ORO-NASO Suctioning

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• Define suctioning and its
• Identify clinical signs
indicating need for
Learning suctioning.
objectives: • Describe how to safely
perform oropharyngeal and
nasopharyngeal suctioning.
• Perform properly the
Your oropharynx is the middle part
of your throat (pharynx) just
beyond your mouth. Your
oropharynx includes the back part
of your tongue (base of tongue),
your tonsils, your soft palate (back
part of the roof of your mouth),
and the sides and walls of your

Aspirating secretions through

a catheter connected to a
suction machine or wall
suction outlet
• Position:
Conscious- Semi-fowler’s
Unconscious - Lateral
• Upper airway suctioning:
– Oropharyngeal
suctioning (oro-mouth)
– Nasopharyngeal
suctioning (naso-nose)
To remove secretions that
obstruct the airway

To facilitate ventilation

To obtain secretion for
diagnostic purposes

To prevent infection that may

result from accumulated
Suction catheter
Types: Sizes:
• Open tipped • Adult
• Whistle tipped – Fr # 12 to 18
– Less irritating to • Children
respiratory tissues – Fr # 8 `to 10
– More effective for • Infants
removing thick mucous
plugs – Fr # 5 to 8
Suction Device
Wall unit Portable unit
Suction pressure Suction pressure
• Adult • Adult
– 100 to 120mmHg – 10 to 15mmHg
• Child • Child
– 95 to 110mmHg – 5 to 10mmHg
• Infant • Infant
– 50 to 95mmHg – 2 to 5mmHg

ADULT Fr. 12 – 18 100 – 120mmHg 10 – 15mmHg

CHILD Fr. 8 – 10 95 – 110mmHg 5 – 10mmHg

INFANT Fr. 5 – 8 50 – 95mmHg 2 – 5mmHg

Things to remember!
Oropharyngeal and

• Assess indications for suctioning:

– audible secretions during
– adventitious breath sounds Conscious patient Unconscious
• Position patient
Semi – Fowler’s position with: Lateral position
✓head turned to one side for oral and the patient
suctioning . facing you .
✓For nasal suctioning with the neck
• Pressure of suction equipment to hyperextended.
prevent trauma to mucous
membrane of airways.
• Appropriate size of sterile suction
• Open appropriate suction kit or
catheter using sterile technique.
• Place a sterile drape over the chest
of the patient.
• Open sterile basin and fill with
approximately 100ml of sterile
normal saline solution or water.
• Open lubricant and squeeze small
amount onto sterile catheter
– Naso- water soluble lubricant
– Oro- sterile water or NSS
• Apply gloves
– Oropharyngeal : clean gloves
– Nasopharyngeal: sterile gloves
• Pick up suction catheter with
dominant hand without touching
nonsterile surface. Pick up connecting
tubing with nondominant hand.
Connect both tubes.
• Place tip of catheter into sterile basin
and suction a small amount of NSS.
• Suction airway
Oropharyngeal Nasopharyngeal
• Remove O2 mask if present • Lubricate distal 6-8 cm (2-3
but keep it near the patient’s inches) of catheter tip with
face water-soluble lubricant.
• Insert catheter into patient’s • Remove O2 device with
mouth and suction nondominant hand while using
intermittently moving around dominant hand insert catheter
the mouth including pharynx into the nares.
and gum line • Have patient take a deep breath
and insert slightly slant catheter
downward and advance to
• Suction airway
Oropharyngeal Nasopharyngeal
• Encourage patient to cough • Apply intermittent suction while
and repeat suctioning if slowly withdrawing catheter in
needed. Replace O2 mask rotating between thumb and
• Rinse catheter with saline or
water from basin with suction
until cleared from secretions.
• Rinse catheter and connecting
tubing with normal saline or
water until cleared.
• Assess for need to repeat
suctioning procedure.
• Ask patient to deep breath and
• If using yankuer catheter, place
in a clean, dry area for reuse
with suction turned off.
• Disconnect catheter from connecting
tubing. Turn of suction.
• Dispose catheter rolled inside the
used gloves and discard in
appropriate receptacle.
• Remove towel and place in laundry or
remove drape and discard.
• Reposition patient and do oral
• Discard all used materials
• Evaluate patient (VS, Oxygen
saturation, lung sounds, secretions)
• Document.
➢The amount .
➢Consistency .
• Record the ➢Color .
procedure : ➢Odor of the mucus .
➢Client breathing status
before and after.

• If the technique is carried out frequently it

may be appropriate to record only once , how
ever the frequency of suctioning must be
rosanna p. suva, man, rn

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