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; VCR VCA EXAMENBANK Name of candidate: This VCA mock examination is solely intended for training purposes and is aimed at ing methods. The questions are checked once a year for accuracy and relevance. Basic Safety Examination instructions Exam code: mock examination ‘Read the folowing instructions carefully! ‘This examination consists of 40 multple-choioe questions. Each question is followed by three possible answers, of which only one is correct, ‘The maximum number of points obtainable in this examination is 40. Each correct answar is worth 1 point. ‘Asoore of 28 or more points counis as a pass. ‘The maximum me allowed for this examination is 60 minutes. Requirements: This examination paper ‘+ Answer card (on which you place your answers) © Sorap paper Pencil and eraser Guidelines: ‘+ Check that al he pages ofthis examination paper are present ‘+ Use a pencil only fo complete the answer card ‘+ Indicate your answer by shading in he square © Erase a wrongy filed in square cleanly A mt in the following cases # Ifthe selected answers wrong ‘+ Ifmore than one square is shaded in ‘+ none ofthe equares is shaded in ‘© fesquare is marked by any means othe than shading in Atthe end of the exam: ‘+ Write, or check, your name an the answer cord ‘¢ Hand this examination paper, the answer card and any used scrap paper tothe invglator VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version! ‘This VCA mock examination is solely intended for traning purposes and may be used freely. Copyright is held by the VCA, Examination Boars 10f9 1 of 40 Which law regulates the care of employees’ safety, health and welfare? a) The Working Hours Act b) The Working Conditions Act c) The Safety Act 2 of 40 When, according to the Working Conditions Act, may you interrupt work? a) When the Working Conditions Service says so -b) If the work situation is dangerous ) Ifyou think an accident has taken place 3 of 40 Which is a specific task of the Working Conditions Service? a) Maintaining an accident register per company b) Imposing fines in cases of poor working conditions policy ¢)- Carrying out periodic health and safety surveys 4 of 40 What is ‘risk’? a) The chance of an unwanted effect b) The number of times a near-accident takes place ‘c) Danger that you can't see 5 of 40 What is the effect of excessively loud noise in the workplace? a) If hearing protection is worn, loud noise has no effect b) It's possible to work harder, since it's impossible to talk to each other ©)" It increases risk in the workplace VCA Basic Safoty Mock examination September 2006 version” ‘This VOA mock examination is soely intended for training purposes end may be used freely. Copyrights hed by the VOA Examination Board 7 20f9 6 of 40 What is the best method of limiting risks? a) Wear personal protection equipment b) Install collective protection equipment. c) Remove the causes of the risks 7 of 40 Which is an example of an unsafe operation? a)_ An unprotected floor opening _ bY Using inferior electrical equipment ©) Alot of rubbish and tools in a work space 8 of 40 Where should you report near-accidents? a) To the Labour Inspectorate b) To the Working Conditions Service ©) To your boss 9 of 40 A contractor's licence states ‘measures prescribed by the issuing department’. What kind of measures are they? a) Measures to ensure that work is carried out efficiently. b) Measures to ensure that work is carried out in an environment-friendly manner _c) Measures to ensure that work is carried out safely 10 of 40 Which is the responsibility of a holder of a contractor's licence? a) Deciding whether extra operations may be carried out ) Storing and archiving the licence immediately upon receipt Ensuring that the work is carried out with a valid licence VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version” This VCA mock examination is eolaly intended for training purposes and may be used freely. Copyright is held by the VCA Examination Board 30f9 11 of 40 Which measure can be taken at source to prevent exposure to hazardous substances? a), Training the employees _-b) Using raw materials in tablet form instead of powder form ©) Providing work areas