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1 What is ERD? Discuss their components in detail.

Entity-Relationship Diagram is known as ERD. It is a graphic depiction of the

connections between entities in a database system.

An ERD is made up of the following parts:

A system entity is an item or object, such as a customer, a product, or an order.

A customer's name or the date of purchase are examples of an attribute, which is a
quality or characteristic of an entity.
A customer making an order or a product falling under a category are two examples of
relationships between two or more entities.
primary key: a unique identifier for an entity, such as a customer ID or product code.

2 2 Discuss the different relationships used in ERD.

Three different kinds of connections between entities are possible in ERD:

One instance of one entity is linked to one instance only of another entity in a one-to-
one (1:1) relationship. For instance, an individual is only permitted one Social Security

One-to-Many (1:M) relationships are those in which there are many instances of one
entity linked to a single instance of another. One customer might place numerous
orders, for instance.

Many-to-Many (M:M) relationships are those in which there are many examples of one
entity connected to many instances of another. For instance, many students may be
registered for numerous courses.
3 Take for instance a hospital that has a number of departments
available. One doctor oversees an entire patient. Many patients
have been admitted to the hospital. The patient visits a hospital
where a checkup takes place and a doctor treats them. Including all
possible steps.

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