Adverb of Frequency

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Opposite adjective words

1. Small x ................
2. Sad x ...................
3. Short x ................
4. Stupid x ..............
5. Ugly x ................
6. Afraid x ..............
7. Cold x ................
8. Easy x .................
9. Dirty x ................
10. Bitter x ................

A. Put the words into the correct order.

1. homework/ usually / does / at / his / seven/.

2. is / sister / late / my / always /
3. the / go / sometimes / to / cinema / we/.
4. is / unhappy / James / never /
5. always / are / they / friendly /
6.often / the / school / walk / to / children
7. after / usually / I / meet / friends / school / my
8. pizza / mum / never / my / makes /

III. Translate into Indonesian !

1. I always sweep the floor.
2. Iwan usually plays marble after lunch
3. I seldom come late to school.
4. Susi never goes to Bali.
5. May I borrow your mask ?

IV. translate into English !

1. Farina selalu sarapan setiap pagi.
2. Saya jarang bermain bola di sore hari.
3. Anita selalu menyiram bunga.
4. Budi mempunyai beberapa layangan di rumahnya.
5. Ada beberapa kue di atas meja.

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