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3 marks

Chapter -1
1. Write a note on parallax method to measure large distances.
2. What are the limitations of dimensional analysis?
3. Write the rules for determining significant figures.
3. State principle of Homogenity and write the uses of dimensional analysis with one example.
Example problems - 1.1, 1.3,1.5,1.7, 1.9,1.10
Book back problem – 1, 2,3
Chapter -2
1. Write the various types of motion. With example.(pg 43)
2. Write a short note on the scalar product between two vectors.(pg 53)
3. Write a short note on the vector product between two vectors.(pg 55)
4. Write a short note on resolution of vectors.(pg 51)
5. Obtain the relation between linear velocity and Angular velocity.(pg 90)
Example Problems – 2.4, 2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.16, 2.20, 2.22,2.24,2.252.30,2.34,2.362.38,2.39
Book back problem – 1, 3,4,5,6,10,14
Chapter -3
1. Explain the concept of inertia. Write two examples each for inertia of motion, inertia of rest and inertia
of direction.(pg 107)
2. Explain the similarities and differences of centripetal and centrifugal forces.(pg 156)
3. Using free body diagram, show that it is easy to pull an object than to push it. (pg 141)
4. Explain various types of friction. Suggest a few methods to reduce friction.(pg 145)
5. What are concurrent force? State Lami’s theorem.(pg 129)
5. Explain the need for banking of tracks.(pg 152)
6. Difference between static friction and kinetic friction. (pg 140)
Example Problems –3.2, 3.6, 3.10, 3.16, 3.22, 3.24
Book back problem –1,7, 9, 12,14
Chapter -4
1. Write the various types of potential energy. Explain the formulae.
2.Arrive at an expression for power and velocity.
3.Obtain the Relation between Momentum and Kinetic Energy
4.various conditions where work done is zero.
5. Comparison between elastic and in elastic collision.
6. Difference between conservative and non- conservative force.
7. Define loss of kinetic energy in inelastic collision.
Example Problems – 4.1, 4.7, 4.17, 4.18
Book back problem – 1, 2
Chapter -5
1. Explain the types of equilibrium with suitable examples.
2. Discuss the conservation of angular momentum with example.
3. What are the conditions in which force cannot produce torque.
4. Relation between torque and angular momentum.
5. Obtain expression for kinetic energy in translational motion. (Pg 249)
Example Problems – 5.1, 5.3, 5.8,5.13,5.19
Chapter -6
1. State kepler’s laws of planetary motion. (pg 2)
2. Derive expression for gravitational potential energy.
3. Explain in detail the idea of weightlessness using lift as an example.
4. Explain in detail the geostationary and polar satellites.
Example Problems- 6.6
Book back problem – 1, 4, 5,7
Chapter -7
1. What is Reynold’s number? give its significance.
2. What are the factors affecting the surface tension of a liquid?
3. Practical applications of capillarity.(pg 80)
4. Applications of surface tension (pg. 81)
5. Applications of viscocity (pg 71)
6. Pascal’s law and its application.
7. Expression for excess pressure inside (i) soap bubble (ii) liquid drop
Example Problems- 7.4, 7.7, 7.10,7.11 ,7.14
Book back problem – 1, 5,
Chapter -8
1. PV diagram for (i) Isothermal, (ii) Adiabatic (iii) Isobaric and (iv) Isochoric process.
2. Linear expansion, Area expansion, and volume expansion. (pg 103)
3. Efficiency of carnot engine. (pg 148)
4. What is meant by reversible and irreversible process. Mention few examples. (pg 141)
5. Write short notes on anomalous expansion of water.(pg 104)**
Example Problems- 8.24, 8.25, 8.26,8.27
Book back problem – 14,15
Chapter -9
1. Postulates of kinetic theory of gases.
2. Relation between pressure and mean kinetic energy.
3. Law of Equipartition of energy.
Example Problems- 9.3, 9.5
Chapter -10
1. Graphical representation of displacement, velocity and acceleration (pg194)
2. Comparison between simple harmonic motion and angular harmonic motion. (pg 199)
3.State the Laws of simple pendulum (pg 208)
4. Write short notes on (i) Damped oscillations, (ii) Forced oscillations (iii) Resonance.
Example Problems-10.5,10.610.9,10.10,10.11,10.14
Chapter -11
1. Difference between Transverse and longitudinal waves.(pg 228)
2. Characteristics of progressive waves. (pg 243)
3. Characteristics of stationary waves. (pg255)
4. Difference between between progressive and stationary waves. (pg 256)
Example Problems- 11.3, 11.10, 11.14,11.15,11.18,11.19,11.23,11.25,11.27,11.28,11.30,11.31

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