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February 28, 2023


Recognize the difference between made-up and real in texts listened to.


At the end of 40-minute discussion, the grade 2 pupils will be able to do the following with at
least 85% level of accuracy:

a. Recognize the difference between real and made-up object or statements;

b. Appreciate the importance of identifying real things from made-up one;
c. Tell whether the statements or objects are made-up or real.


Reference: LM pp. 175-177

Materials: Visual aids, Slide decks, Flash cards, Marker, Pictures,



Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Requesting everyone to please stand and
bow down your head for our prayer. May I
request _____ to please lead the prayer. (Praying)

b. Greetings
Good Morning class! Good morning teacher
Good morning classmates
Good morning!

How are you today? We’re fine, thank you!

c. Energizer
Now class, we are going to dance. Are you
familiar with the song “Chardie Bear”?
Yes, teacher!

Okay, let’s perform it.

Very good class. Dancing)
d. Checking of Attendance
Okay class, let’s check your attendance. Say
present if your name is called.

e. Checking of Assignments
Class, do we have an assignment?
None, teacher!
f. Setting of Standards
Before we will start our discussion for today,
let us first recall our classroom rules. Class,
what are you going to do during our class
discussion and group activities?

Avoid making noises, leaving our chairs,

disturb our classmates, disturb the class,
don’t answer in chorus and raise our hands
And what will happen if you won’t when we want to answer.
obey our rules?
Do you want your points to be deducted? Our points will be deducted.

Class, I have something here on the board No, teacher!

(INCENTIVE CHART) that I will use as a
guide to monitor and grade your performance
and behavior during our class discussion and
group activities. So your gained points will be
place here. Understand?

Yes, teacher!
B. Developmental Activities
a. Drill

Class, let us improve your reading ability by

reading this tongue twister. Let us read this in
chorus. Are you ready? Yes, teacher!

Okay, so here’s the tongue twister.


“The top cop saw a cop


Good job class.

Very good class!

C. Motivation

Class, I have here some pictures and a

written “REAL” and “NOT REAL” words. What
you are going to do is to paste the words
beside the pictures. Put “REAL” if the picture
shows real object and “NOT REAL” if it
shows unreal things. Understand class?

Yes, teacher!



So what are the things that are real in the REAL REAL
The apple, shoes, and the spoon
How about the not real one?

The not real objects are Superman and

Thinker bell.
Very good! Why do you think they are not
considered as real things?
Because they have superpowers that normal
human being doesn’t possess and they are
Good job everyone! just fictional character.

D. Presentation

So, our topic for today is all about “Real and

Made-up”. Again, what is lesson for today?
Our lesson for today is all about “Real and
Class, I have here some sentences, let us all Made-up.
read this.

1. The boy is playing basketball.

2. The house is flying.

3. The cow is dancing.

E. Discussion
So, going back to the sentences that you
have read a while ago, what did the boy do in Playing basketball.
the first sentence?
Have you ever seen one in real life? Yes, teacher.

So what do you think, is it real or not? Real teacher.

How about in the second sentence? It says
there that the house is flying, have you ever
seen a flying house? No, teacher!

So what do you think, is it real or not? Not real, teacher.

Correct, because there’s no such thing as
flying house.
How about in the third sentence, is it real or
not? Not real, teacher.

Why do you think it’s not real? Because cows don’t dance in reality.

Very good class! The 2nd and 3rd sentences

are not real they are just made-up things
coming from the imaginations of their
creators and can only be seen on TVs, comic
books, and are just fictional characters.

What does REALITY and MADE-UP really


Real things or Reality are things or actions

that can really happen in life.
The baby is drinking milk.

Made-up are things or actions that are fake

and cannot happen in real-life.
The shoes are talking.

F. Application

Now class, we will be having a group activity.

We will just utilize the group that we have
formed a while ago.

For the group 1, their activity is entitled

“Identify Me!”. What you are going to do is to
identify whether the statements are real or
just a made-up. Write REAL if it is real while
MADE_UP if it’s not real. Write your answers
on the space provided before the number.
Understand Group 1? Group 1: Yes, teacher!

Very good. While for the group 2, their activity

is entitled “Am I Real or Not?”. What you are
going to do is to identify whether the following
pictures are real or a make-believe. Write RL
if it is real and MU if it is a made-up.
Understand Group 2? Group 2: Yes, teacher!

Great! While for the group 3, their activity is

entitled “Color Me!”. What you are going to do
is to color the pictures blue when it contains
real object and red if it’s a made-up object.
Understand Group 3?
Group 3: Yes, teacher.
Excellent! And for the group 4, their activity is
entitled “Draw My Emotion”. What you are
going to do is to draw a smiley face ( ) if
the pictures and statements are real and a
sad face ( ) if it is made-up. Understand
Group 4? Group 4: Yes, teacher!

Very good. And here’s the rubrics for this


4 3 2 1
Points Points Points Point

Cooperation .
& Unity
Correct .

Group 1 Activity

Identify Me!

Direction: Identify whether the statements

are real or a made-up. Write REAL if it is real
while MADE-UP if it’s not real. Write your
answers on the space provided before the
__________1. A policeman interrogating a
duck. 1. MADE-UP
__________2. A cat become a human.
__________3. The dog is barking.
__________4. Rain made the roads muddy. 3. REAL
__________5. The mouse said “Don’t go!”.
Group 2 Activity
Am I Real or Not?

Direction: identify whether the following

pictures are real or a make-believe. Write RL
if it is real and MU if it is a make-believe. Writ
your answers on the space provided.

1. 2.

_____________ ____________


1. MU
3. 4.
2. RL
_____________ _____________ 3. MU
4. MU
5. RL



Group 3
“Color ME!”

Direction: Color the pictures blue when it

contains real object and red if it’s a made-up

1. 2. 3.

1. Blue
2. Red
3. Blue
4. Red
5. Blue
4. 5.
Group 4
“Draw My Emotion”

Direction: Draw a smiley face ( ) if the

pictures and statements are real and a sad
face ( ) if it is made-up.

_________1. A talking cat.

_________2. I eat spaghetti.
_________3. We are playing in the park.


__________5. 1.

G. Generalization

Let’s see if you really understand our lesson

for today. Again, what was the lesson that we
have discussed today? About Real or Made-up.

So, what is the difference between real and

made-up? Real are things or actions that can really
happen in life. While made-up are things or
actions that are fake and cannot happen in

What are the examples of a real objects?

Chair, bag, pencil, blackboard, table, and

How about the made-up objects? A flying elephant, cartoon characters, and

Good job class! You’ve learned it right!


Direction: Direction: Identify whether the following are real or made-up. Write ( ) mark if it is a
real and an (X) if it is just made-up.
______1. A mother carrying a baby.

______2. A pig flying in the sky.

______3. A sunflower doing a selfie.

______4. A girl walking with her dog.

______5. A rabbit playing a guitar.


1. 2. X 3. X 4. 5. X


Direction: Read in advance the story of “The Pixies and the Lazy Housewife”.

Prepared by:

Jennie D. Anuddin Mrs. Mary Jane E. Mostrales

Student Teacher Supervising Teacher

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