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(ACADEMIC SECTION) L GUIDELINES TAFE: Vioikoad of teachers per week mas folowa PGT-33 pevads per week “TGT-36 periods ner week PRT-39 perods per week £33 Paxil por SdeyS ‘élouiation for No.of Primary Teachers (including ane post of MUSE Teacher) (No, of Sections in Cass {to ¥) x48 % es of FA wl be Sanchoned 8 RV Raving WO BETS Tam T Wo K Whe inary Wig unig apa Garous, one RN ay _| be sanctioned. ~Torvats soted HN Wepemeel Wo 1S PA ee EAGT 4 { Tescveg wood i tebe cal vatd for 4 pals per week ncucng OCA penode | Bera for each subject tobe eacltea ting int secur fot] perodsn a stjec per Wank, These peveds re to be GaTIBART | divong the sbjec teachers Wrkoad of PTS to be calcated then te balance periods ae to be csruted among ne TGTS ct | | Esthet 7 aver, 1ST] RSC 0 RE HT WSRIGST TSN PENG TRE BU Be BRT BY BUSTA BCA BOGGS a | fin 5 | Weer PTs 3 wt Fave Ta woman’ sei secondary cases ance pends wil be aguied by ating avo | secondary * Practica etches for Seione® bye aE Y Pwo Be oF AT seas: For Ble EH paren wl Be O atead IS prAGICN _Eunets such a5 Phys, Cem, Balog, Compute Scene et 10 BS of V vl be eancioned ma RY Pavat Bwes secon rm I f>X,SHRAy Wo PORE TWP WH Be anehaned wb KV Raa | seri ton [Pos of Princpa Grif lho sanctioned iv 2 RV wp toass UT DSeetof Pane el Be sonenones KV Fem ss “The post ofeach TGT{ PANE 8 WE) wl Be sancioned iv a RVs Raving atleast ove secon Fam 1a Vil Theo pst oA eco lb santoned nb KV hag at asl on sce each ro Gass [0X | Fins st of Yog tease ert tobe sarctcned, however, exstng Yoo teacher wl continue. | “The post of Librarian will he sanctioned in-a KV having Gass VI onwards. 1 Pers aloted ths Prveal~5 per week. nisted in fo wea Donne inte ths Vics Ponape 22 pare, Noto excl nfta won - ‘onne sarcon ofan teecwrg pst fr cormon subjects Un all workload of teacher and Huents wa dase ehaud be ken wo | Secor (a ep i Engsh dass (Se) there ate 10 Students and X(eam,) Bre ae 6 stucers then beth te Classes can be merge | cous BU Bee of car Calagary of ears (WE PRT MT TETPRREY TOT REVS WE, rian and GING Voge hs BD) ly | aso be aloes 9 pr exstng norms. Ibo tr sencon ary post n place of any othe ctegary of waches panes, Fm a WV hawt two peat oT Potivata) a per dines, rane o delete one oot of PST Mas) ard sanction of anole oat of PT Computer Se) pace of POMS. ee oes of sasees X1 ard Il wo hive nt opted Computer Scencelp, Computer iteracy con Be prove cui Werk Sct ns General Sues Gaeses Pros srcon of new eam a 77 1 oF HART BCID SA De TG pore by Ca, VC SBE | Sway of stabi ad safe masta de |The sa sation strength oF 8 RY wl ro en a prods a6 6 sate bd eS A. | Irsvirtne have akendy en sued in ths regard we ister No. 140339 1/2011-KVSHQ(ACa¢) Time Tate M0607 ct Oech 08, 15 Reporat cies to Gare Vat proposals Of a1 KVE ana be sak with Ue prescibed Une w one Qo Wry waking ree Gite | une fr Ci Defence and Projet KV sepertely. Pace meal proposals vl nt be eters. Th coe of cowseuettial/addlona iereasen Cust XI wold of teaches sould be Guat By BIAG Ve Davee of Cass NL 1 Cai ane pes PST (Ba) Wa be AREIOTE Ub He UI are one scion, owe, nue oT sects VaR, Tan | Ste ost PST) maybe srciond andthe pos of TST Senc] may be ncessdeceased accord va [Rata pos Bor (cantar Shen) ca be Sacred Be Ee of al otis Sf Corpuie Saas | Up to 3 Sinn ROAST XFS SHC EPO of ATER IDC LDC oa TONES | Ute teach ena en at eee UDC Zale! [up t secons are above Vs (e-1 to XS secon each CHS), Pom OF AESL-1/UDC2/UDC 2 val be Sanco rina alaten of sub taf n'a KV the prov of at Of outoureg an rear sub Saf must et m the mi, | song prowsions of one LDC. one Sub staff & one Nurse n the Vidyalaye having host! facies wil continu,

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