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Nowadays, life is becoming more and more hectic, people are as busy as a beaver. In my personal view,
this busy life pace has adversely impacted people’s life in terms of heath and relationships.

First and foremost, a hectic life can trigger negative effects on people’s physical health and mental
health. In terms of physical health, a hustling and busting life makes us without enough time to eat
wholesome meals and time for daily physical activities, as a result, we will eat fastfood, processed food,
or even skip meals, which can cause modern diseases such as obesity or diabetes and a decline in
immune system and general health. Besides, sleep disorder, depression or autism also result from a
busy life. Work or school pressure can threaten people’s mental health. Take Korea or Japan as an
example, where the suicide rates are alarming level, 21.2% and 12.2%.

In addition, being busy life at work of school may detrimentally affect people’s relationships. Initially, in
families, parents will not have time to care and look after their children, this can make children become
bad and exposure to social evils. Furthermore, when people principally spent for work, they will not
have time for friends, social relationships and they can feel this life really boring and have no motivation
to progress.

In a nutshell, busy life should be taken into account, due to this, it can cause a lot of negative effects on
people. I believe that, when a busy life is taken into account people will become happier and live a more
meaningful life.

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