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Direct Indo-European trade was made possible by the Portuguese fleet led by Vasco da

Gama's discovery of a new sea route from Europe to India in 1498. The Portuguese soon set
up trading posts in Velha Goa, Damaon, Dio island, and Bombay. The Goa Inquisition, which
the Portuguese instituted after conquering Goa, saw non-Christians condemned for
discouraging those considering conversion or persuading others to renounce Christianity,
while newly converted Indians were punished for suspected heresy against Christianity. [366]
Up until 1961, Goa was the main Portuguese possession before it was annexed by India.
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The Dutch, who had their main base in Ceylon, were the next group to arrive. In Malabar,
ports were built. Nevertheless, their entry into India was stopped following their defeat in the
Battle of

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