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Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung


1. TO______________________________________________________
- acceptable - important - pleasant
- accustomed - kind - similar
- agreable - likely
- contrary - lucky
- harmful - open
2. OF______________________________________________________
- afraid - capable
- ahead - confident
- aware - full
3. FOR____________________________________________________
- available - perfect
- difficult - useful
- late
4. AT_____________________________________________________
- clever - skillful
- present - good
- quick - bad
5. WITH___________________________________________________
- acquainted - friendly
- crowded - popular
6. IN_______________________
- Poor # rich
- Interested
- Successful
7. FROM________________
_ - absent
- different
- safe
8. ABOUT__________________
- Confused - sad # glad
- serious

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung


1.Your father was very kind……………….Ann

a. with to toward for
2. Hurry, or you will late …………….the meeting
a. at to from for
3. Were they present……………the party ?
a. in on at from
4. Mary was confused ……………the time
a. on about from in
5. Her dress is different ……………mine
a. from with for of
6. Your intention is similar …………….his
a. with to about for
7. Miss Lan is very popular ………….her colleagues
a. about to with for
8. The girl was afraid …………the tiger
a. about to with of
9. Sue is accustomed …………..rising early
a. about to with of
10. The room was crowded …………..students
a. about for of with
11. Jim was successful ……………his job
a. of in on about
12. Nam is very quick ……………arithmetic
a. at in on about
13. The day seems perfect ……………..a picnic
a. for with about on
14. Tom was sad …………..his friend’s failure
a. in about on at
15. Brunei is rich…………..oil
a. on of at in
16. The zoo is now open ……………all visitors
a. for with to on
17. Is she aware …………..the time ?
a. about of at on
18. Are you acquainted …………..the lady ?
a. with to by about
19. They have been absent…………school very often lately
a. at from to in

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

20. Attending all the lectures is important………….university students

a. in with about to
21. Mary and John don’t appear interested ……….buying the car
a. on at from in
22. Why are these two dresses so different …………..each other?
a. in on from at
23. Smoking is harmful …………….your health
a. for to with about
24. Are you afraid ……………snakes?
a. in on of at
25.The students are pleased …………….their work
a. on with in for
26. My daughter is skillful …………….painting
a. to about by at
27. Is Kate serious ……………learning to be a pilot?
a. about in on at
28. What is the teacher angry……………..?
a. in on about with
29. It was contrary ……………their thoughts
a. with to for on
30. I’ll have some tickets available…………
a. in on at for
31. Is she capable …………..using computers?
a. on of with about
32. Hurry up, or you’ll be late…………school
a. for in on of
33. If you want to make your life worth living, make yourself useful
…………the country
a. for with to about
34. The old lady was furious that she was being made fun……………
a. on of in at
35. The house had been remodeled and made use……………
a. on of in at
36. They have lost touch………….each other
a. in on at with
37. We have to move this box to make room ………..the new bookshelf
a. in on for at
38. Do you take notice …………..the sign ‘’No Smoking’’
a. of in on at
39. You have to study harder to keep pace …………….your classmates

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

a. with in on at
40. I’d like to take advantage ………….the opportunity to explain the
difficulty I’ve met
a. in on of at
41. We have to take account …………….these difficult situations
a. in on of at
42. I am grateful ………………my mother
a. to in on at
43. He lost control of his temper and gave way………..his anger
a. in on at to
44. Be calm and don’t make a fuss …………..such trifles
a. on over of at
45. It was very kind ……………you to help me
a. on in of with
46. Why is Tom so rude…………..Ann?
a. with to about for
47. The bomb went………… a crowded street
a. in on at off
48. The teacher was pleased …………the present you gave her
a. with for about of
49. Julia gets bored …………….doing the same thing everyday
a. for about with of
50. They were surprised …………..the news
a. about at for on
51. Kathy is upset ……………..not being invited to the party
a. at for on about
52. My son is friendly …………….everybody
a. about with on of
53. I am not ashamed …………..what I did . In fact, I am proud
a. of/of on / on of/ on on/ of
54. The boss was suspicious…………..her intention
a. about on of for
55. He is confident…………….his ability
a. about on for of
56. The boy is not very good…………..repairing things
a. on at in about
57. Mai is married ………… American
a. to with from for
58. I’m sorry ………….the noise last night

