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JR Commerce IMP

1. Define sole proprietorship and discuss its merits
and demerits
2. Define co operative society and discuss its features
3. Define partnership and discuss merits and demerits
4. Define joint stock company and discuss features of
5. Differences between private and public company
6. Define memorandum of association and discuss
about its clauses
7. What is prospectus? Explain its contents
8. What is business finance? What is its need and
1. Define business and explain its characteristics
2. Explain the objectives of business
3. Types of industries
4. Types of trade
5. Types of partners
6. Partnership deed
7. Articles of association
8. Various types of capital reserved for business
9. Classification of sources of finance
10. Sources of short & long term finances
11. Differences b/w shares and debentures
12. Significance of MSMEs
13. Features of MNC
14. Advantages of MNC to the host countries
You just read the points which are in the 10 and
5 mark questions then you can easily write 2
marks of the theory part

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