Retrofitting Question Paper 2022

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USN B2occslos
Third Semester M.Tech. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022
Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Structures
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.

1a. Explain the difference between Defects, Distress and Deterioration. (10 Marks)
b. Explain the Mechanism of Crazing. What are the preventive measures to be taken?(10 Marks)

Describe the condition assessment ofreinforced concrete structures. (05 Marks)
under different conditions to be
. Evaluate behavior of ultrasonic pulses in a concretemedium
/ interpolate to assess the quality of concrete. (08 Marks)
What are the tests can be implemented to testvarious mechanical properties of concrete?
(07 Marks)

(10 Marks)
3 a
Explain the factors affecting chemical attack on concrete
Describethe Electrochemical mechanism of Corrosion. (10 Marks)

4 a. Explain the factors affecting Pêrmeability of concrete. (10 Marks)
b. Describe the factors influencing Quality assurance for concrete construction. (10 Marks)

(10 Marks)
aExplain the significance of Sulphur infilrated concrete.
b Outline the necessity offiber reinforced polymeric meshes., (10 Marks)

6 LaDescribe the basic needs for selection of repair materials. (10 Marks)
b. Explaintheproperties and advantages of
i) Polymer concrete il) Polymer impregnated concrete. (10 Marks)

7 LaExplain the various Corrosion Protection methods. (10 Marks)
bDescribe the various strengthening technique to overcome low member strength. (10 Marks)

8 a. Explain the concept of "Autogenous Healing". (10 Marks)
b. Describe the process involved in "Form and Pump" and its advantages. (10 Marks)

9 aDescribe the need for Continuous Monitoring of structures. (10 Marks)
Explain "Active Monitoring", with the help of examples. (10 Marks)

10 a. Explain the different levels of Structural Health Monitoring. (10Marks)
b. Describe the motivation for Structural Health Monitoring. (10 Marks)

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