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

a. about for with at

59. I wasn’t very impressed ………….the film
a. about with by for
60. Florence is famous ……………its art treasures
a. about with by for
61. Who was responsible …………..all that noise last night
a. about with by for
62. The weather of Dalat is favorable …………..tourism
a. for from with by
63. Her home is far …………..the station
a. on for from in
64. He is independent …………..his family
a. on of in at
65. She’s a bit short ……………money
a. on of in at
66. He’s tired …………waiting
a. on of in at
67. They stayed at home because Andy wasn’t keen ……………going out in
the rain
a. of in on at
68. Her writing is similar……………mine
a. with to from for
69. The city centre was crowded ……………..tourists
a. to with from for
70. When I realized I was wrong, I apologized …………..him
………… mistake
a. for / to to/for for / for to/ to
71. Do you believe …………..God ?
a. on in at to
72. Who does this dress belong…………….?
a. in on at to
73. He doesn’t care…………….other people
a. in on about at
74. We complained ………….the manager…………..the food of the
a. about/ to to/ about to/to about / about
75. He lost control …………..the car and crashed………….a wall
a. of/ into into / of of/ of into / into
76. It depends…………….the weather
a. on in at of

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

77. He died ………….a heart attack

a. on in at of
78. I dreamt ………….her last night
a. on of to about
79. She often dreams ………….being rich
a. on of to about
80. A strange thing happened …………..him the other day
a. on of about to
81. Have you heard ………….the flight in the club on Friday night?
a. on of about to
82. Have you heard ……………..Nam recently ?
a. from of about to
83. I’ve never heard ……………him
a. from of about to
84. Everyone will laugh …………..her
a. on at about to
85. We spent the evening listening ……………classical music
a. on at about to
86. Can you help me look …………….my dog?
a. up into for at
87. She needs someone to look……………her
a. after before at into
88. They didn’t have enough money to pay……………the room
a. for on at about
89. You can rely ……..Jeff
a. for on at about
90. The police are searching …………….the escaped prisoner
a. at on for about
91. The boss was very angry and started shouting ………….me
a. at on for about
92. The number of people suffering ………………heart disease has
a. at about for from
93. I’ve thought ………….what she said
a. at about for from
94. I’m waiting ……………the rain to stop
a. at about for from
95. Sorry, I haven’t written ……………you for such a long time
a. on to for of
96. He told me his name but now I can’t think ……………it

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

a. on to for of
97. Ann accused Tom ………….being selfish
a. of about for with
98. I wrote to the company asking them …………..more information about
the job
a. of from for with
99. I had to borrow some money …………..a friend of mine
a. of from for with
100. Everybody blamed me ……………the accident
a. of from with for
101. I phoned him to congratulate him …………….his success
a. about on with for
102. This book is divided ………….three parts
a. into in about on
103. The economic situation is getting worse and worse. The government
ought to do something ……………it
a. with for about to
104. Can you explain this word …………….me ?
a. with for about to
105. Have you been invited …………..any parties recently ?
a. with to in on
106. I haven’t seen her since she left home……………work this morning
a. for to from on
107. I prefer tea…………
a. from to for with
108. The boy put sun-tan oil on his body to protect his skin………….the sun
a. of against from with
109. The school provides its students ……………books
a. of for about with
110. I’ve always regarded you ……………one of my best friends
a. like with for as
111. This house reminds me …………….the one I lived in when I was a
a. of with about to
112. I’m glad you reminded me …………..the party
a. of with about to
113. How much money do you spend …………..books each week ?
a. in on at about
114. Someone threw an egg ………….the president while he was speaking
a. on at to for

