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Name: ____________________________ Analysis and Approaches SL

Instructor: Michael Yap

Topic 9: Exponential and Logarithms

Content: Exponents, Logarithms, Derivatives of exponential and natural logarithmic functions. (Core Chapter 3, SL
Textbook Chapter 5, 6 and 12)

These exponential formulae are not in the formula booklet. You need to understand, know and apply them in Paper 1.

Question 1 Paper 1

Answers: a. b. c.

Question 2. Paper 1


Question 3 Paper 1

a. 4 b. 𝑥 4

Exponents skill practices without using calculator

2𝑢2 1 −𝑥 11 10𝑎4
Answers: 1) a15 2)14x7y8 3)2a7b3c 4)2m2 5) 6)27r3s9 7)-8x12y3z15 8)x14y4 9) 10) 11)9x4y2 12)
3𝑣 𝑥 7𝑦9 9𝑦 2 𝑏


Question 4 Paper 1

a. x = 1 b. x = 4

More Exponential Skill Practices without calculator

1 3
1a) x = 4 1b) x = 6 1c) x = 5 1d) x = 2 1e) x = 0.5 1f) x = 4 1g) x = -5 1h) x = 8 1i) x = -2 1j) 2
2a) x = 7 2b) x = 5 2c) x = 0.5 2d) x = 3

Parents function for exponential graph
Growth Decay

Question 5 Paper 2 Popular exam question


a(i) y(0) = 4 or (0,4) a(ii) 0 + 3 = 3, hence equation of asymptote is y = 3

b) Domain is All real numbers; Range is y > 3

c) d) Use Y1 and Y2 then find point of intersection

Question 6 Paper 2


a) brand new is same as initial year; y (0) = = £20 thousands or £20,000

b) y(3) = = 12.2825 thousand or £12283
c) Starting at 20, use Y1 = 10 and Y2 =20(0.85) and find the point of intersection, (4.265, 10)
Approximately 4.27 years

Most of the exam questions for exponential function is Growth and Decay.

Question 7. Paper 1. This is an important understanding and concept skill practice. If students know which exponential
function is growth or decay, then the student will know the answer should be a growth or decay result.

Answers: We will do these together.

Question 8: For part d, room temperature is the constant temperature in the room. The only constant in the equation is

Question 9 Paper 2 Answers:

Question 10 Paper 2 Answers:

Question 11 Paper 2 Answers:

Question 12a Paper 1

a(i) Find the equation of the horizontal asymptote

Answer: y = 2

a(ii) Find the coordinates of the point where the curve cuts the y-axis
Answer: (0, 3)

a(iii) State the function is increasing or decreasing

Answer: Increasing (growth) because 3 > 1

Question 12b Paper 1

a(i) Find the equation of the horizontal asymptote

Answer: y = -3

a(ii) Find the coordinates of the point where the curve cuts the y-axis
Answer: (0, 2)

a(iii) State the function is increasing or decreasing

Answer: Decreasing (Decay) because 0.2 is between 0 and 1

More Practices: I cannot find these exercises from our Core and SL Textbook. Please do the below exercises with
answers provided.


Question 13

Answers: Use the two coordinates to form two simultaneous equations: k + c = 2 and 3k + c = -2
Then use calculator to find k = - 2 and c = 4

Question 14

Answers: Use GDC Y1 = 3x and Y2 = 7 and

find the point of intersection, (1.77124, 7); x = 1.77

is also known as natural base e

Question 15 (This is a growth equation with e1 = 2.71828)


Question 16 (Practice using calculator with natural exponent, e)


Question 17 (Practice finding the point of intersection with natural exponent e by drawing graph y1 and y2)


Question 18 (Word problem application for growth. Note: initially is t = 0 and don’t forget to change minute to hour)


More natural exponential skill practice without using a calculator (Paper 1)

You can use calculator for this question – Paper 2


More modelling questions with skill practice on natural exponential.


Logarithms is used to deal with the manipulation of large numbers and finding unknown exponential variable.
Even though the formula booklet gives some logarithmic formula in SL 1.7 (look at the formula given), you still
need to know what is not given, see below.

1. The exponential function and its inverse function: The graph is

Question 19.

Question 20 Paper 1

Question 21 Paper 1 Note: In exam, the parent f(x) = log x graph is always asked in the exam.
Y1 = 10x and Y2 = log10 x = log x are inverses of one another. Draw the two graphs with your calculator.

Answers: c

Question 22 Paper 2. Use GDC Y1 and Y2 then find the point of intersection. Answer:

Logarithmic formula that you must understand, memorize and apply, which are not in the formula booklet. Add them
into the formula booklet I gave you on the first day of school.

Y = ax ⇔ loga y = x
Do these logarithmic practice skills without using a calculator, Paper 1


These logarithmic formulae are in the formula booklet

This logarithmic formula is not in the formula booklet. Write them in the formula booklet I gave you on the first day of


Question 23: Paper 1 a) log818 b) log5 3 c) log7 7 d) log10 2500

More logarithmic skill practice, Paper 1


Question 24: Paper 1 Answers: a) x + y b) y – x c) 3x + y

Question 25: Paper 1 Answers: a) x + y – z b) 2x + z – 3y

More Logarithmic skill practices without using a calculator, Paper 1

is denoted by ln x or loge x

Question 26: Paper 1 Answers: a) 2 b) 5 c) x - y

More skill Practices on Natural Logarithms without using a calculator, Paper 1, except question 3 and 4 (Paper 2)


Change of bases has these advantages and is found in the formula booklet

Question 27: Paper 1 Note: for part b, log base e is loge x = ln x

a) 2.73 b) 2.73

Question 28: Paper 1
Answer: 𝑝

More natural logarithms skill practices without using a calculator


Question 29: Paper 2 Note: You can use natural logarithm to solve all questions, but not logarithm.
Use two methods: Natural logarithm and logarithm

Answers: a) 3.32 b) 1.36 c) - 0.715

Question 30: for part a, use calculator Paper 2. For part b, do not use calculator, Paper 1

Answers: a) 2.26 b) x = 0 and x = ln 2

More skill practices on natural exponential and natural logarithm.


Modelling and applications using logarithm, natural exponential and natural logarithm.

Question 31: Paper 2

Answers: Note: Did you notice that this question is very similar to growth and decay question. In the exam, there will be
instruction whether you need to show logarithmic steps or no step using growth and decay concept: Use GDC for Y1 and
Y2, then find the point of intersection. For this question, use logarithmic steps to get marks.
a) First observed is R(0) =
= 5 cm
b) 8 = 5 (2.4)k (4)
K = 0.134

c) 10 = 5 (2.4)0.134 (t)
T = 5.90 days

Question 32: Paper 2 a) 84 b) 60 c) 29 days

ln 3
Question 32: Paper 2 Answer: ln 2−4

Calculus: Derivatives of exponential functions and natural logarithmic function.

These two formulae are in the formula booklet, SL 5.6

Question 33: Paper 1 Use power rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule, or combination as necessary.

Answers: a) b) c) d)

More Skill Practices on Calculus Derivatives.



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