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ENGLISH LITERATURE Historian Bede – English monk, historian, and

scholar who lived in the kingdom of North

English literature began in the era of bards and
"gleemen" who, accompanying The Angles and
the Saxons, sang the tales of the Northland.
When they arrived in England in the 5th and 6th
century, the Angles and Saxon had no written
language. Their folk epic was Beowulf, which An important name to remember in this period is
depicts the heroic efforts of man against the evil that of Alfred the Great. Had it not been for him,
forces of their time. Their stories and songs were English Literature would have been long
recorded in The Far Traveler. When the heathen extinguished. When Alfred the Great stopped
Anglo-Saxons then came under the influence of the Danes from invading England in the 9th
Christianity, they started building monasteries. It century, the center of learning was transferred
was within the walls of these monasteries that from the North to the South. Whitby became the
English literature had its beginnings. North cradle of English poetry in the north, and
Umbria became the seat of learning for nearly Winchester the seat of English prose in the
two centuries where the historian Bede, one of South. Alfred the Great is attributed with having
the monks, started to write in prose. established schools, and having written
textbooks for the school so that every free-born
BARDS AND "GLEEMEN” – a professional
youth might attend to his books till he could
story teller, an ancient Celtic poet and
read English writing perfectly. Next to King
singer of epic poems, “a professional entertainer
Alfred is the name Aelfric the Grammarian. His
especially a singer”
translation of the Bible in English is the best
ANGLES – Germanic people example of the language at the beginning of the
century. The greatest examples of Old English
SAXONS – Germanic tribe
prose can be found in his writings, especially
TALE OF NORTHLAND – Collected stories of those in his sermons and lives of saints.
the World’s Greatest Writers
BEOWULF – heroic poem, the highest
The literature that came out of this country was
achievement of Old English literature and
almost entirely in Latin and French. For 300
earliest European vernacular epic.
years Latin exerted influence on the Anglo-
THE FAR TRAVELER – a book which follow Saxon language, which made English more
the life of Gudrid, an early female settler who flexible. Stories of King Arthur arose from
appeared in two Icelandic Sagas Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the King of
Britain. Chaucer, a poet whose brilliant
MONASTERIES – buildings occupied by a character portrayals made his Canterbury Tales
community of monks and nun who chosen to an enduring literary legacy. Although Chaucer
withdraw from society that living under wrote in his Midland dialect, his English became
religious vows the basis of much of the English we know today.
NORTH UMBRIA – early medieval Anglo- To the genius of Chaucer, there arose o true
Saxons kingdom in what is now Northern successor. There was little progress in the
England and South-East Scotland development of literary art in the century
following Chaucer. The dearth of literature was
mainly due to the fact that the people's mind
were occupied by the struggle between the York
and the Lancaster families. A very important
contribution of the period was the printing press, religious. The second greatest name after
which was established by William Caxton when Shakespeare's is that of John Milton. His works
he came out with the first printed book in are considered perfect in Lyric qualities,
England, Dictes and Saying of the Philosophers. beautiful in imagery, and truthful in their
portrayal of emotions.
Other writers to mention in this century are
Francis Bacon, John Bunyan, and Pepys Samuel
Two historical forced, the Renaissance and the Bunyan is the prince of prose. What
Reformation, combined to make this period a Shakespeare is to the English dramatists, Milton
great intellectual age. In fact, it was referred to is to English epic poets, Bunyan is to writers of
as the Golden Age in English literature. It got its English allegory. Samuel Pepys Diary stands out
name from the reigning ruler, Queen Elizabeth. as most interesting prose work and Edward
This great period began with Edmund Spencer Hyde's historical work of the period.
and Christopher Marlowe, and climaxed in
John Dryden stands out as a transition poet
William Shakespeare, the period's superstar,
between the Puritan Age and the Eighteenth
whose uncanny perceptions of human nature
Century. He is considered the precursor of the
were carved into his immortal plays and sonnets.
new period. He is well known for his cynical
The age also produced the metaphysical John
attitude and epigrammatical wit, exemplified in
Donne and John Webster. Spencer, "the poet's
his political unrest and coarse social life. Other
poet," with his metrical forms paved the way for
