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Waqar Ahmad 49th & 50th Common

Essay Topics:
Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone

The statement perfectly captures the idea that the education received in one’s
early years is permanent and lasting. It highlights the value of youth education
and how it affects one’s future and a society as a whole.

Apply WHAT WHY HOW for introductory Paragraph

Exposition of the statement (unearthing):

 Meaning of instruction : Education, Nurturing

 Meaning of youth : The period one is attaining education
 Engraving in stone : Conduct, behavior, personality

The importance of instructions in youth: learning in young age

Factors that affect youth education

 Access
 Quality
 Societal preferences
 Economic considerations
 Political consideration towards education
 Perception of gender in society

Major Arguments:
Psychology: The Discipline of Psychology also support this position

Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis says” A combination of psychosocial, parental,

and biological influences are likely responsible for the ultimate determination of human
traits and states”.

Religion: Religious consideration of parents is depicted in children as well

As per PEW research, parents have a large impact on their children’s religious
behaviors. This research states that U.S. TEENS TAKE AFTER THEIR PARENTS
Waqar Ahmad 49th & 50th Common

Economy: During Inception of a state, if in its early years , appropriate economic

roadmap and policies are followed, it sets the direction of economy of that state
(Example of Pakistan-focused on aid , India –focused on IT)

Religion: Religious clergies proper or misinterpretation of religious injunction mould

the mentality of pupils to be peace loving or extremist later

Media: In youth, a person observing whatever is shown in media is later reflected in

his behavior and personality (obscenity, violence, impact of action movies)

Family: Child observing gender based violence at home will likely to resort to violence later

Eduction: A student follows cramming approach or analytical approach as instructed in

young age in educational setup

Family: A mother encouraging her daughter, building her confidence and training her
to fight for her due rights will certainly turn to be gender equality proponent

Great Leaders: Nelson Madela “said that he inherited his father's "proud rebelliousness" and
"stubborn sense of fairness".

History: Incident of Great Sufi Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Abdul Qadir Jilani was an
eminent Islamic scholar born in 11th Century CE, Persia. Early stories of Abdul Qadir Jilani
describe him as a youth with a strong inclination for learning with a pious mother who
encouraged her son to acquire knowledge and be always upright.

The one who uses force is afraid of reasoning:

Only those resort to violence and coercion that lack confidence in their arguments and views
and, as a result, fear participating in meaningful discourse. Normally an individual , a group,
society or a state having its lack of confidence in one’s own capacity to effectively interact
with others and convince them of his point of view via the use of reasoning and logic,
ultimately resort to violence to suppress or try to defeat others. On the other hand, a person
having believe in discussion, debates and reasoning will never favour any use of force or
coercion, rather will establish his view point through convincing arguments.

Exposition of the statement (unearthing): Meaning of Reasoning (Talks, discussion, giving

convincing arguments) Use of force (using psychological, political, economic, military, societal
Waqar Ahmad 49th & 50th Common

force or coercion). The statement can be applied to multiple domains. Also discuss here the
position of those who believe in discussion, debates, negotiations.

Those who participate in dialogue that is reasoned and courteous have a greater chance of
achieving their goals: importance of reasoning

Major Arguments:

1) Examples/instances from different domain

a. In Official setup, superiors use authority as a force to suppress subordinates
b. In world history, use of force has been a common tactic employed by
totalitarian regimes to suppress dissent and maintain control. Nazi
c. In the wake of current feminism movement, patriarchal society apply force
rather than to discuss the prevailing gender inequality
d. In politics, authoritarian tactics are often used to suppress free speech and
maintain control.(Example of China/North Korea/Iran)
e. In literature, characters that use violence and coercion are often motivated by
fear, insecurity, or a lack of confidence in their beliefs.
f. Instances of economic force to suppress third world countries
g. British empire and colonization regimes of 19 th and 20th century
h. Veto power as a source to avoid UNGA which is a platform of reasoning
i. Quote example from Pakistan, Terrorists, TLP
2) Impacts
a. Use of physical force erodes trust and respect
b. Solution can never be reached upon when one party prefer use of force
c. Thoughts, ideas, and convictions are not taken into consideration or heard thus
discourages conciliation
d. Results in a continuous cycle of conflict and division

Give a counter: Some people hold the opinion that might is always right

How to implement the reconciliation approach in everyday life

Waqar Ahmad 49th & 50th Common

Boys will be boys.

1) Introduction: “Boys will be boys” is a statement normally heard as an excuse for male
misbehavior. It implies that male behavior is inherent, unavoidable, and unchangeable
and they are naturally inclined to engage in risky or inappropriate behavior. The
phrase is often used to justify or dismiss negative behaviors such as bullying,
aggression, promiscuity, and other forms of toxic masculinity. This notion needs to be
done away with to promote equality of genders in society.
2) The prevailing Gender inequality in society: (reasons and instances)
 Social
 Political
 Economic
3) How the statement “Boys will be boys” are used to justify male behavior
I. The statement reinforces the stereotype that boys and men are inherently
mischievous, wild, and uncontrollable.
II. To evade responsibility for their action; as a result, it perpetuates the notion
that male misbehavior is acceptable and normal.
III. Acceptability of this notion justifies toxic masculinity in a society and makes
boys and men immune from criticism or accountability for their actions. It
ultimately promotes negative and harmful male behavior
IV. Critics of the concept of “Boys will be boys” argue that male behavior is not
inherently problematic and that it is shaped by social and cultural factors. They
argue that male behavior is not predetermined and that boys and men are
capable of positive change and personal growth.
V. It serves as the best excuse for gender inequality; a woman victim of male
violence feels like she is not entitled to protection.
VI. The flooding sarcasm and memes of this statement on social media has further
cemented this tagline in society to an unprecedented level
VII. In family setups, and in society as well, this prevailing notion of “Boys been
boys” shape the minds of young boys to behave accordingly
VIII. Even religion is often misinterpreted to justify superiority of man over women

4. Alternative views of male behavior emphasize that such notion promotes positive and
healthy male behavior as they serve as active agents in society.
Waqar Ahmad 49th & 50th Common

5. Suggest a way forward like Equal parenting, raising awareness through education and
promoting equality within society, promoting positive healthy masculinity

6. Conclusion

The fool speaks, and the wise listens.

A friend walks in when everyone else walks out

Online learning not only convenient but also more effective than traditional learning

To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes on soft drinks and junk food

People have become overly dependent on technology

Both parents should assume equal responsibility of raising a child.

Thank You and Best Wishes (End of Essay & Précis Session)

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