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Arch Dermatol Res (1995) 287:214-218 9 Springer-Verlag 1995

Ayako Yamamoto 9 Kaoruko Takenouchi 9 Masaaki Ito

Impaired water barrier function in acne vulgaris

Received: 13 December 1993

Abstract In acne vulgaris, abnormal follicular kera- genesis o f acne is abnormal follicular keratinization [8,
tinization is important for comedo formation, yet the 12], leading to c o m e d o formation, no precise mechanism
precise mechanisms of comedogenesis are not known. of comedogenesis has yet been clarified. There are two
The present study examined the interrelationship be- hypotheses concerning the role played by lipids in
tween sebum secretion rate (SSR), lipid content and c o m e d o formation. First, D o w n i n g and co-workers have
water barrier function (WBF) of the stratum corneum postulated a linoleic acid deficiency of the follicular ep-
(SC) in 36 acne patients and 29 control subjects. All ithelium [5, 20]. They have demonstrated that increasing
major SC lipid classes were separated and qantified by sebum production during puberty reduces the proportion
thin-layer chromatography/photodensitometry. WBF o f linoleate in ceramide 1. Second, Melnik et al. have sug-
was evaluated by measuring transepidermal water loss gested that an imbalance of free sterol and cholesterol sul-
(TEWL), and the hygroscopic properties and water- phate causes follicular retention hyperkeratosis [12]. Both
holding capacity of the SC. The SSR over a period of o f these groups formulated a concept of a dilutional effect
3 h was significantly higher in patients with moderate of sebum on epidermal lipids in acne [16]. Recent studies
ache than in control subjects, but no significant differ- have indicated that epidermal lipid and D N A synthesis
ence was noticed between patients with mild acne and might be regulated by the water barrier function (WBF) of
control subjects. Significant differences between pa- the stratum c o r n e u m [17]. If this is correct, a diminished
tients with both moderate and mild acne and control W B F m a y cause hyperproliferation of the epithelium. Be-
subjects were noted in the amount of sphingolipids cause sebaceous follicles have long canals through which
(ceramides and free sphingosine), but not for any sebum flows, hyperkeratinization of the follicular epithe-
other lipid classes. Furthermore in acne patients, lium m a y easily cause plugged follicles.
lower amounts of sphingolipids were observed corre- In this study, the sebum secretion rate (SSR) and the
sponding with a diminished WBF. These results sug- lipid content and W B F o f the stratum c o r n e u m were ex-
gest that an impaired WBF caused by decreased amined in acne. We report here, for the first time, a possi-
amounts of ceramides may be responsible for comedo ble comedogenic m e c h a n i s m involving an impaired W B F
formation, since barrier dysfunction is accompanied in acne.
by hyperkeratosis of the follicular epithelium.

Key words Water barrier function 9 Acne vulgaris Materials and methods
Ceramides 9 Sphingosine 9 S e b u m secretion rate

A group of 36 male patients with facial acne, aged 14-26 years

Introduction (mean age 21.1 _+3.4 years), were examined. The clinical severity
of the ache was graded according to the criteria of Plewig and
A c n e vulgaris is a disease well k n o w n throughout the Kligman [15]: grade I (mild type), less than 10 comedones without
papules on one cheek; and grade II (moderate type), 10-20 come-
world. Although one o f the primary events in the patho- dories with less than 10 papules on one cheek. Of the 36 patients,
25 were categorized as grade I (mild group, mean age 21.4 + 3.4
years) and 11 as grade II (moderate group, mean age 20.5 •
3.2years). None of the patients had received topical or systemic
A. Yamamoto (IY:~).K. Takenouchi - M. Ito treatment prior to the study. A group of 29 healthy male subjects
Department of Dermatology, .aged 16-24 years (mean age 21.8 + 2.9 years) without skin disease
Niigata University School of Medicine, Niigata 951, Japan were similarly examined as controls. All subjects were asked to re-
Tel. (025) 223-6161, ext. 2584; Fax (025) 223-6672 frain from washing their face for 1 day prior to examination.

Measurement of water ban'ier function Separation and measurement of sphingolipids