names of the period are Jonathan Swift, Joseph
such poets as Byron, Shelley, and Keats.
Addison, and Richard Steele.
The drama had its full development in this age,
which produced such greats as Marlowe, Francis
Beaumont, John Fletcher, and of course, THE ROMANTIC AGE
William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's fame is
Among the distinguished poets of the Age of
worldwide, prompting the comment that "the
Romanticism were Lord Byron, Shelley, and
measure of greatness is his universality He was
Keats. It was, however, William Blake, a
"not of an age, but for all time." In 1597 Sir
visionary poet, who took the first steps that led
Francis Bacon published his volume of essays,
to the Romantic Age with his "Songs of
and his "Of Studies" was a gem of precision
Experiences" Two important names to
remember in this period are those of William
Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. They
were responsible for articulating the
philosophical foundations of Romanticism.
The Puritan Age sharply contrasts with the
The Romantic Period began roughly around
preceding Elizabethan Age. The reign of Queen
1798 and lasted until 1837. Romanticism was a
Elizabeth was characterized by peace within the
reaction against this spread of industrialism, as
realm, general prosperity, and much worldliness.
well as a criticism of the aristocratic social and
The Stuart reign, however, was marked by open
political norms and a call for more attention to
conflict between the King and the Parliament,
nature. Although writers of this time did not
which eventually caused the long Civil War. If
think of themselves as Romantics, Victorian
the great literature of the Elizabethan Age was
writers later classified them in this way because
poetry, the Puritan Age's was prose. The
of their ability to capture the emotion and
literature of this period presented the somber
tenderness of man.
tone of the age and was, to a large extent,
THE START OF ROMANTICISM Scott's first major novel was Waverly (1814),
which is set during the Jacobite Rebellion of
Robert Burns is considered the pioneer of the
Romantic Movement. Notable Works; "Auld
Lang Syne" (1788) and "Tam o' Shanter" (1791). While this was his first success, generally The
Antiquary (1816), Old Mortality (1816), and
William Blake was one of the earliest Romantic
Period writers. Blake can be seen as one of the
founders of this movement. His works, Songs of Heart of Midlothian (1818) are considered his
Innocence (1789) and Songs of Experience masterpieces.
(1794), are two of his most significant.
Gothic Fiction
John William Polidori's The Vampyre (1819)
Scholars say that the Romantic Period began and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) stand
with the publishing of Lyrical Ballads (1798) by out as two of the genre's most enduring pieces.
William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor
Women Have Arrived
The most significant female writer during this
"The Solitary Reaper" (1807).- one of
period was Jane Austen
Wordsworth's well-known works. His greatest
piece is The Prelude (1850), Some of her famous novels include Sense and
Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813),
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798)- the
Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1815), and
only one poem Coleridge completed His two
Northanger Abbey (1817).
other long form poems are Kubla Khan (1816)
and Christabel (1816).
The Second Generation of Romantic Poets THE VICTORIAN AGE (1873 – 1901)
John Keats is still one of the most popular of The ascendancy of Queen Victoria in 1873
these poets, with his work continually read and marked the beginning of the Victorian Age,
analyzed today "Ode to a Nightingale" which lasted till the end of the 19th century.
(1819)and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (1819) are Among the eminent Victorians were Robert
most famous. Browning who perfected the dramatic
monologue, Alfred Lord Tennyson who delved
Percy Bysshe Shelley was seen as a radical
into the depths of human sorrow and death, and
thinker for his religious atheism and largely
Sir Walter Scott who is credited with the origin
ostracized by his contemporaries for his political
of the historical novel. Meanwhile, new writers
and social views. One of his most famous works
began revolting against Victorian formalism,
is Adonais (1821). Another of his well-known
which they termed "straitlaced," "prim," and
works was Ode to the West Wind (1819
"prudish." This revolt paved the way for the next
Lord Byron Don Juan (1819-1824) is told in 17 age.
cantos, divisions of long poems Byron's other
The Victorian period of literature roughly
notable work is Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
coincides with the years that Queen Victoria
ruled Great Britain and its Empire.
During this era, Britain was transformed from a
Walter Scott gained popularity during this time, predominantly rural, agricultural society into an
both in Britain and around Europe. urban, industrial one. New technologies like
