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Assignment on

" Leadership Theories "

Course Name: Organizational Behaviour

Submitted To
Md. Nasir Uddin
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Administration
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

Submitted By
Nuri Shahrin
Id: 2316311002
Department of Public Administration
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submission date:06/02/23
 Leadership
 Importance of leadership in an organisation
 Theories of leadership
 Reference
In essence, leadership is a constant process of changing behaviour. It might be taken into
account in terms of the interactions between a leader and his followers. To accomplish his
objectives, the leader strives to affect the actions of people or groups of people around him.
Study should be done on the dynamic process of leadership. It is a relational process that
involves interactions between the leaders, the members, and occasionally external
constituents. Good leaders may be developed, not born. You can become a successful leader
if you have the motivation and willpower. A crucial and contemporary subject in the area of
management practices is leadership development. In essence, it entails fostering in managers
the traits and dispositions that enable them to consider the future and make the required
adjustments in relation to various leadership philosophies. (Navigation, 2023)
The capacity of management to make wise judgments and motivate subordinates to deliver is
known as leadership. It is the process of influencing other people's behaviour to achieve a
common objective. To put it briefly, leadership is accomplishing goals by using people. A
company needs strong leadership because it encourages team members to perform better,
boosts employee morale, and makes it easier to adapt to change. By fostering responsibility
and accountability among the organization's members, leadership supports organizational
success. In other words, it makes an organization more valuable. (Tutorialspoint, 2023)
A shining example of leadership is Barack Obama. This American president saw possibilities
and opportunities where the majority saw barriers. He put a lot of effort into fostering a
culture of honesty and openness among his staff, which resulted in loyalty and increased
productivity. (Wilson, 2020)

Importance of leadership in an organisation:

A company without capable leaders is comparable to a ship at sea without a captain directing
its course. They are particularly necessary at this time, when digital technology is
revolutionizing every aspect of how businesses are run and how customers engage with them.
Leaders lay out a company's goal and what employees must do to achieve it.
Even if you don't have a professional leadership role, you will encounter situations in life
where you must exercise your leadership skills to benefit those around you.
Without thoughtful leadership strategies, the organizational structure may get out of balance,
which could cause employees' bewilderment and frustration. Any organization needs strong
leadership to succeed. In order to ensure the efficient operation of an organization, leadership
fulfils a range of functions. Let's examine how it accomplishes it.

 Influencing Employees
 Fulfilling Employee Needs
 Solving Internal Conflicts
 Nurturing Future Leaders
 Building Morale
 Motivating Employees
 Increase Productivity
 Effectively managing change
 Better Decision-making
(Kaur, 2021)

Theories of leadership:
Theories of leadership describe how and why particular people develop to be leaders. They
place emphasis on the personality traits and behaviours that people might adopt to develop
their leadership abilities. Strong moral beliefs and ethics are among the top attributes leaders
consider as necessary for effective leadership.
 Strong organizing skills
 Capable learner
 Encourages affiliation and connection and
 Supports employee growth
A leadership theory explains how and why particular people end up in positions of
leadership. The emphasis is on the traits and behaviours that individuals might adopt to
improve their capacity for leadership. Leaders claim that a good leader must possess strong
ethics and high moral standards.
Some theories of leadership are;

1. The Transactional Theory or Management Theory

Well, this transactional theory was created during the Industrial Revolution to increase
business productivity. It is a leadership strategy that places a strong emphasis on how
important hierarchy is for maximizing organizational effectiveness. These managers value
structure highly and use their power to enforce laws in order to motivate people to do their
best efforts. According to this ideology, employees receive rewards for fulfilling their
assigned goals. The idea also assumes that employees must follow managerial orders.

Transactional leaders keep a close eye on their team members, rewarding them when they
meet goals and disciplining them when they don’t. The expansion of a corporation is not,
however, sparked by these executives. Instead, they focus on adhering to the company's
regulations and standards to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Leaders that employ transactional leadership:

 Concentrate on short-term goals.

 Favour uniform procedures and laws
 Recent modifications
 Encourage performance
 Discourage original thought
 Emphasize personal interests

Transactional leadership functions successfully when there are hurdles that are clearly
defined and the main objective is to complete a task.

2. Theory of Transformation

The transformational theory of management contends that the interaction between managers
and employees can be beneficial to the organization. According to this leadership philosophy,
effective leaders motivate their teams to perform above and beyond what they are capable of.
For their team members, leaders create a vision and inspire them to fulfill it.
Transformational leaders inspire and boost employee morale, which improves their
productivity at work. These managers are experts at leading by example, thus they motivate
staff members by their actions rather than their words.

