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19 - 21 April, 2023

Bombay Exhibition Centre (NESCO), Mumbai

Fourth edi on of India Steel - Interna onal Exhibi on INDIA STEEL EXPO, since its incep on in 2013, the
and Conference was successfully organized on January exhibi on has become a well reputed pla orm for
22- 24, 2019, at Bombay Exhibi on Centre, Mumbai. It discussing prospects of the steel industry, exhibi ng
was jointly organized by the Ministry of Steel, the state-of-the-art solu ons, products and
Government of India and Federa on of Indian equipments. The exhibi on brings together Central &
Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The mega event State Governments, Industry Experts, Stalwarts,
provided an apt pla orm to all the par cipants, Associa ons, Manufacturers, Technology Providers,
delegates, business visitors and other key stakeholders Steel Consumers and Interna onal Speakers to
from the Steel and other related industries to interact exchange opinions & exhibit achievements.
with and explore new business avenues. The event India Steel Expo is a large-scale forum important not
witnessed par cipa on of more than 600 conference only for the industry, but also for the economy as a
delegates, more than 70 speakers and more than 200 whole. The event is visited by steel and steel-related
exhibitors from India and abroad with foo all of more industries professionals from all-over the world:
than 9000 Business Visitors. builders, oil and gas producers and engineers focused
Aligned with the theme of the event - Balancing on promo ng their products and services, establishing
Demand & supply dynamics up ll 2030: Building a New mutually beneficial business contacts, and developing
India- the Exhibi on cum Conference dwelled upon the their businesses amidst the latest market trends
demand & supply drivers of Indian Steel Industry upto INDIA STEEL 2023 is scheduled from 19 - 21 April, 2023 at
2030, highligh ng the importance of compe veness, Bombay Exhibi on Centre, Mumbai, India. The event
capabili es, improving technical quo ent, suppor ve will provide the much needed integrated pla orm to
logis cs infrastructure for the movement of raw facilitate the growth of the industry in the country and
materials and finished steel, improving trade, connect new technologies & innova ve products,
mul lateral dialogue and interna onal outreach of equipment tools, live machine displays among others.
Indian Steel Industry
Steel is one of the most important, mul func onal It is also worth no ng that India witnessed increase
and most adaptable materials which plays a key role in export for finished steel to an all- me high of
in making lives convenient. Being the basic raw 13.49 MT in FY2021-22, up by 25% from FY2020-21,
material for a host of manufacturing ac vi es, steel while exports of semis decreased by 26% to 4.87 MT.
forms the backbone for na onal economic This clearly indicates that India's finished steel is
development. The steel industry is o en considered widely accepted and thus export of semis has been
as an indicator of economic progress, because of the reduced while that of finished steel has increased
cri cal role played by it in infrastructural and overall considerably.
industrial development of a country. Even though consump on of total finished steel has
Indian Steel Industry contributes to all the facets of increased considerably from 90.68 MT in 2017-18 to
economy, including GDP, industrial and infrastructural 105.75 MT in FY2021-22, Indian steel industry s ll
development. The steel industry contributes approx. has significant poten al for demand led growth,
2.5% to na onal GDP, employing 2.5 million people, underscored by the fact that the per capita steel
directly & indirectly. The output effect of steel on consump on in the country at 77 kgs is much lower
Indian economy is approx.1.4 mes, with an than the global average of 227.5 kg. The need of the
employment mul plier of 6.8 mes. hour is not just to enhance domes c steel
India is currently second largest steel producer in the consump on, but also crea ng a demand for Indian
world. Crude Steel produc on has expanded to 120 steel abroad and giving a boost to steel exports.
MT in FY2021-22, up by 15.9% from FY2020-21. Indian steel sector is posi oned to witness immense
Capacity for domes c crude steel expanded from increase in steel consump on in Infrastructure and
137 MT Per Annum in 2017 to 154 MTPA in FY2021- construc on sector owing to Government ini a ves
22. Total Finished Steel has increased to 113.59 MT like Ga Shak , Bharatmala, Sagarmala, Dedicated
in FY2021-22, up by 18.1% % from FY2020-21. Freight Corridor, Gas Pipelines, Railway expansion
Driven by rising infrastructure development and etc. Moreover, aligned with targets envisaged in
growing demand from sectors like automo ves, Na onal Steel Policy, large expansions plans have
construc on, consumer durables & capital goods, already been declared by major steel producers to
India's per capita consump on of steel grew from 46 reach 300 million tonnes by 2030.
kgs in FY08 to around 77 Kgs now. Consump on of With the share of 6% in global crude steel produc on
total Finished Steel stands at 105.75 MT in FY2021- and 5.7% in global crude steel consump on, India
22 showing a growth of 11.4% over previous fiscal. has become one of the steel hubs in the world for
both produc on and consump on of steel.
A two days Conference will be organized with an objec ve to learn about the best
prac ces and global experiences, exchange innova ve ideas, explore areas of
collabora on and above all, to provide a pla orm for informa ve and interac ve
sessions among various stakeholders in the steel industry. Aligned with the
theme of the event, various technical sessions will be organized, providing a
pla orm for effec ve informa on exchange on the industry trends and
developments. Several sideline mee ngs / sessions / roundtables will be
organized aligned with the theme for furthering the growth of the industry.
Interac on with Government Officials from
Central & State Government
The CEO Round Table is the main highlight of the event. It is an interac on between the industry CEOs and the
Central & State Governments. The Round Table would offer an effec ve pla orm to both the exis ng as well as the
new players to discuss their vision, opportuni es and challenges regarding Indian steel industry. It would also
provide them with an interac ve pla orm to discuss around Industry's growth plans & recommenda ons to
facilitate India's Mission of becoming Self-Reliant.

Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM)

Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) will be organised during India Steel 2023. More than 250 Investors & Foreign
Buyers will be invited to encourage foreign investment to new areas of Indian steel sector as well as procurement of
Indian Steel Products. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India has agreed to extend its
support for invi ng and hos ng relevant and focused Foreign Investors & Buyers during the event.

Sideline Meetings
Several dedicated sideline mee ngs / sessions / roundtables will be organized on key enabling factors for Indian
Steel industry. The mee ngs would also deliberate upon sector-specific opportuni es for Indian steel sector.

Conference Overview
A two days Conference will be organized with an objec ve to learn about the best prac ces and global
experiences, exchange innova ve ideas, explore areas of collabora on and above all, to provide a pla orm for
informa ve and interac ve sessions between various stakeholders in the steel industry.
Conference a rac ng Government officials and decision makers from the industry
Sideline mee ngs on key enabling factors & subjects of Indian Steel Industry

(Fascia Name, two chairs, one table,

carpet, 3 spot lights, dustbin & 5 amp socket)
*Plus GST @ 18% on the above

and more...
Major Activities of the Ministry of Steel:
Co-ordination and planning of the growth and development of Iron and Steel Industry in the country (including Re-rolling Mills, Alloy Steel and
Ferro Alloy Industries, Refractories) both in the Public and Private Sectors;
Ministry of Steel
Government of India Formulation of policies in respect of production, pricing, distribution, import and export of iron & steel, ferro alloys and refractories; and
Development of input industries relating to iron ore, manganese ore, chrome ore and Refractories etc., required mainly by the steel industry.

Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business organisation in India. Its history is closely interwoven with India’s struggle for
independence, its industrialization, and its emergence as one of the most rapidly growing global economies.
A non-government, not-for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry. From influencing policy to encouraging debate,
engaging with policy makers and civil society, FICCI articulates the views and concerns of industry. It serves its members from the Indian private
and public corporate sectors and multinational companies, drawing its strength from diverse regional chambers of commerce and industry
across states, reaching out to over 2,50,000 companies.
FICCI provides a platform for networking and consensus building within and across sectors and is the first port of call for Indian industry, policy
makers and the international business community.

The Department of Commerce formulates, implements and monitors the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) which provides the basic framework of
policy and strategy to be followed for promoting exports and trade. The Trade Policy is periodically reviewed to incorporate changes
Department of Commerce
necessary to take care of emerging economic scenarios both in the domestic and international economy. Besides, the Department is also
Ministry of Commerce & Industry entrusted with responsibilities relating to multilateral and bilateral commercial relations, Special Economic Zones, state trading, export
Government of India
promotion and trade facilitation, and development and regulation of certain export oriented industries and commodities.

Apoorv Bhatnagar - Deputy Director, FICCI Arpan Gupta - Addi onal Director & Head,
M: +91-9891444339 Mines, Metals, Cement, Power, Coal and
E: Renewable Energy, FICCI
Navneet Gupta - Consultant, FICCI M: +91-9810572331
M: +91-9654103029 E:
E: Namrata Sagar - Assistant Director, FICCI
Nitesh Upadhyay - Project Manager, FICCI M: +91-8802933361
M: +91-9899542004 E:

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