Product Design - Planning & Design Problems

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Product Design

DE ZG541
BITS Pilani Lecture -3 Samata Mujumdar
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

DE ZG541, Product Design

Lecture No. 3
Organization structure

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Organization structure

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Characteristics of different organizational
Functional Lightweight Heavyweight Project
Organization Project Matrix Project Matrix Organization
Organization Organization
Strengths Fosters Coordination and Provides integration Resources can be
development administration of and speed benefits of optimally allocated
of deep projects is explicitly the project within the project
specialization assigned to a single organization. team.
and expertise. project manager. Some of the Technical and market
Maintains specialization of a trade-offs can be
development functional evaluated quickly.
of specialization and organization
expertise. is retained.

Weaknesses Coordination Requires more Requires more Individuals may

across groups managers and managers and have difficulty
can be slow administrators administrators than maintaining
and than a non-matrix a non-matrix cutting edge
bureaucratic. organization. organization. functional

1/31/2023 5
Characteristics of different organizational
Functional Organization Lightweight Heavyweight Project
Project Matrix Project Matrix Organization
Organization Organization
Typical Customized products, Derivative New Start-up companies.
Examples where development products technology or intended to achieve
involves slight in many platform breakthroughs.
variations to a automobile, projects in Firms competing in
standard design (e.g., electronics, and automobile, highly dynamic
motors, bearings, aerospace electronics, and markets.
packaging). companies. aerospace
Major How to integrate How to balance functions and How to maintain
Issues different functions projects. How to simultaneously functional expertise
(e.g., marketing and evaluate project and functional over time.
design) to achieve performance. How to share
business goals. learning from
one project to
1/31/2023 6
Product Design

Generic product development process

Product Development Organisations

Product Planning
Identifying opportunities
Evaluating and prioritizing projects
Allocation of resources
Pre-Project Planning

1/31/2023 7

- “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”-

Benjamin Franklin

- Pick and choose battles to win the war


31 January 2023 8
Types of Projects

• New Product Platform

• Derivatives of Existing Product platform

• Incremental Improvements in existing


• Fundamentally new products

31 January 2023 Product Design DE PA ZG 541 BITS Pilani 9

Planning Process

• Identify opportunities
• Evaluate and Prioritize
• Allocate Resources and plan timing
• Complete Pre- Project planning
• Reflect on the results and the process

31 January 2023
Ideas Product
Product Design DE PA ZG 541 Multiple
BITS Pilani Projects 10
Identify opportunities

• Idea generation
– Marketing and sales personnel
– R&D
– Product Development teams
– Manufacturing organization
– Customers
– Suppliers
– Competitors
– Employees
– Many more…………….

31 January 2023 Product Design DE PA ZG 541 BITS Pilani 11

Types of opportunities
Source: Terwiesch and Ulrich (2009)

31 January 2023 Product Design DE PA ZG 541 BITS Pilani 12

Product development Process

Source: Product Design and Development by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger

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Product development Process

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Product development Process

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• Turning and indexing
• Milling and indexing
• Hobbing machine
• Broaching machine
• Powder metallurgy
• 3D

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Push Vs. Pull

1/31/2023 17
Market-pull Products
 In a market-pull situation: a firm begins product
development with a market opportunity and
then uses whatever available technologies are
required to satisfy the market need (i.e., the
market “pulls” the development decisions).

1/31/2023 18
Technology-Push Products
 In developing technology-push products, the firm begins
with a new proprietary technology and looks for an
appropriate market in which to apply this technology (that
is, the technology “pushes” development).
 Gore-Tex, an expanded Teflon sheet manufactured by W.
L. Gore Associates, is a striking example of technology

1/31/2023 19
Product Variants
 Generic (Market-Pull) Products
 Technology-Push Products
 Platform Products
 Process-Intensive Products
 Customized Products
 High-Risk Products
 Quick-Build Products
 Complex Systems

1/31/2023 20
Summary of variants of generic product
development process.
Process Type Description Distinct Features Examples
Generic The team begins Process generally includes Sporting
(Market-Pull) with a market distinct planning, concept goods,
Products opportunity and development, system furniture,
selects appropriate level design, detail design, tools.
technologies to testing and refinement,
meet customer and production ramp-up
needs. phases.
Technology-Push The team begins Planning phase involves Gore-Tex
Products with a new matching technology and rainwear,
technology, then market. Tyvek
finds an appropriate Concept development envelopes.
market. assumes a given

1/31/2023 21
Summary of variants of generic product
development process.
Process Type Description Distinct Features Examples
Platform The team assumes that Concept development Consumer
Products the new product will be assumes a proven electronics,
built around an technology platform. computers,
established technological printers.