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

115. This book has been translated ……………many languages

a. into in to with
116. Everybody has been warned …………..the danger of tsunamis
a. on of about for
117. He is glad …………..his good marks
a. at about in for
118. She is sad ……………..his bad marks
a. at about in for
119. I’m fond ……………listening ………….music
of/ of to/ to of/ to to/ of
120. What do you spend the money ………….?
a. for on to about
121. Siêu thị mở cửa cho mọi người từ 8g sang đến 109 tối mỗi ngày

122. Tôi quen với việc thức dậy sớm tập thể dục mỗi sáng để giữ sức khỏe

123. Anh ấy thật tốt khi giúp tôi sửa chiếc xe này mà không nhận tiền

124. Em trai tôi rất nhanh nhạy với các phép tính trong toán học

125. Mặc dù chúng tôi nghèo về vật chất nhưng rất giàu về tình cảm

126. Cha tôi thành công trong việc kinh doanh

127. Hôm nay anh ấy vắng mặt ở lớp nhưng lại có mặt ở bữa tiệc của cô ấy

128. Tiếng Anh phổ biến ở mọi quốc gia trên khắp thế giới.

129. Để có được tình cảm tốt từ những người khác, bạn phải tử tế và thân
thiện với họ

130. Phố xá luôn đông người và đầy xe cộ, đặc biệt là vào những giờ cao

131. Sở thích của bạn thì hoàn toàn khác với sở thích của tôi, và cũng trái
ngược với anh ấy nhưng lại rất giống sở thích của cô ấy.

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

132. Tôi giỏi vi tính nhưng lại dở tiếng Anh.

133. Hôm nay tôi trể học vì không thức dậy sớm .

134. Việc bạn hiểu biết nhiều về tiếng Anh thì rất có ích cho công việc của
bạn và rất quan trọng cho cơ hội thăng tiến của bạn trong tương lai

135. Đừng quá nghiêm trọng mọi vấn đề . Mọi việc phải được giải quyết tốt
với sự bình tĩnh và sáng suốt của bạn.

136. Khi tôi học phổ thông, tôi luôn dẫn đầu lớp nhưng bây giờ việc đó
không còn nữa.

137. Khi có kiến thức tốt , bạn sẽ cảm thấy rất tự tin với chính mình khi làm
việc hay giao tiếp với người khác

138. Cha Mẹ tôi luôn lo lắng cho nghề nghiệp trong tương lai của tôi

139. Ở nơi đông người , bạn nên coi chừng những kẻ móc túi.

140. Tôi rất thích sự yên tĩnh nhưng lại rất sợ ở nhà 1 mình vào buổi tối

141. Tôi buồn về điểm xấu môn tiếng Anh

142. Cha Mẹ tôi rất vui về sự tiến bộ của tôi trong học tập

143.Căn phòng của anh ta hỗn độn với đủ mọi thứ. Chắc hẳn anh ấy là 1
người lười biếng và không ngăn nắp.

144. Những bài tập này rất khó đối với tôi vì thế tôi không thể hoàn thành
ngay được

145. Cô ấy chán làm công việc lặt vặt trong nhà ngày này qua ngày khác .
Cô ấy muốn làm việc bên ngoài gia đình để gặp gỡ nhiều người khác nhau

Instructor : Đoàn Phan Phương Dung

146. Ông nội tôi phải chịu đựng căn bệnh đau tim nhiều năm nay.

147. Bên cạnh việc chăm sóc gia đình chu đáo, mẹ tôi còn quan tâm đến
nhiều người xung quanh và sãn sang giúp đỡ họ khi họ cần trong khả năng
có thể.

148. Bạn nên cẩn thận khi lái xe trong thành phố vào giờ cao điểm.

149. Mưa bão lớn đã ngăn tôi đến cuộc hẹn với nhóm bạn cũ của tôi tuần rồi.
Đó là lý do có thể hiểu và thông cảm được để chúng tôi có thể có những
cuộc họp mặt vui vẻ khác.

150. Vào cuối tuần , tôi thường xem TV để thư giãn; tuy nhiên chẳng có gì
thú vị trên TV hôm nay cả. Tôi chăm sóc vườn hoa và cá cảnh của tôi vậy!


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