with adequate ventilation 12 of 40 What does C mean where it is added to the MAC value of a substance? a) The C means that exposure to the substance may result in chronic effects b). The C indicates that the substance is not absorbed through the skin <8) The C indicates the maximum concentration of the substance allowed 13 of 40 ‘What is the danger of too high a level of oxygen in your work environment? _A) Fire and explosion ) Faulty breathing masks ©) Suffocation 14 of 40 You are reading the label of a hazardous product. How can you tell which risks the product, presents? a) From the M phrases \-») From the R phrases ©) From the S phrases 15 of 40 What does the yellow surface of the diamond hazard wari a) Fire hazard (by Reactivity hazard ~c) Radiation hazard VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version* “This VCA mock examination fs solely intended for training purposes and may be used freely. Copyright is held by the VGA Examination Board 40f9 16 of 40 What are liquid substances called that have a flash point lower than 0 °C? a) Combustible b)_ Flammable )’ Extremely flammable 17 of 40 Which of the following substances promotes combustion? a) Helium b) Carbon monoxide ©)’ Peroxide 18 of 40 Which is a disadvantage of extinguishing a fire with water? a) Operators are hindered by the smoke that is created by The burning material may react severely to water ‘c) Using water as an extinguishing agent is relatively expensive 19 of 40 What should you do first if you discover a fire? a) Extinguish the fire b) Clear the escape route 9)’ Take care of your own safety 20 of 40 What is a feature of an enclosed space? _AY There is barely any natural ventilation 'b) The percentage of oxygen in the air is always too low ¢) Surrounding areas are always cut off VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version” ‘This VOA mock exeminetion I solely intended for taining purposes and may be used freely. Copyrights held by the CA, Examination Board 50f9 21 of 40 Why is there an increased risk of fire or explosion in an enclosed space? a). There is lttle ventilation, allowing the air pressure to increase quickly b) There is little ventilation, allowing the LEL to be quickly reached ~c) There is litle ventilation, allowing the MAC value to be quickly reached 22 of 40 When do you need to keep watch outside an enclosed space? a) When somebody is going to work with hazardous substances b). When somebody is going to perform welding work c) Under all circumstances 23 of 40 How do we prevent injury caused by moving parts in an enclosed space? a) By checking in advance that the moving parts are locked in place “b) By following the instructions of the safety attendant ©) By ensuring that you keep away from the moving parts, 24 of 40 Why does a bench circular saw have a pusher block? a) So that you can hold big items at a distance b) To push the saw blade through 6) To push small items through 25 of 40 Are you allowed to extend the handle of a nut spanner / striking-face wrench? a) This is only allowed in exceptional cases. b)_Yes, but never to more than twice the length of the handle. ¢)” No, a nut spanner or striking-face wrench may never be extended VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version® This VOA mock exanatin is soliton fo tining poses an maybe used ety. Copyright hed by fre VA 6089 26 of 40 You work with pneumatic tools. What are the effects of extreme vibration? a) Problems with concentration b)’ Physical complaints ©) Excessive perspiration 27 of 40 When should hoisting operations be suspended? a) Above wind force 4 b) Above wind force 5 0) Above wind force 6 28 of 40 ‘Which is a hoisting tool? a) Ahamess belt b)-Asling ©) Aretaining strap 29 of 40 What is a good safety rule? A) Siote materials property, keep the workplace ty and keep passages clear ’b) Mark all workplace hazards with red-and-yellow tape c) Take the attached scaff tag with you when you start work on the scaffolding 30 of 40 How can we best prevent hazards to persons walking? _A) By removing the hazard from the source “p) By marking the hazard c) By controlling the risk 7 7 VCA Basic Safety ‘Mock examination September 2006 version’ ‘This VGA mack examination is solely intended for taining purposes and may be used freely. Copyrights held by the VCA Examination Board 7019 31 of 40 From which height must the employer take legally required measures to prevent hazards of falling? a), From 1.5 metres b) From 2.5 metres ©) From 3.5 metres 32 of 40 You work with a hydraulic platform. Which is a safety regulation? 