Climate Change and It's Impact

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o 1.

Introduction and Meaning

Climatechange refers to changein average weather conditions for a long period of time, i.e.,
long term changein earth's climate. These changes include--rising sea levels, melting glaciers,
change in rainfall pattern, change in plants/flowers blooming timing, increase in temperature,
etc. These climatic changes are due to global warming which is caused mainly by burning of
fossil fuels, deforestation, vehicular pollution,emission by industrial units, municipality solid
waste, release of gases by certainagricultural activities,changing pattern of land use, etc. These
human activities result in release of harmful gases likecarbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous-oxide,
etc. Carbon-dioxide isproduced through burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, oil, solid
waste, trees bushes, wood products, etc. Methane isreleased by municipal solid waste, biological
waste, etc. Nitrous-oxide is emitted during agricultural activities, industrial activities, and
biological processes. The process of energy generation also involves emission of harmful
These harmful gases, also called greenhouse gases (GHGs) remain trapped in atmosphere/whichThe
traps too much heat
greenhouse gases act like blanket around the earth. This blanket
which causes warmingot
lC WhiCh poses danger to marine life.
Increase in temperaturealso increase therate of
melting of glaCiers which increases the flow of water in
rivers and oceans. Increase in sea level
causes many seriousproblems for people living in coastal regions. It exposes them to
of cyclones and higher risk
(1) According to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
"Cimate change refers to change in climate that is atributed directly or indirectly to human
activity, alering the composition of global atmosphere.
(iX According toNASA, Climate change refers to long term change in the garth's climate esþecialy
a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature." J
Global climate change has adversely affected the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on
rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier. Droughts and heat waves are projected to become more
intense, and cold waves less intense everywhere. Global sea level has risen by about 8inches since
2100. This
reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another l to 4 feet by
is the result of added water from melting land ice and the expansion of seawater as it land
combine with sea level rise and
In the next several decades, storms and high tides could
many regions.
subsidence (Lowering of Land Surface) would further increase flooding in
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many folds. According to a survey sponsored by United Nations, industrial activii..
over the past 150 years have warmed our planet. The industrial activities have raisel
atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels from 280parts per million to 400 parts per million
in the last 150 years.
(4) Depletion of Ozone Layer: In the atmosphere ozone layer is getting depleted due to
increased pollution and excessive release of harmful greenhouse gases. Ozone layer
protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolet sun-rays. Depletion of ozone laver
resulted into entry of harmful ultraviolet sun-raysin the atmosphere resulting into
climate change of the earth.
(5) environment.
Deforestation: Forests
Forests can
are very helpful in maintaining the ecological balance in the
absorb large amount of carbon-dioxide, are helpful in
maintaining regular rainfalls and in preventing soil erosion. Due to increased human
activities, more and more forests have been cut on account of increased demand of
wood, land for agriculture, land for industrial and infrastructural projects, etc. It has
resulted in deforestation, which has resulted in climate deterioration.
(6) Increased Use of Machines and Equipmnents: With increase in standard of living of
common man, the use of ACs, coolers, refrigerators, vehicles, other appliances and
equipments has increasesd. Gases used in ACs, refrigerators, foaming agents, fire
extinguishers, pesticides, etc., result in emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere.
Thevehicdes (especially the diesel-run vehicles) also emit hazardous gases.
(7) Municipal Waste and Biological Waste: If municipal waste, biological waste, solid
waste, garbage, etc. are not processed properly, these emit methane,
etc, in the atmosphere. Due to increase in population size, the waste volume has
iyereased significantly.
3, Impact of Climate Change
(1) Health: Climate change has negative impact on health. Poor air quality, heat stress,
increase in ultraviolet radiation, presence of more carbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide, etc., have adverse effect on health. Vector borne diseases like malaria, dengue,
jaundice, etc., and other diseases like allergy disorders, heat storks, heart diseases,
etc.,increase due to bad climaticconditions. Vector borne diseases are likely to spread
even in those areas where colder temperature checked transmission of vector borne
diseases. Further, degrading groundwater quality contaminating drinking water,
increased salinity in water, etc., also result in more cases of cholera, diarhhoea, etc.
(2) Rise in Sea Level: As sea water warms, it expands which causes sea level to rise. Warm
weather causes the glaciers to melt which results in more water flows in rivers and
oceans. Rising sea level badly affects coastal areas. Global sea level has risen by about 8
inches since reliable record keeping began in year 1880. It is predicted to rise further
by 1to 4 feet by year 2100. According to a study, one meter rise in sea level would
dislocate over 7 million people living in coastal regions in India. Cities like Mumbai
and Kolkata,which areon sea-shores are exposed to high risk of cyclonic activities and
sea storms. Warming of sea water increases the intensity and frequency of cycdones
and sea storms.
(3) Agriculture: Climatic changes have adverse impact on agriculture productiv1ty.
Increase in temperature, uncertain rainfall, more intense floods and droughts, heat
waves,negatively affect agriculture production and productivity. Production of wheat,
rice and other cereals is badly affected by extreme weather conditions. It causes tood
imate Change 375