railroads and the steam printing press united Alfred, Lord Tennyson also used the form in
Britons both physically and intellectually. "Ulysses" (1842), in which Ulysses recounts his
reasons for setting out on a last voyage to the
Victorian literature reflects these values,
men with whom he will sail.
debates, and cultural concerns. Victorian
literature differs from that of the eighteenth Tennyson also wrote lyric, or non- narrative
century and Romantic period most significantly poetry, including what is perhaps the most
because it was not aimed at a specialist or elite famous poem of the Victorian era, In Memoriam
audience; rather, because the steam printing A. H. H. (1849). Tennyson wrote this book-
press made the production of texts much cheaper length sequence of verses to commemorate the
and because railroads could distribute texts death of his close friend Arthur Henry Hallam.
quickly and easily, the Victorian period was a The poem contains some of the most famous
time when new genres appealed to newly mass lines in literature, including "Tis better to have
audiences. loved and lost/Than never to have loved at all,"
and was widely quoted in the Victorian period.
Poets like Tennyson, the Brownings, and
Poetry was one of the most popular genres of the
Rossetti frequently wrote poetry in order to
Victorian period. The Romantic poets,
create a powerful emotional effect on the reader,
particularly William Wordsworth (who lived
but some Victorian poets also wrote simply to
through the beginning of the period, dying in
1850) were revered and widely quoted.
Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear wrote "nonsense
The Victorians experimented with "narrative
or light verse," a genre that plays with sounds
poetry," which tells a story to its audience,
and rhythm in melodious ways.
including Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora
Leigh (1856), an entire novel written in verse." Famous examples include Carroll's
The poem tells the story of Aurora Leigh, a "Jabberwocky" (1871), a poem that uses many
woman who seeks a career as a poet after invented words to narrate the killing of a
rejecting an inheritance and a male suitor, and so monster called the Jabberwock, and Lear's "The
tells, in part, the story of Barrett Browning's own Owl and the Pussycat" (1871), which describes
struggles to make her poetic way in the world. the adventures of the title characters.
Narrative poetry could also be much shorter, like Novel
Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market" (1862),
Novels were not at all popular in the 19th
which recounts how a woman is seduced into
century, generally considered boring or a waste
eating beautiful fruity by goblins and how her
of words by the rest of society.
sister saves after she sickens.
Despite this, Sir Walter Scott went on to create
Victorian poets also developed a new form
his own form: the modern historical novel.
called the "dramatic monologue," in which a
These novels featured the recognizable names,
speaker recites the substance of the poem to an
families, and events of (usually Scottish) history
audience within the poem itself.
with added flairs of romance and speculated
Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess" (1842), personalities.
in which the Duke of Ferrara describes how he
The Waverley Novels, a series of more than two
(probably) killed his last wife to the man who is
dozen historical novels published by Sir Walter
arranging his next marriage, is one of the most
Scott between 1814 and 1832. Although the
famous examples of a dramatic monologue.
novels were extremely popular and strongly
promoted at the time, he did not publicly reveal In novels like Oliver Twist (1837-39) in which
his authorship of them until 1827. Dickens uses the plight of the orphan Oliver to
critique a heartless orphanage overseen by
It tells the story of Edward Waverley, a naïve,
eccentric bumblers, Dickens both criticized the
sensitive young man who is posted to Scotland
social system and created a vibrant world of
with his regiment, and becomes caught between
memorable characters.
the clans of the Jacobite Rising and the forces of
the Hanoverian regime. In his masterpiece Bleak House (1852-53)
Dickens takes aim at the bureaucratic excesses
of the court system as seen in the never-ending
Realism, which aims to portray realistic events court case Jarndyce v. Jarndyce.
happening to realistic people in a realistic way,
Industrial Novels
was the dominant narrative mode of the
Victorian novel - but it had many variants. The rapid transformation of Britain into an
industrial society prompted some writers to
Satirical Realism
write novels which exposed the difficult plight
A mode that emphasizes the worst qualities of of the working class.
each character and suggests that the world is a
In Dickens' Hard Times (1854), the millworker
dark and unfair place.
hero, Stephen Blackpool, faces ostracism after
The Vanity Fair his refusal to join the millworkers' union.