WBF was evaluated by measuring transepidermal water loss Sphingolipids were separated using a silica gel column. The lipids
(TEWL), and the hygroscopic properties and water-holding capac- collected by the cup method were suspended in ether and passed
ity (WHC) of the stratum corneum of the cheeks of the subjects. through a column of silica gel. Continued elution with ether re-
TEWL was measured using an evaporimeter (EP1; ServoMed, moved non-polar lipids, and subsequent elution with chloro-
Stockholm, Sweden) [14]. Based on a study by Tagami et al. [21], form/methanol/water (C/M/W, 200:100:3) recovered the polar
a water sorption-desorption test was performed using a skin sur- lipids. Ceramides were separated from the other polar lipid frac-
face hydrometer (SKICON-200; IBS, Hamamatsu, Japan). First, tions by chromatography on a 0.25 mm thick layer of silica gel
the conductance of the skin surface was measured and then a drop (Alltech, Deerfietd, Ill., USA) with a mobile phase of chloro-
of distilled water was applied to the same area for 10 s to evaluate form/methanol/acetic acid (190:9:1) [20]. After drying, the chro-
the hygroscopic properties [21]. After wiping the test area with a matogram was sprayed with 50% sulphuric acid and charred by
pad of gauze, conductance values, were measured serially at inter- heating at 220~ on a hot-plate. The charred chromatogram was
vals of 30 s for 2 rain to estimate WHC [21]. To avoid non-physi- quantitated using a photodensitometer as described above. The
ological conditions, these serial measurements were carried out amount of ceramides was determined by comparison with the den-
under the fixed conditions of 20 ~C and 50% relative humidity. sitometric area for cochromatographed pig epidermal ceramides.
Approximately 800 of C/M/W extract was applied to the
TLC plates (Alltech) and was first developed to a level of 10 cm
Estimation of sebum secretion rates with chloroform/methanol/ammonia (40:10:1) and then with chlo-
roform/methanol/acetic acid (190:9:1) to the top of the plate [22].
Sustained SSR was measured on the forehead of each subject as After development, the plate was sprayed with 0.5% ninhydrin in
previously described [24]. Briefly, the forehead was first swabbed n-butanol (w/v) and placed silica-side down over a steaming hot
with lipid-free cotton wool moistened with ether, and a lipid-free water-bath for 5 min, after which it was turned over [22]. After
absorbent paper was attached to a defined area of the forehead for cooling, it was scanned with a photodensitometer at a wavelength
3 h. Lipids were then extracted from the recovered paper and the of 520 nm. The amount of free sphingosine was estimated by com-
amount was measured gravimetrically [24]. parison with a sphingosine standard (Sigma).

Collection and measurement of stratum corneum lipids Statistical analysis

Stratum corneum lipids were collected from the cheeks using a cup Student's t-test was employed for statistical analysis.
method [3]. A glass cup (open end, 30 mm ID) containing 10 ml
hexane/methanol (2:3 v/v) was tightly pressed onto the skin sur-
face for 60 s and the extracted lipids recovered by evaporation of
the solvent in a rotary evaporator [18]. Results

Water barrier function

Separation and measurement of lipid classes
The T E W L level was higher and the c o n d u c t a n c e value
Determination of lipid classes was accomplished using high-per-
formance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) separation [13]. before the water sorption-desorption test was lower in
Approximately 50 btg of each extract was applied to the HPTLC both mild and moderate groups than in the control group
plates (Kieselgel 60; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The chro- (Table 1). A negative correlation was found b e t w e e n the
matogram was first developed with hexane and then with benzene T E W L and the c o n d u c t a n c e value of all subjects (data not
to the top of the plate. Relatively polar lipids on the plate were
developed to a level of 6 cm with chloroform/methanol/water shown).
(95:20:1) and then to 14.5 cm with hexane/ether/acetic acid Figure 1 shows the results of the water s o r p t i o n - d e -
(80:20:10) [18]. After development, the chromatogram was sorption test for both the mild and moderate groups and
sprayed with 10% (w/v) cupric sulphate hydrate in 8% (w/v) phos- the control group. The c o n d u c t a n c e value increased ab-
phoric acid [12] and chal~red by heating at 180~ for 60 min in a
convection oven (STAC 5200; Shimadzurika Instruments, Tokyo, ruptly after the application of water and then b e g a n to re-
Japan) [18]. After cooling, the charred chromatogram was quanti- duce gradually over 2 rain. The values were consistently
tated using an absorbance reflection method at a wavelength of lower in acne patients than in the control subjects and
500 nm and linear scanning on a photodensitometer (CS-9000; lower in the moderate group than in the mild group.
Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The amount of each lipid class was cal-
culated by the measurement of the densitometric area for each
spot; the areas were proportional to the weight of the respective
constituents in the lipid mixture. Lipid standards were obtained S e b u m secretion rate
from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo., USA).
T h e results of the SSR m e a s u r e m e n t s on the forehead are
shown in Table 2. The values were significantly higher in

Table 1 Comparison of water

barrier function between acne Ache patients Control
patients and control subjects subjects
Moderate Mild (n = 29)
(n = 11) (n = 25)
Values are mean _+SD
** All values significantly TEWL (g/m2/h) 16.8 + 3.8** 14.4 _+ 2.5** 10.3 _+ 2.4**
different (P < 0.01) from one Conductance (bt~-I) 52.1 _+ 6.7** 92.8 _+ 8.0** 188.9 + 12.7"*

(pmho Application of water m e t h o d are o f both e p i d e r m a l and sebaceous origin [18].

