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Opinion editorial what to shop now

Trump won’t change, and that shows he

can’t win
By Post Editorial Board March 24, 2023 7:08pm Updated

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Following news of his possible indictment, Trump blasted the Manhattan DA and his critics on Truth Social.
REUTERS Kirsten Fleming

This guy.
Trans athletes should compete — but
More On: not against biological women
donald trump As some of his allies are trying to rewrite January 6 as an
afternoon stroll, Donald Trump is having none of it.
‘Larger-than-life’ presidential gift Jacob Sullum
Trump took after leaving White
House found in hotel In the face of a possible criminal case in New York, he
screamed that “death and destruction” would follow any Malinformation: Censors' excuse to
Trump warns GOP to stop indictment. suppress 'inconvenient truths'
fundraising off of his name and
likeness He posed with a baseball bat aimed at the head of
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Douglas Murray
DA’s Trump pursuit: Letters to
the Editor — March 25, 2023
THIS is Donald Trump. Disaster when countries look to
courts, not ballot box, for politics
Suspicious powder, death threat He hasn’t changed in the slightest.
sent to AG Alvin Bragg’s NYC
office See All Columnists
There is no shame.

After riling up rioters, cheering for a coup and agreeing that

his vice president needed to be hanged, he’s back to making violent threats against fellow Americans.

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Donald Trump is facing possible indictment in the Stormy Daniels hush money case. 34,502
Getty Images

But wait, you say.

This is a biased prosecution.

Trump has every right to be upset.

At least 2 dead, 9 missing after
We don’t disagree. historic chocolate factory explodes in

This is not a felony case, and Bragg trying to turn it into one is pure see also
politics . 15,178

But rather than seek his vindication in the courtroom, or even just
make an impassioned speech, Trump wants to inspire a mob .

Time and time again, Trump’s responses have been unhinged,

vindicative and self-defeating.
Not all Trumps are
pumped about Donald’s
And don’t buy for a second when he says he’s “fighting for you.” arrest drama Igot my husband a girlfriend who
looks just like me — it saved our
Ifyou actually “rose up” and were arrested, Trump would abandon
you, just as he has every ally who wasn’t useful to him anymore.
What did he do for those locked up for months over Jan. 6?

What cash did he hand over for the candidates he endorsed in the recent midterm elections he torpedoed
for Republicans?

'Time traveler' claims hostile aliens

are coming to 'take back Earth'

Donald Trump promised “death and destruction” if he is indicted.

Ever given Trump money?

If you stop, and even if you don’t, the angry pleas come fast and furious.

Don’t you care!?

How could you abandon him?

We understand voters who rallied to his cause, because he vows to fight for them.

There is much wrong with the country.

see also And yes, it will take someone strong to wade through the thicket of
Establishment opposition to change.

But Trump is not trying to make America a better place.

He’s not offering anyone apart from himself a better future.

He’s out for revenge.

letters to the
Letters to the Editor — This is how Trump has been spending his time since announcing his
March 25, 2023 run for president.

Stewing in Mar-a-Lago.

No grievance is too small.

When he found out that Rihanna once criticized him, he took to Truth Social — multiple times! — to bellow
how bad her Super Bowl halftime show was.

The Post’s front page for March 25, 2023.

He once posted a screed, at 5 o’clock in the morning, about MSNBC’s programming decisions.

When Trump ran in 2016, he was an unknown entity.

Independents took a chance, wanting to break from the stagnant

political machines that sought to anoint Hillary Clinton.
Get Miranda's latest
But he’s not a mystery anymore. take
Sign up for Devine Online,
Americans know that Trump can’t stop himself from nursing the newsletter from
piddling grudges and throwing out childish insults. Miranda Devine

The emperor has no clothes. Enter your email address

Perhaps you don’t mind.

But there are plenty of middle-of-the-road voters who do.

By clicking above you agree to the
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy .
They saw this behavior in 2020 and the 2022 midterms and said
we need less anger and more hope.

Anti-Trump protestors hold a placards outside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

Less rage and more rational action to fix the problems facing our nation.

You want a leader who will fight for you?

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1175 What do you think? Post a comment.

Then you have to pick someone who can actually get elected.

Republicans can’t throw away their shot in 2024.

1175 Filed under alvin bragg capitol riot donald trump editorial stormy daniels 3/24/23

Read Next Trans athletes should compete — but not against biologic...

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1 Person typing

Multiplatform Gamer
11 hours ago

Last November polls had Biden's approval rating hovering around 40% and 74% of Americans
the country was on the wrong track.

Despite that, Republicans were barely able to win the House and officially lost the majority in
Senate. Most importantly, Trump's candidates lost in crucial battl...

See more
Reply 58 Share

1 replying

7 hours ago

What isthis BS? The FAKE News led you to believe it would be a red wave so they could
the Republicans taking over the house as a democratic win.


Reply 64 Share
4 replies

Michael Schnupp
2 hours ago
You know there’s a whole Time magazine story about how a cabal of elites “fortified”the
Reply 12 Share
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General Disarray
9 hours ago

One of the thing people forget when considering voting for Trump...given how he has treated
nyone in his cabinet and administration that quit or left, he will find it virtually impossible to
truly good, qualified people to work for him ever again. Ask yourself...if you had a lot to

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Reply 48 Share

Animal Crackers
9 hours ago

We don't have good, qualified people in Biden's admin either. We have men wearing
men nursing babies and a laughing hyena for VP.

Reply 72 Share

1 replying

The Mis
43 seconds ago

If anyone want any salad Kamala is tossing salad daily.

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The Mis
1 minute ago


Tell yourself that… we’re lining up to represent our future president Donald Trump

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11 hours ago

The current mess in this country needs to be addressed and Trump can do the job. That is why
are quite content to accept DJT with all his faults.

Reply 217 Share

Seamus O'Flanahan
10 hours ago

Trump was already President. He has a record. It is a record of failure. He promised the
- he failed to get it done.

All his executive orders were overruled by Democrat Judges and he couldn't find any way
them. He just gave up.

He wasted all kinds of time with tweeting.

He appointed backst...

See more
Reply 73 Share
8 replies

10 hours ago

Fine. But you’re not the one who decides if a Republican becomes President. We
do. And we’re not voting for him.

Reply 176 Share

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