The novel follows the adventures of Becky Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South (1855) uses
Sharpe, a scheming and amoral heroine who the viewpoint of Margaret Hale, an emigrant
manipulates all those around her (and does very from southern England to a northern industrial
well for herself), in contrast to Amelia Sedley, a city, to address the plight of millworkers.
trusting and virtuous young woman who
The Fin De Siècle
struggles to find happiness.
The last part of the Victorian period, roughly
Psychological Realism
1880-1900, is referred to as the "fin de siècle," a
It emphasizes portraying the rich inner life of French term that means "end of the century."
characters their thoughts, feelings, motivations, Novels from this period tend to be more
anxieties, etc. melancholy and bleak than earlier Victorian
works, which conventionally had happy endings.
In George Eliot's Middlemarch (1871-72) for
instance, she portrays the progress of several Thomas Hardy's famously depressing novels
marriages in a small provincial town. Dorothea Tess of the d'Urbervilles, (1892) and Jude the
Brooke, the heroine, is an idealist who marries Obscure (1895), for instance, describe how their
an elderly scholar, Casaubon, in the hopes of protagonists' lives are ruined by social forces.
helping him with his work. But she becomes Tess gives birth to a child out of wedlock, which
disillusioned and finds herself attracted to his causes the husband she later marries to shun her
nephew Will Ladislaw. when he finds out. Jude Fawley's dreams of
becoming a student at an elite university are
Social Realism destroyed both by his low social status as a
Social realism focuses on the foibles, stoneworker and by a disastrous early marriage.
eccentricities, and remarkable characteristics of Fin de siècle literature is also characterized by a
people, who are frequently caricatured. move away from the forms of realism that had
dominated the earlier part of the century and into influence writers, and how though some sites
genre fiction. break away from the restrictions of their milieu
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective, This will be a parade of stars-literary luminaries
Sherlock Holmes, made his first appearance in who pulsate through the centuries And even
1886. Science fiction also became popular in the when the light of these stars shall have been
fin de siècle, as H. G. Wells imagined future snuffed out by the winds of time, their glow will
worlds in The Time Machine (1895) and an continue to radiate and travel through the space
alien invasion in The War of the Worlds (1897). of literary history.
It was a time of change, a time of great AMERICAN LITERATURE
upheaval, but also a time of GREAT Literature!
Unlike the other literatures of others countries,
American literature was not born solely out of
American soil. It was brought in by people who
emigrated from lands already possessed with a
The 20th-century writers wrote against the culture. From the very first, American writers
background of two world wars, tremendous began with a long tradition behind them. As they
insights from psychology, and the unbelievable started, they already had behind them an
technological progress. Consequently, their intimate familiarity with a rich literature and a
traditional values and attitude were no longer burning interest in some problems of religion
adequate to meet the needs of his fast- changing and conduct. However, at first they did not have
world. The constant search for new ideas, new the leisure to write, since they were too busy
philosophies, and new approaches was reflected trying to conquer a new land. It took some time
in the works of the modern writers. We find the before they could develop a literature with an
first great fiction detectives in Arthur Conan individuality all their own. We can approach
Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. In John Galsworthy, American literature by simply dividing it into
we see the dramatization of social conditions, four major historical periods.
while in Gilbert Keith Chesterton we see the
emphasis on the paradox of life. James Joyce,
who is class by himself, shows shrewd insights COLONIAL PERIOD (1607-1765)
into people who harbor secret fears and desires.
Although American literary history started with
His random style is known as "stream of
accounts of life, travels, and adventures, the
consciousness". In the field of science fiction,
period was dominated by the Puritans in which
Aldous Huxley brought us a step closer to the
the writings reflected the best qualities of early
futuristic mind and the controlled chaos brought
Puritanism, Puritanism was characterized by two
about by technological advancement. Frank
basic beliefs: first, to secure salvation; and
O'Connor tackled the frailties of the human race,
second, to subdue the body in preparation for the
and Dylan Thomas in his tragically short life
joys of heaven. Two writers of contrasting
recorded his individual struggle from darkness
temperaments easily dominated the period-
toward some measure of light in a language as
Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin.
"genuinely impassioned".
In 1754 a book, published by Jonathan Edwards,
We conclude our brief review of the history of
created a sensation both in American and
English literature with Dylan Thomas. The
Europe, particularly in Scotland where
authors have been treated chronologically, to
Calvinistic theology was at its zenith. The subtle
enable us to see the trends of literary thought
philosophical reasoning makes it less appealing
and style. We will see how historical forces
to the modern taste. In Benjamin Franklin,
however, the modern reader will find affinity in "Newspapers and almanacs flourished"
spirit. Franklin stressed the practical aspects of
Major Authors and Works
life. His Autobiography was candid and
humorous. His almanacs contained numerous Edward Taylor- religious poetry
bits of useful information, including the witty
saying of Poor Richard, many of which are still Jonathan Edwards- religious and philosophical
relevant today. treatises (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

