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Name: Doguiles, Paul Joshua B.

Grade & Section: 12 -


What’s More

Activity 2.3:  Question & Answer

1. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?

One can become knowledgeable in media and information if one  knows how to give
the correct information, are open to sharing the information with everyone, provide
answers to questions, and assist others to improve in their knowledge.

2. How is critical thinking related to media and information literacy? 

Media analysis, a crucial component of media literacy education, promotes critical

thinking skills by improving observation and interpretation. Students, for example,
might study and challenge the founders' preconceptions, biases, and unspoken

3. Do you consider yourself a media and information literate individual? Why

or why not? 

Sure, I consider myself to be media and information literate. There are several
advantages to media literacy, some of which include the capacity to detect and
differentiate good from bad information as well as the ability to filter through and pick
the proper information. We are not readily influenced by negative influences that are
harmful to us.

4. What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information

literacy? Give at least three examples.

Citing and sharing information, publishing and sharing photographs, viewing and
creating videos or movies, texting, writing blogs or making posts, and researching
are some of the behaviors or actions that demonstrate media and information
Activity 2.4:

Illustrating MIL

Paul Joshua Doguiles 12 Narra

Understanding media and its function in our society is built on media and information
literacy. It teaches some of the core skills necessary for critical thinking, analysis, self-
expression, and creativity—all of which are required of citizens.

Activity 2.5: Disaster Scenario

Information needs Prepare to carry out any preparations you have made to cope
What information with floods in your region, such as transferring automobiles,
do you need? pets, food, valuables, and essential papers to higher ground.
putting flood prevention devices in place. If it is safe to do so,
switch off the gas, electricity, and water sources.

Sources of Internet, News, Radio

Where will you get

Access to Mobile Phone, Radio, Television

How will you
access them?

Evaluate It is critical to analyze each source as you study it to establish

information the quality of the information included within it. The following are
How will you check some common evaluation criteria: purpose and intended
the quality of audience, authority and credibility, correctness and
information? dependability, currency and timeliness, and objectivity or bias.

Organize A five-step procedure can be used to arrange content intended

information to enlighten readers: Brief Summary, Background, Results,
How will you Conclusions, and Recommendations.
organize and store

Communicate By developing a plan for communication.

information 1. Identify the purpose of your
How will you create communication
and communicate 2. Identify your audience
them? 3. Plan and design your message
4. Consider your resources
5. Plan for obstacles and emergencies
6. Strategize how you will connect to the media and others who
can help you spread your message.
7. Create an action plan
8. Decide how you will evaluate your plan and adjust it, based
on the results of carrying it out.

What I Have Learned

 I define media and information literacy as providing individuals with the tools they
need to undertake independent investigation and think critically about the media
and content they consume.
 Media literacy, information literacy, and technological literacy are vital life skills
because they help individuals grasp the messages they are receiving. With so
many information sources accessible today, media literacy may help consumers
identify reliable sources and break through the noise to reach the truth.

What I Can Do

As a learner and a civilian of my country, I will carry out my responsibilities in an

ethical and proper manner. I'll begin with myself, and once I earn their confidence,
others will join. If you want anything to happen, you must first earn their trust, and then
they will join you. I'll also try to encourage my friends and relatives by explaining the
benefits of media and information literacy development to them. To inspire others to use
media and information appropriately, you must first demonstrate how to do so. As a law-
abiding citizen of our country, I will use the media to help our country progress and
become a better place. Development is not a negative idea in and of itself.

The use of media and information literacy as a tool for promoting civic responsibility and
national development has shown to be extremely effective. We may learn more about
things relevant to our country's economy from people in other nations when we access
social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. By
highlighting to everyone in society that media is not restricted to television, you as a
student can help your nation progress. Another excellent method of developing a
country is to educate the public on how to deal with the media and information. I may
say that I helped our country improve by being updated about events taking place
around the country and using social media to inform peers and individuals in my
community or country. Begin by teaching some of your peers how to assess internet
news sources and media. Based on what you've learned as a student, educate children
on the proper and sensible use of media, teaching students about right and wrong
media usage would help not only our country but also the rest of the globe.


Multiple Choices

1. A 6. C
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. A
5. B 10. C

True or False
1. True 6. False
2. False 7. True
3. False 8. True
4. True 9. True
5. True 10. False

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