FES-BASC Business Rules PDF

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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology

Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

Name: Macapagal Glaiza Angel B.

Course Y&S: BSIT 3A

BASC Faculty Evaluation System Business Rules

• The faculty evaluation system should only let five students evaluate each instructor.
• Once the instructor reaches the goal number of evaluators, the instructor's name should be
removed from the list of instructors that should be evaluated.
• A student should only evaluate once, and after that, the student should not evaluate again.
• Furthermore, the student can only evaluate instructors who handled a subject in their previous
semester or school year; the student cannot evaluate instructors who did not handle a subject in
any of their previous years or semesters.
• Students can only use their own ID number to log in or register.
• When a student completes all the questions in the evaluation system, the system should print
the result, or you can download it in the format of the BASC Standard Evaluation Form, which is
also included with computation.
• When a student completes the evaluation, the system should record and print a certificate
stating that the student participated in evaluating an instructor while studying at BASC, as well
as a certificate for clearance purposes.
• Can add and edit a question in the evaluation system's questionnaire.
• Questions scale automatically on interval scales, where 1 represents "least likely" and 5
represents "most likely."

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