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Speaker Objectives: It comes to sharing how to motivate or change the behavior of people with

positive strategies rather than threats.

Speaker Summary: The topic is about how to motivate people in changing behavior by highlighting
the process rather than declining with three principles.

Audience Analysis: Audience with a radius age of 25-50. All sexes are included in attending Tali
Sharot’s speech about how to motivate yourself or others on behavior change.

Speech Content: Tali Sharot points out three principles for changing people’s behavior with high
effectiveness. Three principles of changing behavior are a social incentive, immediate rewards, and
progress monitoring. These methods have already been experimented with college students,
medical staff, and taxes payers in London. There are three commonly used method in changing
behavior which is not highly effective.

Habit 1: Warning: Science shows that warning has little influence on behavior; it's effective but
limited example is giving a warning to teenagers of if they smoke, they immediately will get sick.

Habit 2: Desire: People tend to change their beliefs towards a more desirable option (in all ages) this
is an example of two friends talking about the probability of getting a new job, the person will
choose a friend with a positive opinion.

Habit 3: Awareness: Kids, teenagers, and elderly people are less likely to learn from warnings, Kids
and teenagers are not aware of warnings because they don’t have any experience in facing
negativity while the elders think that they already face enough so they don’t have to care much
about negativity.

Delivery skills and technique: Using non-verbal communication well with hands and body language,
also eye interaction with the audience which concentrates the attention towards the speaker. Tali
Sharot also inserts some private stories about her life with her husband to make it more interesting
that things are also happening outside of writing facts and information so the audience might relate
with her.

Visual Aids: The speaker shares information that comes with graphic visuals with the confidentiality
of the audience to easily understands the context of the speech.

Physical Gestures and Eye Contact: The ability to convert eye contact into attraction toward the
speaker is effective. The speaker uses body parts so much but with active hand gestures, she made it
compact and well-delivered.
Vocal Variety and Language: The speaker didn’t play with high intonation but with beautiful
intonation flow with chosen words feels like the speaker is having a private conversation two-on-two
with the audience.

Speech Conclusion: Giving people a sense of control is a really important motivator. And so, to
change behavior in ourselves and in others, we may want to try these positive strategies rather than
threats, which really capitalize on the human tendency to seek progress.

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