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After that, the kingdom started to fall.

The Marathas, Rajputs, Jats, and Afghan invaders dealt the

Mughals several hits. General Bajirao of the Maratha Empire attacked and pillaged Delhi in 1737.
The Mughal Emperor dispatched 8,000 warriors under the command of Amir Khan Umrao Al
Udat to force the 5,000 Maratha cavalrymen away. The remainder of the imperial Mughal force
retreated after Baji Rao quickly defeated the inexperienced Mughal general. Nizam-ul-mulk, the
Mughal Army's commander in chief, was routed by the Maratha force at Bhopal in 1737, which
marked the Mughal Empire's ultimate loss. The Mughal Kingdom was basically destroyed as a
result of this. While Suraj Mal, a Jat governor of Bharatpur State, overran the Mughal troops in
Agra and pillaged the city

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