Historical Context Benjamin Franklin- Poor Richard's Almanac

Started with the founding of Jamestown Anne Bradstreet- The Tenth Muse, Lately
Sprung Up in America
Half-way Covenant- 1662
Bay Psalm Book (first book printed in America)
Salem Witch Trials- 1692
First printing press in Charleston- 1730
Great Awakening- 1740-1741
Ballads and satirical verses marked this
Ended with the Stamp Act, when colonists were particular stage in American literature. The
forced to see themselves as separate from balled on the death of Nathan Hale is one of the
England most notable among all the patriotic ballads
written in this period because of its real poetic
Description of Period
quality. With the Stamp Act of Congress in
Writing was "generally utilitarian, polemical or 1765-the first formal protest against England,
religious" Religious poetry, sermons, etc. the Revolutionary Period began. The very
atmosphere created a literature that was
Influenced Awakening by Puritanism,
combative in nature. It was a period of great
Enlightenment, the Great
speeches. Among the great orators were John
Belles-lettres (imaginative works) didn't flourish Adams and Patrick Henry.
Had other things to deal with: wilderness,
Who could ever forget Henry's Speech on
Indians, disease; later: wealth, government,
Liberty with its stirring pleas, "Give me liberty
progress, political, rights
or give me death!" There were outstanding
Benjamin Franklin created first American political writers such as Alexander Hamilton,
Fictional character (Richard Saunders) Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
Thomas Paine, however, had the greatest impact
Lots of high-quality literature but "very little on literature. His Common Sense was the first
that did not self-consciously take English open work championing the cause of American
authors as models and even less that could merit independence.
the term belletristic."
Major Groups, Schools, and Movements
A lack of creative writing stymied the
development of groups, schools, and movements Although the last two centuries of American
writing were too limited in scope, it paved the
Great Awakening ministers wrote sermons • way to rapid development in the first decades of
William Byrd wrote cavalier descriptions about the 29th century. Some literary historians would
life in Virginia and North Carolina divide this period into two-the First National
Period and the Second National Period. During Walden, or Life in the Woods. James Russel
the early decades at the height of harsh criticism Lowell wrote The Vision of Sir Launful, a
of American writers, a group of young writers narrative poem in ode form. His "Under the Old
started writing humorous established the Elm" could very well have been written by one
prestige of American writers in England. He was of the Beatles. Such was Lowell's ability to seize
recognized as the Addison in America. His universal themes.
Sketch Book was issued in New York and
London, a popular book that contained the
memorable "Rip Van Winkle". James Fenimore THE MODERN PERIOD (1945-1979)
Cooper wrote of excitement and adventure. We
remember him most for The Last of the To assess the Modern Period is rather difficult
Mohicans. not only because of the remark explosion of
published works that took place especially after
Perhaps the greatest of the poets that emerged in World War II but because of its closeness to our
this period are Edgar Allan Poe and Walt time. We live so close to the Modern Period that
Whitman, Poe's haunting poetry and horror tales whatever generalization or evaluation we may
made a great impact during this period. Walt make will necessarily lack a certain objective
Whitman, the controversial poet, wrote his and perspective. The best we can do, perhaps, is
"Leaves of Grass" in free verse. He was the first to drop a few names: O Henry for the shor story;
of the free verse poets and his "frankness of Robert Frost for poetry; Eugene O'Neill for
expression" disturbed many. Some condemned drama and E. B. White for the essay. For the
his work as sheer trash; others praised it. novel, dropping names might not do justice to
William Cullen Bryant should be mentioned any of the modern novelists since ther are so
here. He created a number of memorable poems many of them who have made their mark. Time
such as "To a Waterfowl" and "Thanatopsis". An and Newsweek, American weekly magazines
American writer worth mentioning is Stephen with international editions, usually keep an up-
Crane who wrote The Red Badge of Courage, a to-date listing of outstanding fictionists as well
story about the Civil War. as non-fictionists, and such names as Sinclair
Lewis, Ernest Hemingway Salinger, Updike,
During this period the New England writers
Baldwin, and Michener appear in their lists from
were considered the most creative. Included in
time to time.
this group were Emerson, Hawthorne,
Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Thoreau, and The American literary explosion is part of the
Lowell. Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet total technological explosion Universities turn
Letter and The House of the Seven Gables out potential writers like Richard Bach and Erich
became classics. Longfellow wrote more poems Segal. Printing is so technically advanced that
than any other poet at that time. Most youngsters several thousands of books could be made in just
could recite from memory his The Arrow and a few days With a little push from mass media, a
the Song and The Psalm of Life but his Song of book could be turned into a movie overnight.
Hiawatha and Evangeline were considered Some American writers are so rated that they are
masterpieces. Oliver Wendell Holmes who paid even before they start to write. Naturally.
created The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, a score of new writers enter the field. Some make
unique book of chatty essays, was an essayist it to top once or twice, and then kaput Others
par excellence. The modern man's craving for linger, and quite a few are here to stay. These
communion with nature will find Henry David few that has staying power, you will meet in this
Thoreau a kindred soul. He was considered as book.
America's foremost nature writer. His love for
nature was clearly expressed in his book
The term modern period or modern era Nationality, Czechoslovak, Hungarian
(sometimes also modern times) is the period of
The famous literary piece of Franz Kafka is his
history that followed Middle Ages between 1350
novel The Trial, in which a man is charged with
and 1500. It is further divided into an early
a crime that is never named, and the
period of development called the early modern
metamorphosis, in which the protagonist wakes
period, which lasted from 1500-1800. The
to find himself transformed into an insect.
modern era is an historical periodization that is
applied primary to European History. The later
stage of modern period is characterized
Enlightment in the 18th century and the D.H. Lawrence
industrial revolution of the 19th century. Was an English writer, novelist, poet and
Henry Moseley essayist. His work reflect on modernity,
industrialization, sexuality, emotional health,
-invented the modern period in 1913. The first vitality, spontaneity and instinct.
who was able to arrange all the known elements
was Mendeleev, he gave the law called the Born on September 11, 1885, Eastwood, United
Mendeleev's periodic law. Kingdom

