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Boac, Marinduque

Integrated Basic Education Department

S. Y. 2020 – 2021

Subject Disaster Readiness and Risk Quarter 1 Module # 4

Level Grade 11- STEM Duration 1 week Day 1- 10
Topic: Volcano Hazards

 Explain various volcano- related hazards

 Differentiate among different volcano hazards
 Recognize and identify signs of an impending volcanic eruption
 Apply appropriate measures/ interventions before, during, and after volcanic eruption.

Volcanoes are openings in Earth’s crust that allows the energy from the interior of the
Earth to escape to the surface. The energy in the magma that goes out are in the form of
lava, ash, and gas.

There are volcanoes because Earth’s crust is broken up into tectonic plates. Most
volcanoes are found on the edges of the plates where one plate connects to another. For
example, the Pacific Plate has active volcanoes strategically located on its edges, from which
term “Pacific Ring of Fire” came about.

Potential Volcano- Related Hazards

• Ash fall- Ash fall or tephra fall are showers of airborne fine- to coarse- grained
volcanic particles that fallout from the plumes of a volcanic eruption; ash fall
distribution/ dispersal is dependent on prevailing wind direction.

• Pyroclastic flow and surges - are turbulent mass of ejected fragmented volcanic
materials (ash and rocks), missed with hot gases (200ºC to 700ºC to as hot as 900ºC)

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that flow downslope at very high speeds (< 60 kph). Surges are the more dilute, more
mobile derivatives or pyroclastic flows.

• Lahars- are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the pyroclastic
materials) and water, usually triggered intense rainfall during typhoons, monsoons and
thunderstorms. Lahar can occur immediately after an eruption or can become long-
term problem if there is voluminous pyroclastic materials erupted such as the case of
1991 Pinatubo eruption.

• Ballistic projectile- This is a rock that is ejected from a volcano during its explosive
eruption. It is like a cannonball that travels fast in the air.

• Volcanic gas- This consist of sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, which are
poisonous and hazardous to organisms. These are the main constituents of the
magma that is spewed out during an eruption.

• Lava flow- This is molten rock that pour downs from the slopes of the volcano. It is
different from pyroclastic flow in that lava flow is denser and hence moves more slowly.
Thus, it gives more time from animals and humans to move away from its path, unlike
pyroclastic that may leave no time for organisms to react.

Signs of an impending volcanic eruption

1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of

volcanic tremors.
2. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from white to gray due
to entrained ash.
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater.
4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and ground fissuring due to magma intrusion.
5. Localized landslides, rock falls and landslides from the summit area which not
attributable to heavy rains.
6. Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around the volcano’s upper
7. Increase in the temperature of hot springs, wells crater lake near the volcano;
8. Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the vicinity
of the volcano;
9. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano;
10. Development of new thermal areas and/or reactivation of old ones; appearance of

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Before an Eruption
 Stay updated with the local news.
 Learn about your community warning system.
 Prepare an emergency supply kit.
 Pack all important and essential items.
 Secure livestock in enclosed shelters.
 Listen to public safety announcements of local authorities.

During an Eruption

 Follow evacuation orders.

 If told to stay indoors, place a damp cloth over your windows and, if possible, over your
 Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
 Use goggles and protect your eyes.
 Avoid low- lying regions and river areas near the volcano.

After an Eruption

 Wait for the announcement from local authorities that is safe to return to your house.
 Inspect your house carefully for any damage before you enter it. Do not enter your
house if you smell gas, lahar is present, or authorities have declared it unsafe.
 If you or a family member has a respiratory ailment such as asthma or bronchitis, stay
away from volcanic ash fall areas. Volcanic ash can cause severe damage to the
respiratory system as well as irritation to the skin and eyes.
 Wear dust mask, gloves, and goggles while cleaning the debris and ashfall on the roof
of your house to damage of your house to avoid further damage.
 Check electrical wirings, appliances, and gas tanks before using them.
 Boil water before drinking it. Groundwater pipes may have been contaminated by
volcanic articles.
 Stay informed and listen for emergency updates.

A. Book
 Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
B. Link

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Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade and Section: ______________________ Teacher: __________________

Performance Task no. 2: Brochure Making

Activity: Brochure about safety precautionary measures for a volcanic eruption

Objective: The students should be able to create a brochure showcasing safety
precautionary measures for a volcanic eruption.
Directions: Create a brochure about the safety precautionary measures during, before and
after a volcanic eruption using a raw or art materials found at home.

RUBRICS: Brochure Making

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