Squalene, w a x esters and triglycerides originate p u r e l y

I 'k
f r o m sebaceous glands. F r e e fatty acids, cholesterol and
cholesterol esters derive f r o m both e p i d e r m i s and seba-
(0 ceous glands, while cholesterol sulphate, c e r a m i d e s and
p h o s p h o l i p i d s are e p i d e r m a l in origin. N o significant dif-
ferences b e t w e e n the acne patients and control s u b j e c t s
1000 were noted for any lipid fraction except c e r a m i d e s (Table
2). T h e total a m o u n t o f lipids t e n d e d to b e larger in the
m o d e r a t e group than in control group (Table 2).
Table 3 shows the m e a n percentages o f s p h i n g o l i p i d s
o 500 f r o m the p o l a r lipid fractions o f stratum c o r n e u m lipids
f r o m acne patients and control subjects. The proportions
o f free s p h i n g o s i n e and o f total c e r a m i d e s were signifi-
cantly l o w e r in both m i l d and m o d e r a t e acne patients than
in control subjects (Table 3). The c o m p o s i t i o n o f the ce-
before 0 30 60 90 120 (s) ram• in the acne patients and control subjects were
f o u n d to be identical (data not shown).
Fig. 1 Results of the water sorption-desorption test for patients
with mild (Q) and moderate acne (11) and control subjects (O).
Bars represent SD. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 versus control subjects

the m o d e r a t e group than in the control group, but no sig- This study r e v e a l e d that the acne patients s h o w e d a re-
nificant difference was f o u n d b e t w e e n the m i l d group and d u c e d W B F (Table 1 and Fig. 1) and d e c r e a s e d sphin-
the control group. golipids (Tables 2 and 3). F u r t h e r m o r e , l o w e r levels o f
s p h i n g o l i p i d s were o b s e r v e d c o r r e s p o n d i n g with the di-
m i n i s h e d W B F in the patients ( c o m p a r e Table 1 with
C o m p o s i t i o n o f stratum c o r n e u m lipids Table 3). D e s p i t e a significant difference in W B F b e t w e e n
the m i l d group and the control group, both groups s h o w e d
T h e m e a n weights o f the stratum c o r n e u m lipid fraction o f a similar S S R that was significantly l o w e r than that o f the
the acne patients and control subjects are p r e s e n t e d in m o d e r a t e group ( c o m p a r e Table 1 with Table 2). This sug-
Table 2. S t r a t u m c o r n e u m lipids extracted b y the cup gests that without a high SSR, follicular impact• may

Table 2 Sebum secretion

rates (rag/40 cm2/3 h) and Acne patients Control
mean weights (gg/cm 2) of the Moderate Mild (n = 29)
stratum corneum lipid fraction (n = 11) (n '-- 25)
of acne patients and control
subjects Sebum secretion rates 13.23 • 2.85* 9.83 • 2.55 10.58 • 4.30
Squalene 27.42 • 4.46 16.37 +_ 3.80 16.66 • 2.58
Wax esters 51.03 • 7.10 36.60 • 5.50 39.21 ___ 3.39
Triglycerides 40.88 • 6.00 35.33 + 3.50 35.81 ___ 3.18
Free fatty acids 27.81 ___ 1.32 31.24 _+ 3.57 31.54 • 3.16
Cholesterol 5.79 • 0.71 6.53 • 0.80 5.72 • 0.65
Cholesterol esters 7.65 • 0.30 6.85 • 0.94 5.77 • 0.87
Cholesterol sulphate 0.54 • 0.18 0.74 • 0.20 0.87 • 0.18
Total ceramides 3.40 • 0.45* 4.07 • 0.87* 6.49 _+ 0.98
Values are mean • SD Phospholipids 0.77 • 0.15 0.75 • 0.21 0.79 • 0.09
* P < 0.05 versus control sub- Total lipids 165.29 • 20.1 138,48 • 10.22 142.86 • 15.75

Table 3 Mean percentages of

Sphingolipid Acne patients Control
free sphingosine and total cera-
mides in the polar lipid fractions
Moderate Mild (n = 29)
from the stratum corneum of
(n= 11) (n=25)
acne patients and control subjects
Values are mean _+SD Free sphingosine 0.18 • 0.05** 0.30 + 0.07** 0.74 + 0.09**
** All values significantly differ- Total ceramides 29.08 + 2.07** 35.46 ___ 3.94** 44.96 • 5.83**
ent (P < 0.1) from one another

occur during adolescence together with enlarged piloseba- tion of gram-positive bacteria including P. aches. There-
ceous canals affected by androgens [9]. Knutson [9] ob- fore, there m a y be a possibility that acne patients have a
served morphological differences between the infundibu- disorder not only o f W B F but also of the antimicrobial
lum of normal and c o m e d o g e n i c follicles and suggested barrier. More studies are needed to clarify the relationship
that decreases in membrane-coating granules (MCGs) are between free sphingosine and P. a c h e s .
related to the abnormal follicular keratinization in early
Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by a grant
comedones. Currently, ceramides derived from the glyco- from the Cosmetology Research Foundation (Tokyo, Japan).
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of keratinized epithelium [6, 19]. Presumably, decreased
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