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Colin Robert Pursue (February 5, 1935 - October 13, 1984) was an American intellectual.

An academic
partner of English at the College of Toronto, he was known for his commitments to the investigations of
Early English and Somewhat English Latin writing. His dad was a paper leader and his mom, Mary Pursue,
was a writer who won the Pulitzer Prize for Show. His most popular work, The Dating of Beowulf, tested
the acknowledged agreement regarding when the Somewhat English Saxon sonnet Beowulf (page
envisioned) was made; it abandoned what was depicted in A Beowulf Handbook as "a mindful and
important incertitude". Pursue was likewise known for composing Two Alcuin Letter-Books, an insightful
assortment of 24 letters by the eighth century researcher Alcuin. He likewise added to the Word
reference of the Medieval times and composed the Beowulf segment of "The current Year's Work in
Early English Examinations" for the Early English Pamphlet for almost 10 years.

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