Modern Period is divided into three: Died March 2, 1930, Vence, France

Early Modern Period Full name: David Helbert Lawrence

Late Modern Period Lawrence is best known for his novels Sons and
Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love and
Contemporary History Lady Chatterley's Lover. In these book,
Lawrence explores possibilities for life within an
industrial setting. In particular Lawrence is
Father of modern period/literature concerned with the nature of relationships that
can be had within such a setting.
William Shakespeare
- He is considered to be the father of Modern
English literature. It is not just his popularity Virginia Woolf(1882-1941)
and influence on modern writers that allows for
is perhaps best known as the author of Mrs
this tittle to be attributed to him but because of
Dalloway(1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927),
the massive contributions he made to the
she was also a prolific writer of essays, diaries,
development of the English language.
letters and biographies.
Was an English writer, considered one of the
Writers of modern period/literature: most important modernist 20th century authors
and a pioneer in the use of stream of
Franz Kafka
consciousness as a narrative device.
Was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and
Born on January 25, 1882, Kensington, London,
short- story writer, widely regarded as one of the
United kingdom.
major figures of 20th century literature.
Died March 28, 1941, Lewes, United Kingdom
Born on July 3, 1883, Prague, Czechia
Full name: Adeline Virginia Woolf
Died June 3, 1924, Kierling, Austria
T.S. Eliot impersonal and tragicomic experiences of life,
often coupled with black comedy and nonsense.
Was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright,
literary critic and editor. Considered one of the Born on April 3, 1906, Foxrock, Ireland
20th century's major poets, he is a central figure
Died December 22, 1989, Paris, France
in English-language modernist poetry.
Beckett is most famous for his play En attendant
On November 4, 1948 Eliot wins the nobel prize
Gobot. Like most of his work after 1947, the
in Literature, for his profound effect on the
play was first written in French. Beckett work
direction of modern poetry.
on the play between October 1948 and January
Getrude Stein
Was an American novelist, poet, playwright, and Other famous writers
art collector.
William Carlos Williams
Born on February 3, 1874, Allegheny
W.B Yeats
Died July 27, 1946, American Hospital of Paris
An art lover in its true sense, Gestrude was an
American writer, poet, and art collector. Her
well known books, The Making of Americans Percy Bysshe Shelley
(1925) and The Autobiography of Alice B. I met a traveller from an antique land, -a
Toklas (1933).
Who said "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone-b Stand in
the desert.... Near them, on the sand, -a

Joseph Conrad Half sunk a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown, -b

