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AIR CONDITIONER User's Manual a Fan Coll Unit Model Name : Floor /Celing Type 42VLJ 42VLY 42VLG 42VLU 42VFS User Manual English Safety Precautions Caution ‘© Read the operation and maintenance manual carefully before using the air conditioner. There are many important things to keep in rind uring dally use. 1 Do not use any refrigerant that is ifrent rom whats indicated on ‘he label for supplyment or replacement. Otherwise i may cause ‘abnormal high pressure fo build up inthe cooing cycle which could cause an operation failure or an explosion or personal injury. ‘© Ask the installer about the the circuit breaker switch position if theres ‘any problem withthe unt. Turn the breaker svitch tothe OFF position ‘and contact the serve. 1 Only use accessories an installation pars must be as desorbed, ‘Otherwise it may result in water leak, electrical shock or a fre, « Before opening the intake grile ofthe indoor uni or service panel of the outdoor unittumn the circuit breaker tothe OFF position. Otherwise 2 Shor circuit may occur or you may get inure from touching 1 rotating parts, Only @ quali installer or qualifed service person is allowed to this work. 1 Do not move the unit by yourself due tothe high voltage inside the ‘nit you may get an electric shock while removing the cover. ‘© Da not touch the aluminum heatsinks inside the unit as this may cause injury 1 Do not expose the body o irect col air ora long time and do not ‘expose the bady to too much cold as it can cause physical decline and ies ‘© Consult your dealer that have you purchased the air condioner i the Lunt does not cool properly it may be caused by a retigerant leak Be s4re t double check with maintenance service when they charge refrigerant costs «© Before cleaning the unit you should tun off the unt and cutoff power ‘supply otherwise you may ge injure from touching the rotating pars. there is any problems (e.. display errr, burning smell, unusual ‘sound, water leak.) nthe air conditioner. Do not touch the unit by yourself, you should cutoff power supply and call maintenance service to check. Ifyou stil use the uni in problematic conditions it may damage the unt operaing mechanism or elect shock or other problems. 1 Do not customize the unt by yourself a this could resultin a fre, lecttc shock or other problems, ‘© When relocating the unit do net iby yourself contact the instar or qualified service. Improper relocation can cause electiic shock and! ora fre, — Wireless remote 3 remote has 10 butons by follows @[O) Powen: ress io tum ont ne icone. Q(B) FAN: Press to adjust fan speed @E) ove: Press to select operation mode. FAN>COOL->DRY. @Eq vp: Press to increase set point temperature or TIMER. @E down: Press to decrease setpoint emperaue o¢ TER ©T@ TwRwO: Press to operate turbo function, press again to cancel DEDSAEEP: Pres to operate sleep function press again to cancel @ED)sweee: Press to operate sweep tunctn, ress aga to cancel OL) cLocwstiveR: Press o set time fancton and tur ool TIMER. QE) CANCEL: Pres io cancel TMER — a Receiver display ‘The wireless remote has 10 buttons by follows: © [GD Power buton on tne cisply is only vsed to turn ono the sir condone cage of emergeny (nthe absence of wireless remote) the uti oprate at 24°C andthe fon wt ben aomate made @O TIER: show be slats f TIMER operation (um ono he power ‘The TIMER la wl ght up. ®O COMP: show the status of COMPRESSOR operation The COMP le wight op. @07URBO: show te satus of TURBO operation The TUREO ea wlontup ® dicis show emoerare 1. Show rom temperature 2. Show the set emperature when ts stby he usec @ Remote contol sever postion How to use controller - When the air condioner receives a correct signal fom the remote control, a “peep” sound will sound, - When the signal from the remote conta is blocked by an obstruction, ‘the command will not respond, = Hf you press 2butlons a the same time, the operation may fal. @O)rower Press| to tur onfoft air conditioner. twill run according tothe last program which is set on the remote and display the room temperature ine. (5) ran Press [0B] to adjust fan speed in the folowing sequence ‘AUTO(A) = GNS)-=MEDIA2)-MLONFD) ‘Ato fan 1 IF the aiference is 23°C, the fan wll operate at high speed. 