2) The hydraulic platform may only be operated by properly instructed personnel 7b) The hydraulic platform may not be used at above wind force 4 ¢) You must use a walkie-talkie 33 of 40 You are working on a flat roof within 4 metres of the roof edge. Which safety provision is mandatory? a)’ There should be a roof-edge safety barrier 0) Hip-belts should be used ¢) There should be foot planks 34 of 40 When could an accident be caused by electricity? a) If the zero-voltage switch is missing Ay If the earth connections are faulty or missing 7c). if non-sparking tools are used 35 of 40 With an equally high amperage, do AC voltage and DC voltage have varying effects on the human body? a) Yes, DC voltage has a greater effect on the human body 'b)“Yes, AC voltage has a greater effect on the human body “C) No, the effect on the human body is exactly the same VCA Basic Safety Mock examination September 2006 version® This VCA mock examinations solely intended for taining purposes and may be used freely. Copyright is held by the VGA Examination Board 8 0f9 36 of 40 Is a layman allowed, with the permission of an expert, to work on live electrical installations? a) Yes, but only if the expert is constantly available for consultation b), Yes, provided the layman is over 21 years old 6)” No, never 37 of 40 What does an earth-leakage circuit breaker do? a) It diverts the high tension current to the earth wire _bY It disconnects the power at a certain leakage current “c) It works like an artificial earth, which is necessary in many installations. 38 of 40 ‘Who is responsible for providing personal protection equipment? a)_ The workforce representative _b) The employer c) The employee 39 of 40 What does a P1 filter mask NOT protect against? a) Wood dust b)_ Non-toxic substances cy Lack of oxygen 40 of 40 What should you do with safety restraining equipment after a fall? a) Destroy the line or steel cable and replace with a new one: by’ Have the operation of the safety restraining equipment tested by an expert /¢) Destroy the safely restraining equipment and replace with new equipment VCA Basic Safety ‘Mock examination September 2006 version” This VCA mock examination is soil intended for trsining purposes and may be used freely. Copyright is held by the VCA Examination Board 9089 Score: VCA EXAMENGANK Examenevenementcode; Proefexamen Nummer exarnencontrum | Examencentum¥oA Locate Datum examen Exemenvorm Ci schriftelifk C) voorleesexamen Nummer kancidaat Achtornaam Voomamen of voorletters + Geboortedatum : Geboorteplaats Let op! Alleeninvullen met een zwart potlood, verbeter door het foute antwoord goed uit te gummen, Slechts één antwoord is ust! ‘Muw. de score mag door de correctoren niet op de vaorkant van deze schrapkaart geschraven worden, aA Bc A ac 1 oo 0 a aod z2aq0o00 zoos 3 oo090 2 aoo0o0 4 oog “aodda soo gd 2a oaa e oad 2 oda 7 oo90 7 oo og eood 2 aaa s oaa 2» ood o oaa 2 agdoo uooaodg x ooo re ogod 2 ago wp ooa 3s ogoao “ ood * ood 6» oo a %s god 6e ao0da % oaa v7 ood a7 aaa we oad 2s oaa ew gaa 2 oo0 a» aadg «ooo 35098 a i= = VCA EXAMENBANK Examenevenementcode: Proefexamen Nummer examencentrum Examancentrum VCA Locatie Datum examen Examonvorm. Cschritelik O voorleesexamen lummer kancideat Aehrnaarn ‘Voomamen of vorlters Geboortedatien Geboorteraats Letop!_Alleeninvullen met eon 2vzart potlood, verheter door het foute antveoord goed ult te gumnmen, Slechts één antwoord i ist! Muy. de score mag door de correctoren niet op de vaorkant van deze schrapkaart geschreven worden, A BG A BC 1 0@0 aoaga 20@0 zn oo®@ s,s 000 2» @oa 4@ona “4a oo@ 5 o0o0@Q eo oo0@ »6>o0@Q@ 2s oQ@no 7 0@0 » o0@0 es o0Q 2 aga s o00 2 O@aa 2) »® @aag n 090 1 o@0 en o0@Q 2 @Qoda 3s @ao » @O@aa w o@On « o@a » oQ@0 zs aga rn ©) 3 O08 Q yo0@Q 7 oQ0 % oO @o 2s o@a » o00Q » o0@Q » @Oaa o o@a 15098

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