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, - a

Was a polish-british novelist and short story
writer. He is regarded as one of the greatest Tell that its sculptor well those passions read-c
writers in the English Language. Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, d
Born on December 3, 1857, Berdychiv, Ukraine The hand that mock'd them, and the heart that fed; - c

Died August 3, 1924, United Kingdom And on the pedestal, these words appear: -e

Full name Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski 'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; - d

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!'-e

He is best known for writing the novels Lord
Jim (1900), Nostromo (1904), and The Secret Nothing beside remains. Round the decay -f
Agent (1907), and for the novella Heart Of Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare e
Darkness (1902).
The lone and level sands stretch far away." -f

Samuel Beckett
Romantic Era (1817)
An Irish novelist, dramatist, short story writer, THEME
theatre director, poet, and literary translator. His
The might and mystery of a king do not last; only great art
literary and theatrical work features bleak,
All power is temporary, no matter how professional or From wandering on a foreign strogo?
tyrannical a ruler is.
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
RHYME SCHEME (indicated above)
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Shakesperean Sonnet
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Iambic Pentameter
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
Alliteration is the repetition of a sound or letter at the
beginning of multiple words in a sentence or paragraph. To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
There are several instances of alliteration in "Ozymandias"
including the phrases: Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung.

Two vast and trunkless legs

cold command Breathes there the man with soul so dead

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed There is a man who is physically alive as he is breathing
but emotionally he is dead because his soul is dead. Writer
boundless and bare wrote so dead to emphasize that it is a miserable death.
lone and level sands stretch Who never to himself hath said
- Apostrophe is a poetic device where the writer addresses "This is my own, my native land" In this line poet is
an exclamation to a person or thing that isn't present well describing what kind of person is emotionally dead. To
those passions read (normally, read those passions well) hima person with dead soul is the one who has never told
himself that his motherland is his own, native land. Hath
Enjambement is the continuation of a sentence beyond a
simply means have.
line break, couplet, or stanza without an expected pause.
Whose heart hath never within him burned?
In "Ozymandias" there are numerous examples of
enjambment, including "Who said "Two vast and trunkless By this phrase poet means that who is that person who has
legs of stone/Stand in the desert.... Near them, on the sand," no heart? Who is the person whose heart is burned or
and "Nothing beside remains. Round the decay/Of that destroyed within him?
colossal Wreck, boundless and bare" In both examples, the
line break occurs in the middle of a sentence. As home his footsteps he hath turned

Also spelled without the first "e" shatter'd visage lies From wandering on a foreign strand! These two lines are
the answer to previous question that poet poses. According
Synecdoche is a substitution of a part to stand for the to him if a person does not return to his native land and is
whole., or the whole to stand to stand for a part hand that lost within the environment of foreign country, the person
mock'd them lacks a heart

MY NATIVE LAND SIR WALTER SCOTT If such there breathe, go mark him well

Breathes there the man with soul so dead, If you find such person who has no love for his motherland
you can blame him.
Who never to himself hath said,
'This is my own, my native land!'
For him no minstrel raptures swell
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd
The meaning of minstrel is a traditional singer who
wanders from place to place singing song that are
emotionally very touchy for his living. Roptures, mean s
extreme joy and happiness whereas swell means to increase
in volume or quantity. By this line poet means that no any
minstrel is going to sing a song for him and about him. No
any minstrel will increase his happiness.

High though his title, proud his name

Boundless his wealth as wish can claim

Here poet means that even though a person is extremely

rich, has a great fame, and is proud of his name.

Despite those titles, power and pelf,

The wretch concentrated all in self

Despite of all his wealth, prestige and power he is a

miserable person because a person who is concentrated
about only himself (a selfish person) is a poor person
despite the enormous wealth.

Living, shall forfeit fair renown

He is alive but should penalize all his fame.

And doubly dying shall go down

Here by doubly dying poet means that such an unpatriotic

person dies twice. Once he dies due to his physical death,
when his breathing is stopped. Next, he is not remembered
by anyone after his death. So along with his death, he also
dies from the memory of people.

To the vile dust from where he sprung. His dead body turns
into an ash and it mix with the dirt within the ground from
where he learnt to crawl.

Unwept, unhonored and unsung.

No one drops tear in his death, and no one honors him at

the time of funeral and no one is there to tell the funeral

RHYME SCHEME: aaaaaabbccddeeff METER: AMBIC



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