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Coaching center report - 2011-12

Admission of students started in the beginning of January 2011 under the leadership of the chief coordinator of
the coaching center project, Mr Subimal Guria. He was helped by the teachers at the coaching centers. Prior to
that, the process of collection of old books from the previous batch of coaching center students had been
started, and 99% of the old books had been collected. A total number of 944 students got admission at 8 centers
spreading over the two GPs of Kankandighi and Purbasridharpur. At Kankandighi, 266 boys and 299 girls were
admitted. At Nagendrapur 180 boys and 211 girls were admitted. It was noticeable that girl student participation
was higher that boys.

Student chart for 2011-12

No No. No. No.

Name of center .teach Students Girls Boys

South Kankandighi Free Primary School

(Daktargheri) 3 89 49 40
Jogendrapur Mukti Coaching Center 3 130 72 58
Kankandighi Babujan Sipar H.S. Coaching
Center 6 346 178 168
Purba Sridharpur Coaching Center 3 101 62 39
Baradanagar 3 82 43 39
Nagendrapur 3 96 52 44
Damkal 3 107 53 54
Total 24 951 509 442

Books and materials support: All the students of our 8 coaching centers were supported with all required books
and exercise book, pen and pencils along with materials to be used at the centers, such as chalk, duster,
whiteboard marker etc.

Guardian meeting: Mukti had arranged guardian awareness meetings/camps in all eight centers in order to
involve parents in the process of their ward’s education. Overall, the response was mixed, with disappointing
participation from parents at some centers. However, this was the first year that this had been arranged, and
Mukti is committed to making it much better in successive years.

Parent teacher one-to-one Interaction: Mukti also implemented a one-to-one parent teacher interaction
session to discuss the progress of the students. This was again a first-time initiative and had poor attendance
from parents. However, the results were still encouraging, as the parents who did attend the session guided
their sons and/or daughters much better.

Teacher’s meeting: All teachers met regularly once a month to discuss about their progress and issues, and to
share their experiences. This meeting happened successfully on a regular basis.
Training for Mukti coaching centers teachers by Sikshamitra, a consultant organization: The coaching center
teachers participated in this training in order to improve their teaching skills. The training lasted for 4 days and
focused on English and mathematics based on the needs identified on the ground. The training provided a good
opportunity for the teachers to interact with experts in the field of teaching. A second phase of this training is
planned to start shortly.

Introduction of student rewards: This year Mukti introduced the concept of rewarding students to encourage
them to improve themselves through discipline, attention to studies, play, drawing, singing, etc. This exercise is
very good potential for the over all growth of the students as we found a healthy competition is growing among
student to perform better and get rewards.

Community sports: Mukti helped the coaching center students to participate in annual community sports, which
was organized by West Bengal education department. Mukti staff volunteered for the event, and Mukti
contributed part of the funds for conducting this event.

Special coaching programme: Since 2006 Mukti has been organizing a special coaching program for coaching
center students who are due to appear for Madhyamik examination. Apart from the Mukti coaching center
students, there were 140 students from other schools as well who joined this two-day program. The program
was conducted by an expert teachers panel consisting of seven highly experienced individuals in the field of teaching.
They guided the students on how to answer exam question well, and also on what kind of questions to expect.

Latrine for Jogendrapur High school: Jogendrapur school and Mukti jointly built an extra latrine for the
students. Most of the construction work has been completed. Only plastering work is pending. This was a
requirement and appeal from school managing committee. Mukti uses this school’s infrastructure to conduct
two coaching centres for around 300 students.

Comparative analysis of Madhyamik results of Mukti coaching center students and other students in
the same schools

Name of the center / school No of appeared No of pass Percentage

students students %
Jogendrapur – coaching 18 18 100%
Jogendrapur – school 104 94 90

Nagendrapur + 23 23 100%
Baradanagar – coaching
Nagendrapur – school 139 113 81.29

Above table shows Mukti coaching center students had 100% successes rate as compared to the other students at
the same schools, who had 80-90 % success rate.
Above sample was taken from Madhyamik student only.

School student figure includes Mukti coaching centre students. Excluding coaching center students, the pass rate
for the school students would be lower.

Annual result of 2011-Mukti coaching centers.


From the above table it is clear that coaching center student’s pass rate is almost 100%. This compares favorably
with the pass rate in the schools, which is 70-80%.

We identified one center (Doctor’s Gheri) that has comparatively low performance in respect to our other
center. But still significant high compare to local school. We are taking measures to improve performance of this

Annual result of 2011-Mukti coaching centers.

In Nagednrapur GP’s 4 centers we have above 95% average success rate compared to the local schools success
rate of 65%.

We have few areas of improvement here. It is observed that some students who have irregular attendance at
the coaching centers perform badly. We are taking steps to rectify this.

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