1 IF the aitference is 2°C, the fan wil operate at megium speed, «© Ifthe aitference is < 1°, the fan will operate at at low speed. @@ move Press [=] to select operation mode. FAN->COOL->DRY. FAN MODE : The unit wll operate fan only and dsplay show fan status. Can not set ==) and) COOL MODE: Disolay show coo! status and operate ‘© Compressor wil start when room Lemperalure higher than set point + 1°C. ‘© Compressor will stop when room temperature set point and need 3 minutes delay for staring run again, DRY MODE : Display show dry status (Select this mode when you ‘want fo reduce the humidity in the room) @Bl OB rewrenatune semis Press) 1 adjust room temperature (Seting range 18-20°C). © wreo ress) cepay show turbo status and operate a maximum fan speed *# Cancel by press 3} agin or ress [35] + When cancel turbo uncon fan sped wl come to previous setting ‘© When operate at DRY MODE, Turbo function wil cannot operate. @@ sucer Press (52) cisplay show symbol «© Setting temperature wil increase automaticaly, in every 1 hour by © Cancel SLEEP function by press ==) again. ‘8 When operate in sleep mode, if temperature is adjusted, ‘temperature wil increase or decrease 1"C diferent from lst temperature ‘Sleep mode wil cancel by automaticaly when tum of or black out @W sweep Press then louver il swing for air dstbuton, press agai for cancel, The lower wil tum ono automaticaly wien the unit is tured oniot @@ ctockmmer Press [@] to set the time at remote or set timer on-off by Set CLOCK ‘¢ Press [3] then the symbol® on remote wil ink. Press| «© Press (6) again to confirm, Wait about 10 seconds then display will show main menu. Set TIMER, can set timer 24 hours in advance ‘¢ Press (6) and hold when symbol ON or OFF show Bink # Press EE)! Sto set the time. «¢ Press (6) again to confi, Wait about 10 seconds then display will show main menu. — @& cancer Press to =) previous setting '® Press (@) and hold when symbol ON or OFF blink and disappear. ‘© Press(=3] then symbol ON or OFF will cose, — a How to turn on/off the alr conditioner In case of the remote loss and error light show up © [ED ewercenev surron «Emergency baton on heel ued tum ote uitin cave she eet loss. The ut oper alsa esperar of 24°C adh fan Inevtomate move When you pos is but el desea Tnctonsstomaeay «When you pos is but wl daacvale tb bo non and thefanfo automate mode the timer and steep @ormer reo TIMER ld onthe splay wl Bink whe theres ack of power! a shor cic at ROOM SENSOR, @ocowp reo CCOMP led on he splay wi ink when there is a ack of power! 1 short cet at SENSOR FREEZE @orwrso ve TURBO lea onthe cgpay wink when there is a FREEZE. POWER: Press t MODE: Press to select operation mode, FAN->COOL->DRY. FAN: Press lo adjust fan speed (AUTO->HIGHT->MEDIUM=> Low MODE). UP: Press to increase set point temperature or TIMER, DOWN: Press to decrease set point temperature or TIMER, TIMER: Press to set time function and turn onioff TIMER. 1 oniof the air conitoner ECONO: Press to operate econo function, press again to cancel TURBO: Press to operate turbo function, press again to cancel SLEEP: Press 1 operate sleep function, press again to cancel @ sn SWEEP: Press o operate sweep uncon press again to cancel Indicator light: there are 6 LEDs divided into @ BB) rane: enow satus of FAN operation ® Gj 0001 Leo: show staus of COOL MODE or DRY MODE. © [Bl river £0: show status of TIMER operation © [Bi] ECONO LED: show status of ECONO MODE. © [Bh] 702010: show status of TURBO operation © [Bl steer 10: show the stews of setting automatic temperature while sleeping LED 7-SEGMENT: show room temperature and show SETTING TEMPERATURE / FAN SPEEDITIMER when user set (Decimal pont show status of compressor operation) —_—_—_——— ® © Power Press tatton vhen power offen a condone lin according the las program whichis stone remot and slay the room emeratre in. When the uti ofthe pay shows nothing exo TIMER (its set ® wx move Press Noto Select operation mode (FAN and COOL MODE} FAN MODE: The unt wl operate fan oly andthe display show fan status =COOL MODE: The unit wil operate e091 mode as follows «© Compressor wl start when room emperture higher han se point > 1°6 «© Compressor wil top when room temperatures setpoint and seed 8 minutes day for staring run again. ® 4 Faw Press iton ony in FAN MODE and COOL MODE) act {an speed inthe follwing sequence: AUIOPAPEHGHFS)-=MEDUMIFa)-mON) po \When the unit operate in FAN MODE and COOL MODE, the FAN, AUTO will operates as follows: «© tthe difference is 2 2°C, the fan will operate at high speed, 1 Ifthe lifeence is 2°C, the fan will operate at medium speed. 