watches the video;
• writes 3-5 sentences;
• explains what he / she understood from the video..

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.S4) Respond to questions on a limited range of general and
some curricular topics

Assessment criteria • Reply to questions on general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in full sentences.

1. What do you need to make a kite?

2. What do you need to fly a kite?
3. Can you fly a kite?
4. Do you want to learn to fly a kite? Why / why not?
5. Do you like to fly a kite? Why / why not?
6. Imagine you and your family go to the park to fly a kite. How do you do it?

Descriptor: A learner
• works with a partner;
• asks questions he / she likes;
• answers questions in full sentences.

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.R4) Use with some support a simple picture dictionary

Assessment criteria • Use simple picture dictionary with some support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Task. Use the picture dictionary to make a short simple story of 4-6 sentences about what you can
see in the picture. You can also give names, which you like to animals.

a koala – koalas a kangaroo grass

the Sun a kite a panda


Descriptor: A learner
• uses a picture dictionary;
• writes 4-6 sentences using the picture;
• creates a short story.

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.UE3) Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a

limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe
things; use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives
[comparative form] to make comparisons

Assessment criteria • Describe things on general and some curricular topics

• Use variety of adjectives, including possessive adjectives in
• Use comparative form of one-syllable and some two-syllable
adjectives in description

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. You and your friends flew kites yesterday.

Today you want to tell your sister and brother about
it. Think and make 4-6 full sentences. Use possessive
and comparative adjectives in your story.

Example: My (possessive adjective) kite was

bigger (comparative adjective) than his (possessive

You may write some of your ideas here:


Descriptor: A learner
• uses possessive and comparative adjectives in the sentences;
• makes 4-6 descriptive and comparative sentences.

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.UE8) Use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give
short instructions on limited range of familiar topics

Assessment criteria • Give short commands using positive and negative imperative

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. There is a black and white picture of a kite. Use imperative forms to give your partner short
instructions on how to colour it.
You can use the colours below or use other colours which you like.
1 – red
2 – green
3 – yellow
4 – blue
5 – purple

Descriptor: A learner
• gives instructions on colouring the kite;
• uses imperative forms in his / her instructions.

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.UE10) Use common present continuous forms, including
short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now

Assessment criteria • Tell what is happening at the moment

• Use Present Continuous forms in a talk
• Use short answers and contractions in a talk

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Describe the pictures in full sentences. What are they doing?
Use Present Continuous forms in your sentences.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Task 2. Look at the pictures again and give short answers to the questions.
1. Picture 1: Is the boy drawing a kite?
2. Picture 2: Are the students flying a kite?
3. Picture 3: Are the boys making kites?

Descriptor: A learner
Task 1 • uses Present Continuous forms;
• describes the picture in full sentences;
Task 2 • answers the questions according to the pictures.

Topic Flying kites

Learning objective (3.UE16) Use conjunctions and, or, but to link words and

Assessment criteria • Use and, or, but to connect words and phrases

Level of thinking skills Application

Task. Fill in the gaps with OR, AND or BUT.

1. I cannot fly a kite, _____________ my brother said he can teach me.

2. Which kite do you like more: purple _____________ yellow?
3. Yesterday at school we learned how to make _____________
fly kites.
4. I like flying a kite, _____________ I cannot make it myself.
5. Do you want to ride a bike _____________ fly a kite?

Descriptor: A learner
• uses conjunctions appropriately;
• completes sentences with proper conjunctions.


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