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English Essay : Writing an Introduction of

Literary/Proverbial Essays

by Waqar Ahmad
49th &50th common
Difference from Issue based Essay
● In issue based essays, we have a proper introduction
format like
○ General start/a hook (preferably with a quote)
○ Coming towards your main argument
○ way forward in brief
○ Thesis
Important Points for Literary Essays
● Hit the target directly, start with the meaning of the

quote (give your stance, you agree or disagree)

● Use simple language and avoid complex jargons

● Avoid Excessive data, facts, figures, idioms

● Use Connectors in start of Body Paras, as discussed

○ to start with, similarly, moreover, furthermore….

Introduction of Literary Essays
● There are 3 points to consider in intro

Few Examples:
● If gold rusts what shall iron do
● Appearance is always deceptive
● When Life throws you lemon, make lemonade
● Never, never , never give up.
What Part
The Exposition: In this first part of Intro, you have to hit

the topic, while explaining the maxim/proverb. You will

simply discuss the proverb, and make your stance clear.

It will be your Thesis but you don’t need to highlight it.

Example: Never never never give up

What Part
Such moments occur in man's life when he completely loses hope.

He became pessimist and power of thinking gets weak. He finds

darkness everywhere around him . Man in the superior creature of

the God and he has the ability to bear any kind of hardship in life .

Whenever challenges of life test man's mettle, he should over power

them with the best of his abilities and talent. That's why

intellectuals and wise elders' advice man not to lose hope even in

worst circumstances of life.

Why Part
You have to give reasons(both positive and negative)

Positive reasons that why you think in such way about the


If somebody don’t follow that, what happens (negative

Why Part (Positive reasons)
There were many great men in history who were always ready to tackle any

kind of situation in life. They had courage and audacity to deal with

unfavorable circumstances of life. Whenever difficulties of life knock at the

door, they did not show him cowardice. Instead they extract oppotunities

out of difficulty to live a prosper life. They not only work for their own

future but also for the betterment of their fellow beings. Such great men

are real source of inspiration for those who wish to move ahead in life.

Their names are written in golden words in history and they live in people's

Why Part (Negative reasons)
On the other hand, there were few chicken hearted people

who could not face the difficulties of life. Such people

were not able to succeed. They easily gave up whenever

adventures of life challenged them. Such people did not

have any place in history Even people do not remember

them and they are forgotten.

How Part
Elaborating your arguments Generally, or further discussion

on the proverb/topic.
How Part
Truly speaking, life is not a bed of roses rather a bed of thrones. It is not an

easy task for anyone to reach his destination in one time. Life is a

continuous struggle. Great leaders, sophisticated societies, philosophers

,religions and nations have succeeded in the pages of history by following

the golden principle of not giving up. Only pragmatic people understands

that life is a trial. There is no need to feel being rejected and disappointed .

Man is here in this world to win through hard work and struggle. Not to be

dominated by unexpected situation.

Making Arguments:

● Local (Examples from a city)

● National (National Level)

● International (Example from other countries)

Areas to remember for extracting Arguments

● Judiciary ● Society

● Media ● Parliament
● Religion ● Government
● Technology
● Common man
● Economy
● History
● Politics
● Science
● Nature

● Resources

● Education
Examples of Important/famous Personalities
● Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

● Pious Caliphs

● Nelson Mandela

● Barack Obama

● Quaid e Azam

● Winston Churchill

● Napoleon Bonaparte

● Mark Zuckerberg

● others
Outline should have these mandatory points
● Introduction

● Exposition of the statement (unearthing/explaining limiting or expanding)

● Alternate view of the Statement

● Sweet are the uses of adversities as;

● Main Arguments here (theoretical and practical collectively)

● A possible way forward if appropriate (like how can the idea be aptly

implemented in life to get benefit from : a couple of points will suffice

● Conclusion
Extracting arguments from Areas
1. There were many great men in the history of the world that always fought

the odds of life courageously. (History)

2. The Scientists struggled day and night to bring a revolutionary change in the

life of People (Science)

3. While reforming Society, writers received life threats but they did not give up


4. The Prophet was focused to leave his hometown but he did not move an inch

away (Great Leader)

5. All religions of the world advise men to remain steadfast while encouraging

harsh realities of life. (Religion)

How to write Conclusion of a Literary Essay
start with the thesis in concluding context i.e, In a nutshell, a man

should never give up to the tests of life. Greatness comes with courage

and keeping nerves in the face of difficulties of life.

After that discuss your arguments again in general. Like

Whether History, science, religions or popular leaders, all stress upon to

be bold enough to tackle the underlying challenges of life and move on.

(Keep conclusion Brief, No new idea in conclusion please)

Thank You

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