1 Ifthe aiterence is < 1°, the fan wll operate a at low speed. @ ~ © ~ Temperature sertine Press ~~ to-adjust room temperature(Seting range 18-30°C) © we TIMER Press Tse butlon to set the time turn ono power How to set TIMER (© Press “12 button when the TIMER led sof to set TIMER (press ‘his button when power off to set time to turn on and vice versa) eo Press ~ / ~ tosetthe time. ‘© Wait about 5 seconds then aisplay il show main menu How to cancel TIMER © Press. mux button again to cancel ® «xe ECONO Press como butlon when the unt operate in COOL MODE to sot ECONO function then ECONO led on the display wil be displayed and the system will operate in the energy saving mode (The unit wil ‘operate at 25°C and AUTO FAN}Press. «Du button again to cancel © woo TuRBo press 10, butlon when the uni operat in FAN MODE or COOL MODE totum on TURBO function then TURBO led wil be diplnyed an te fan il operate ta special speed (TUREO SPEED). Press "0 button agin o cancel TURBO function or ress st bution {o adjust fan speed, @® swe seer Press. 2 utlon (in COOL MODE only) to turn on SLEEP function, ‘The system wil conta temperature while we are sleeping. In COOL, MODE the temperature wil increase 1°C alter we have slept or ‘hour then units back to normal operation and the SLEEP symbol dsapeares 19 Press sus? button again to cancel 1¢ In SLEEP FUNCTION ityou adjust temperature, SLEEP will operate according the last temperature. ‘¢ In SLEEP FUNCTION ifyou change another mode, SLEEP will be canceled, 1 In SLEEP FUNCTION if he unit stops working (short cuit or onlotf power) SLEEP wil be canceled. @ smo sweer Press oH then louver wll swing for air dstution, press again for cancel. The lower wil tum ono automatealy when the unis tumed oniott Alarm Indication when there Is a crash TIMER LED wil ink when there is lack of powerla short circuit at ROOM SENSOR and Led 7 segment wil shows EB ECONO LED wil blink when thee is a ack of powerfa short ckcut a SENSOR FREEZE and Led 7 segment wl shows E9 HB 1R80 10 wi bnk when there i a FREEZE and Led 7 segment ww shows 1 More detall ‘Inthe control system when there is an error due tothe computer system which may be caused by unstable voltage or interference, the system will promot the computer to restart (RESET) immediately. « of power fllure when the power retums to normal operation, the system will run according tothe last program which set including ‘swing value and without remembering SLEEP and TIMER values. If any value has changed it must be stored in memory for atleast 5 seconds before the power fallur occurs when the power retums the system wil run according to the values in memory. 1 Inthe case of compressor stops working there must always be 3 ‘minutes delay before resuming again and incase of aisconnectng the power supply system and then re-supplying the power there must be 3-4 minutes delay in compressor operation at random, 1 Inthe case of comoressor starts fo work must work for at least 24 seconds before ican stop even change mode or tum off power. ©The brighiness of LED and 7-SEGMENT can be adjusted by pressing land holding button and ~ for S seconds. Press again to bat oral. The acjustments are memorized inthe sir conitoner. (© WIFIENABLEIDISABLE: Press and hold buton $ and to set il enable or disable. 1 The minimum temperature that can be setto-21 °C by pressing and holding button ~ and ‘for S seconds, Press again for cancel Malntenance \When using the sir conditioner fora certain distance, the sir constioner may produce less cooling, it should be maintained as Fallows. ‘© Tum off the main power switch to cut of the power tthe uni, ‘© Remove the air fiter and clean it with soap or detergent. ine with lean water and dry under the sun atleast once a month «© Cooling coil leaning can be done by using a sponge wit uid soap {rub over the fan eo and brush it with a soft metal brush {Only tained and certified technicians do this work) Crash check Please check the following items before caling maintenance service. Because you may be able to fix it afer checked sill malfunction please shut off air concitoner and consul wit your cistibuor. Matfunetion Preliminary Checking Air onatiner rt working check wes that mising ornot ce ie current rash or no check remete contol that st uptime crac or nt ‘aang capac cop check Tp. eet up eutabl roc check atthe sung nthe oom ecto nt cheek condensing uo an fn coin hat hare se anything ooo eat ow or ao cinck rat thee are too many heat sour inthe room or not > Chock the ventibtoris working orn. check ir iter nat cy ora, ete ae vapor or rok cause mey be rom het nthe room rect wth he woking ( Carrier. SSS ee Carrier (Thailand) Co., Ltd 1858/6374 Fl, 14-15 Carrier Call Center Tel : 02-090-9900 a a 7 War any ff ch)

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