insecurity. Livestock in all regions will also be negatively affected. Due to climnate
change, availability of agriculture land will reduce. According to IPCCestimate, 0.5
degree Celsius rise in temperature in winte could cause 0.45 tonnes per hectare fall
in wheat production.
(4) Extreme Precipitations: Precipitation refers to water vapours which fall on carth in
any form viz. rainfall, snowfall, hails, drizzle, etc. Global warming is expected toresult
in extreme precipitations. The dry regions are likely to get drier and wet regions are
likely to get wetter. So wet areas will have increased risk of floods while dry areas will
have increased risk of droughts. Tropical regions are more sensitive to global warming
in terms of precipitation. According to an estimate, with every one degree Celsius rise
in temperature, tropical regions willsee 10per cent heavier rainfall.
(5) Wild Life, Aquatic Life and Bio-Diversity: Experts predict that many speciesof land
and sea will be extinct by 2050 if warming trend continues at its current pace. Warming
of ocean water will have bad effect on aquatic life. Changing weather pattern will
adversely affect species like polar bear, penguins, white tiger, rhinoceros, etc. Due to
presence of more carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere the oceans absorb more carbon
dioxide. It makes sea water more acidic which has very dangerous effect on aquatic life
i.e. sea animals.
(6) Energy Supply: Generation of hydro power and thermal power require adequate
water supply. Climatic changes cause uncertainty in water supply. The increasing
variability in water supply in rivers could pose challenge to generation of hydro
power. Thermal power plants also need constant supply of fresh cold water. Decrease
in availability of water and increase in temperature pose risk to generation of power.
(7) Water Supply: Due to extreme precipitations, there will be higher variability in water
supply. According to an estimate, in India, by year 2030, water supply may increase
by 50 per cent in some regions, while in some other regions it may decrease by 40 to
50per cent. There may be 10 to 30 per cent increase in risk of floods in some regions,
while in some other regions, there may be increased risk of drought.
(8) Forests: Extreme weather conditions, more intense floods and droughts, etc. have
bad effect on forests. Forests are likely to disappear in many parts of the earth due to
unfavourable weather conditions. The forest cover is likely to decline which will have
negative effect on bio-diversity and livelihood of tribals.
(9) Other Impacts:
(i) Increased risk of sea-storms will badly affect tourism industry based on sea beaches.
(ii) Warming sea water will have bad effect on aquatic life which will adversely affect
fishing industry.
(i) Frequent sea-cyclones, shatter the lives of people living in coastal areas.
Expected Climate Change in India by 2030
Warmer-Average temperature Rise: 2.0 degree Celsius predicted (1.0 degree
to 4.0 degree Celsius at extreme ranges), lower frequency of rainy days.
Cyclonic Disturbances - increased risk of sea-storms.
Sea-level Rise - 1.3mm per year on average.

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