Process- Characteristics of the Either an existing Snack foods,

Intensive product are highly production process must breakfast
Products constrained by the be specified from the cereals,
production process. start, or both product and chemicals,
process must be semiconductors.
developed together from
the start.

1/31/2023 22
Summary of variants of generic product
development process.
Process Type Description Distinct Features Examples
Customized New products are Similarity of projects allows Motors, switches,
Products slight variations of for a streamlined and highly batteries,
existing structured development containers.
configurations. process.

High-Risk Technical or market Risks are identified early Pharmaceuticals,

Products uncertainties create and tracked throughout the space systems.
high risks of failure. process.
Analysis and testing
activities take place as early
as possible.

1/31/2023 23
Summary of variants of generic product
development process.
Process Type Description Distinct Features Examples
Quick-Build Rapid modeling and Detail design and testing Software,
Products prototyping enables phases are repeated a cellular phones.
many design-build-test number of times until the
cycles. product is completed or
time/budget runs out.

Complex System must be Subsystems and components Airplanes, jet

Systems decomposed into are developed by many engines,
several subsystems and teams working in parallel, automobiles.
many components. followed by system
integration and validation.

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Product development Process

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Process Flow diagram
Market pull,
Technology push,
High risk products

Quick build


Complex systems

Source: Product Design and Development by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger

1/31/2023 26
Design Process

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Selection Design
 Selection design involves choosing one item
(or maybe more) from a list of similar items. We
do this type of design every time we choose an
item from a catalog.
 It may sound simple, but if the catalog contains
more than a few items and there are many
different features to the items, the decision can
be quite complex
Configuration Design.
 A slightly more complex type of design is called
configuration or packaging design.
 In this type of problem, all the components
have been designed and the problem is how to
assemble them into the completed product.
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Parametric Design
 Parametric design involves finding values for
the features that characterize the object
being studied.
Original Design
 Any time the design problem requires the
development of a process, assembly, or
component not previously in existence it calls
for an original design.
 (It can be said that if we have never seen a
wheel and we design one, then we have an
original design.)

1/31/2023 29
Variant Design
• Sometimes companies will produce a large number of
variants as their products.
• A variant is a customized product designed to meet
the needs of the customer.
 the modification of an existing product to meet new

1890 Humber bicycle The Marin Mount Vision bicycle

1/31/2023 30
Challenges of product development
• Trade –offs
- A new cost saving method can be made say changing the material
to plastic, but injection moulding needs to be done which is
• Dynamics of market
– Technology improvement, market taste change, competitor etc,
• Details
- During the detailing phase, developer is faced with alternatives
• Time pressure
• Economics
• Global competition

1/31/2023 31
Concept Development: The Front-End
 Identifying customer needs
 Establishing target specifications
 Concept generation
 Concept selection
 Concept testing
 Setting final specifications
 Project planning
 Economic analysis
 Benchmarking of competitive products
 Modeling and prototyping

1/31/2023 32
Concept development process


Identify Establish Generate Select Test Set Plan

Customer Target Product Product Product Final Downstream
Needs Specifications Concepts Concepts Concepts Specifications Development
Perform Economic Analysis

Benchmark Competitive Products

Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Source: Product Design and Development by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger

1/31/2023 33
Design Process Paradox

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Design Process Paradox

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1/31/2023 Product Design DE ZG541 BITS Pilani 36
 An enterprise must make two important decisions about
the way it carries out product development.
 It must define both a product development process
and a product development organization.
 A product development process is the sequence of steps
an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and
commercialize a product.
 A well-defined development process helps to ensure
product quality, facilitate coordination among team
members, plan the development project, and
continuously improve the process.

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What do people want?

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Opportunity Identification
 In the context of product development, an opportunity is an
idea for a new product.

 An opportunity is a product description in embryonic form,

a newly sensed need, a newly discovered technology, or a
rough match between a need and a possible solution.
 An opportunity can be thought of as a hypothesis about
how value might be created

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