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The Integumentary System

The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue

1. Describe at least four of the functions of skin.

1) Skin acts as Protection barrier

2) Heat and Temperature regulation

3) Acts as a sensory organ (touch, detection of temperature)

4) Excretion of sodium chloride via sweat.

2. Describe the ways that you can distinguish thick and thin skin microscopically.

- The thick skin can be identified by presence of stratum lucidum layer after stratum corneum

whereas in thin skin stratum lucidum is absent.

3. List the 5 epidermal layers of thick skin in order from superficial to deep.

a. Stratum corneum

b. Stratum lucidum

c. Stratum granulosum

d. Stratum spinosum

e. Stratum basale

4. What are the two layers of the dermis?

Papillary Layer and Reticular Layer

5. What three pigments contribute to skin color?

Melanin, Carotene, and Hemoglobin

6. Describe the function and location of the following epidermal cells: keratinocytes, melanocytes,
Merkel cells, and Langerhans cells.

Keratinocytes are found in the middle of epidermis i.e., stratum spinosum. Keratinocytes act as a

barrier and prevent foreign particles from entering the body.

Melanocytes are found in the inner most layer of epidermis i.e., stratum basale. Melanocytes

produce melanin which contributes to skin pigmentation.

Merkel cells are found in the inner most layer of epidermis i.e., stratum basale. Merkel cells

function as mechanoreceptors. They are responsible for sensation of touch and hair movement.

Langerhans cells are found in the middle of epidermis i.e., stratum spinosum. Langerhans cells act

as the first guard of cutaneal immune system. These cells induce the immune reaction when a

pathogen tries to enter via skin.

Appendages of the Skin

1. Describe the layers that make up the wall of the hair follicle.

The hair follicle consists of following concentric layers:

1) Inner root sheath includes the foundation of the developing hair and stretch out up to the hair

2) Outside root sheath, which is an extension of the epidermis and encases the hair root.

3) Smooth layer, is a thick tissue sheath covering the hair root, it is the layer between hair follicle
and the dermis.

2. A hair consists of three concentric layers of keratinized cells. What are the three layers from the
deepest to most superficial?

1) Cuticle
2) Cortex
3) Medulla
3. Distinguish between sebaceous glands and sudoriferous glands.

Sebaceous glands, present attached to hair follicle secrete oil like substance known as sebum into
the hair follicles.

Sudoriferous glands, present independently in dermis, are also known as sweat glands and are
responsible for secretion of sweat.

Disorders of the Integumentary System

1. Distinguish between first, second and third-degree burns.

1. First degree burns - It is superficial burn and only affects the epidermis. The burn results in

redness of skin, and pain. It is self-healed within 5-10 days.

2. Second degree burns - It affects the epidermis and dermis. The burn results in pain, redness of

skin, swelling and blisters. It heals within 2-3 weeks and there might be minimal scarring.

3. Third degree burns - It affects the epidermis, dermis and may reach up to underlying tissues like

bones and muscles. The burnt skin appears black, brown, yellow or charred. They are usually

painless due to the damage of nerve endings. Healing procedure is surgery and skin grafting and it

has maximum scarring.

2. Distinguish between basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma.

Basal cell carcinoma occurs in the basal cells of the epidermis and is caused by long exposure to

Sun whereas squamous cell carcinoma occurs in the superficial squamous of the epidermis and is

caused by exposure to sun, immunosuppression and chemical exposure.

3. What is melanoma? What is the ABCDE rule for recognizing melanoma?

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer which originates from melanocytes. Its most dangerous form of

skin cancer as it is more capable of spreading to other organs. ABCDE rule is a procedure for

detection of Melanoma. ABCDE is acronym for Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter and

Evolution. These characteristics help doctors in diagnosing the type of Melanoma.

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