Leaders Who Practice Transformational Leadership:

 Self-manage
 Set an example
 Give interaction a high priority
 Be proactive in your work
 Promote the development of employees
 Receptive to fresh concepts
 Take chances and make difficult choices

Instead of prioritizing successful processes, transformational leaders select team members

who get along to achieve common corporate goals. Effective CEOs also put the needs of the
business and its personnel ahead of their own.

3. The Theory of Contingencies

The contingency theory states that there is no one ideal strategy for managing an
organization. The best plan for guiding a company toward success must take into account
both internal and external factors. The contingency theory states that the ideal candidate
should match the ideal situation.

According to contingency theory, the following factors affect leadership style:

 Management approach
 Work speed
 Organizational policies and culture
 Employee spirit
 Employees' level of maturity
 Relationship between co-workers or members of a team
 Organizational objectives
 Environment and routine at work
The leader chooses the management approach that will enable the organization to accomplish
its goals in a specific circumstance. According to this idea, situations influence whether or
not leaders are effective. The theory says that no matter how good a leader is, challenging
events will always occur. It highlights the fact that the leaders are conscious of the fact that
their success is influenced by both external factors and internal factors.

4. The Theory of Situations

This theory, like the contingency theory, emphasizes the importance of context and maintains
that a leader should adapt to the changing circumstances in order to attain goals and form
judgements. How these leaders choose to lead may be influenced by the degree of skill and
commitment of the team members.

According to situational theory, situational leadership

 Develop a connection with the workforce

 Encourage employees
 Recognize when alternative leadership philosophies are required in a given situation
 Develop teams and organizational units

The concept also recognizes four primary leadership philosophies:

1. Telling: Managers give their employees instructions on what must be done and how to
go about doing it.
2. Selling: Influencing team members to accept a leader's concepts or ideas.
3. Participating: Good team leaders motivate their members to actively participate in
problem-solving and decision-making.
4. Delegating: Leaders hand off the majority of the work to the team while keeping their
involvement to a minimum. When making decisions, these leaders defer to the group,
yet they are always open to suggestions.
A situational leader must have a few key qualities, according to the theory, including the
capacity for problem-solving, trust, adaptability, insight, and coaching.

5. The Great Man Theory

One of the first theories on leadership bases its claims that certain traits come naturally, imply
ing that leaders are innate and cannot be taught. According to this theory, a leader possesses s
ome inborn human traits, such as:

 Glamour
 Decisive
 Wisdom
 Daring
 Assertiveness
 Appeal

This frame of view emphasizes that people cannot be trained to be successful leaders. It's a ch
aracteristic that you either possess or lack. You cannot learn these skills or acquire them throu
gh training because they are innate abilities.
The theory also contends that these leadership traits are timeless and relevant to all businesses
, regardless of the context in which these leaders work. Another cornerstone of this leadership
philosophy is that extraordinary leaders appear when they are needed.

6. The Trait Theory

The trait theory of leadership, which is based on the premise that good leaders have specific
personality traits and aspects of behaviour, builds upon the great man theory. These
characteristics allow them to be successful leaders in a variety of situations. Additionally, it
encourages the notion that some people possess greater leadership aptitude than others.
Effective people differ greatly from non-leaders in terms of their interests and personality

The primary traits of an effective leader are:

 Emotional equilibrium
 Acknowledging one’s duty

 Competence

 Recognising obstacles

 Thinking with action

 Motivational abilities

 Talents in communication

 Tenacity and flexibility

 Making decisions with assurance

By using this leadership concept, you can have a better understanding of your weaknesses
and strengths. After that, you can try to make your weak points stronger. The characteristic
approach is a popular method used by many organizations to select the best candidate for a
leadership role.

7. Behavioural Theory

The behavioural leadership theory emphasizes the behaviours of leaders and contends that
followers can replicate these behaviours. The design hypothesis asserts that successful leaders
can also be formed through teachable conduct rather than being born with it, as it is
frequently known. A leader's behaviour is the strongest predictor of how effective their
leadership will be, according to behavioural theories of leadership, which place a lot of
emphasis on pacesetter behaviours. The behavioural learning hypothesis places more
emphasis on behavior than on characteristics. This notion is supported by the classification of
observable conduct patterns as "styles of leadership." Some examples of leadership styles
include task-oriented leadership, club leadership, people-oriented leadership, authoritarian
leadership, status quo leadership, and more. (Simplilearn, 2023)
 Navigation . (2023). What is Leadership?. Retrieved from
 Tutorialspoint. (2023). Organizational Behavior – Leadership . Retrieved from
 Wilson , G. (2020). 5 Amazing Examples of Leadership . successfactory. Retrieved
 Kaur, A. (2021). What is the importance of leadership in organizational growth .
GreatLearning. Retrieved from
 Simplilearn. (2023). 10 Major Leadership Theories Every Manager Should Master in
2023 . Retrieved from

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