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Chapter 7 and 8

Write the correct answer in a ½ sheet of paper.

1. What is the primary purpose of the polygraph test in security screening?
2. What is the study of the relationship between physiological signals recorded from the
body and brain to mental processes and disorders?
3. What is a complex social behavior which involves a set of higher cognitive function?
4. What is the uttering or conveying falsehood, creating a false misleading impression
with the intention or affecting wrongful , the acts through the opinion or affection of
another, it will be to accomplished by verbal first will use communicating by projection
into marks and symbols described in papers or by acts, uses or other means by witch
man may be able to get the desire or results?
5. Who are classified as barriers and obstacle to lie detection with the aid of the
6. What is a lie made by persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong? Why would
people intend to tell white or benign lie?
7. What is the most common kind of lie?
8. What would be the perception of those persons who are telling pathological lies?
10. What kind of lie that accompanies pretensions and hypocrisies intriguing to cause
dishonor or discredit one's good image?
11. What would be the probable result of malicious lie or judicious lie?
12. What kind of lie that purport to destroy other ideologies by means of propaganda-
brain-washing and black-mail via espionage and treason?
13. What kind of lie when a person pretends what he or she thinks of himself, what kind
of person he/she is, and what he or she is doing?
14. What is the kind of lie that some liar lawyers and false witnesses fall under this
15. _____It refers to the one of several common techniques used by the subject when
responding to certain types of the examiners concerns.
16. _____It is also known as a continuing misrepresentation or quote mining, occurs when
an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception.
17. When would lying be considered as an omission?
18. When would an omission be considered a sin?
19. ____It is told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain
whether or not it actually is true.
20. _____ It is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalization or
rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible.
21. Who can weave the truth and lies together causing confusion even to the liar?
22. What is a common form of deception, stating something known to be untrue with the
intent to deceive?
23. _____It refers to the act, either, big or small, cruel or kind of encouraging people to
believe information that is not true.
24. to 28. What are the Various Kinds of Lies?
29 to 32. What are the Numerous Types of Lies?

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