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Literature review

Ebsco database is the basic source of this study. It is one of the largest databases of academic journals
and conference proceedings.
One can find paper from (i) sustainability (ii) Agriculture (iii) AI (iv) Irrigation system. The range of
topic is characterized by all four categories. Therefore, the exploration of article on ebsco has been a
good choice. There are other database ranging from web to science, but ebsco contain a large number
of databanks than any other source.

Our study involves integration of two autonomous concept, one from field of AI and other from
Artificial Intelligence. In agriculture, irrigation plays an important role in optimizing water usage,
increase crop yields, & and reducing energy costs (Shaikh, Memon, Mohoto, Zeadally, Nebhen,
2022). By analyzing weather data, soil moisture level and plant growth pattern, AI algorithms can
predict the optimal amount of water required for crops to thrive (AmarieI, Daniel, 2020). AI powered
sensors can monitor soil moisture levels and other environmental factors in real time (Rahman,
Hagare, Mheshwari, 2015). AI algorithm can optimize irrigation system to reduce energy
consumption, It can help farmers their irrigation system to optimize yields, conserve water and reduce
costs, leading to more sustainable agriculture.

The academic literature of two concepts: sustainable agriculture and AI was searched with the help of
keywords described in table below

  Irrigation   AI
or Inundation or Machine learning
or soaking or knowledge engineering
or spraying or Intelligent retrieval
  sprinkling   expert system

The documents which appear as the outcome of this search vary as the ebsco database is updated
actively. The data that has been considered for review has been considered for search on ebsco on (15
March 2023). Total of 9244 documents has been appeared as a result of a search.
The second stage was executed considering the AI related keywords & 25094 documents appeared.
The intersection of data and keywords from stage one and two in undertaken in third stage and
resulted in 1666 research article. Total of 52 documents or articles has been considered for reviewing
the research paper.
Research question
Q.1 what is the present and what was the past of Irrigation system using Artificial
Q.2 What is going to be the future of sustainable Irrigation system using Artificial

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