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Jens Martensson

The Best Way to

Study Future is
to Study Past
1. Muddassir Raheel
2. M. Saaib Shaikh
3. Ahmed Owais
4. Murtaza Mustafa
The Power of Studying Past
• The past is our foundation, the bedrock that
allows a stable society to exist, it is here that we
can see our Heroes, those who have done great It is a gift that our
and noble deeds and thoughts. ancestors bestowed
upon us, a great gift
• In our past we see our failures and our enemies,

Jens Martensson
our victories and our defeats.
• The past allows the people of the present and
the future to learn without having to endure.
• We can see how others coped, and how others
survived hard times. The past gives us courage
and it protects us.
• Not only can we see the sacrifices that have
been made for us by those in the past but we
can use that to protect ourselves now and in 3
the future.
Why not to study past?
• The present is the here and now, the place where
we live in time, but the present is a constantly It is very important
moving place. that we try and make
the present as livable as
• It is the place we live in, and it is the most unstable
of all. It never stops moving but our entire life is possible.

Jens Martensson
lived in the present.
• We all have a past but we do not live in it, our past
is past. But it continues to affect us at all times. We
do not live in the past, nor do we live in the future,
but the present is the most fleeting of all.
• However the present is just as important as the
past or the future, for without it the past was for
nothing, and the future will never arrive. Our
present will someday soon be our past, and the
present will decide how the future will turn out. 4
The Impact on Future!
• The future is where we all hope to end up, even if by then it The future is a
is the present. We hope for a better future, a place where we place of both,
are respected and the things we believe are also respected.
hope and
But of course we also live with the fear that none of these
things will come to pass. despair.

Jens Martensson
• Politically, socially, economically, in foreign affairs and national
security and of course personally… The future is not just a
place for future events to take place, but a place where we
want those who come after us to also believe in their future
—that those of us who lived in the past gave them a future
worth having, a future that gives more benefits than negatives.
• But we do not hope for a world without troubles, for that is
not a realistic vision. It is one thing to hope for a better
future because that is possible, but quite another to hope for
a future without problems for that is not possible. We should 5

not set ourselves or those who come after us up for failure.

Prospects of Studying Past

Preventing future mistakes is This information is not useful

Jens Martensson
one reason to study the past. in everyday life or for the
Another reason for studying future.
the past is that people For this reason, it makes
should be able to see how learning the history a waste
the past events have of time because events can
relevance in their lives now. also be interpreted in a
The past should serve as a different way which makes
personal guide to the future. what we learn in history less
Our Opinion
Learn from the Past…
Prepare for the Future…
Live in the Moment!

Jens Martensson
Life is heavily dependent on our points of view, our
paradigms, how we see the world. Living in the moment is
very difficult to do these days. Constant distractions make
it almost impossible, but we need to strive to do it.
Learning from the past is very useful, but dwelling in it can
be damaging. Preparing for the future is equally as useful;
but always living for what will be can take away from
those precious moments that we have in the present with
our family and our friends. However there are many cons
of studying past but it is better to learn from them. 7
Jens Martensson

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