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Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung


1. WHO ( subject ) +V ----------- replacing people

WHOM ( object ) +S -----------
WHOSE ( possessive )-+ N----------

2. WHICH ( subject , object ) ------- replacing animals & things

OF WHICH ( possessive )

3. THAT ( subject , object ) -------- replacing Who , Whom , Which

*** Always use THAT :
- the best , first , most ,…est

- only , all , none ,few, something, nothing, anything , someone,

everyone, anyone, no one

- mixed antecedent ( people & animal )

It +be + adv phrase + that +S +V

It +be + object +that +S +V
It +be +subject (person) + WHO/THAT +V
It +be +subject (thing ) + THAT + V

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

I. Cách dùng đặc biệt của That

1. It is + S + that (who) + V ... => Chính là ... mà (khẳng định việc gì

do ai đó làm)
E.g: It is he that (who) told me that.
=> Chính anh ấy là người nói cho tôi biết việc đó.
2. People + animal/thing that 
E.g: The boy and his dog that of ten pass by here have just left.
=> Chính cậu bé và chú chó của cậu vừa ghé đây được 10 phút
và vừa đi rồi.
3. So sánh nhất/số thứ tự + that
E.g 1: He was the last man that knew her.
=> Anh ta là người cuối cùng biết cô ấy
E.g 2: Matt was the first one that win the race.
=> Matt là người đầu tiên thắng cuộc đua
-New Zealand is the most peaceful country …that….I’ve ever
4. Only/just; many/much; all/little + that
E.g: She was the only girl that was chosen.
=> Cô ấy là cô gái duy nhất được chọn
II. Cách dùng đặc biệt của Which
1. Main clause, which ... (which mang nghĩa của toàn bộ mệnh đề
đứng trước)
eg: He pass the exam, which made us happy.
(Anh ta đã vượt qua kì thi điều khiến chúng tôi hạnh phúc)

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

2. ... prep + whom/which ...

Note: không dùng that trong trường hợp này.
E.g 1: I saw several girls on the way home. Two of them were nice.
=> I saw several girls on the way home, two of whom were nice.
E.g 2: She bought some books from me. Three of them were really
=> She bought some books from me, three of which were really
3. Không dùng THAT trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định
Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định:
- Danh từ riêng : Tom, Sue..
- Đối tượng duy nhất : the sun, the earth, my father, may
- Danh từ đã được xác định : this, that, these, those, the

1.The woman ……………lives next door is a doctor

Who whom which whose
2. The boy ……………Mary likes is my son
Who whom which whose
3. The boy…………..eyes are brown is my son
who whom which whose
4. The book ……………is on the table is interesting
who whom which whose

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

5. The book ………….you bought yesterday is interesting

who whom which whose
6. The table …………..legs are broken should be repaired
who whom whose ***
7. This is the room …………….006 was killed
when where why which
8. Bondi is the beautiful beach ………….I used to sunbathe
when where which why
9. Sunday is the day …………..I go to Water Park with my kids
when where why which
10. Do you know the reason ………………..006 was killed?
When where why which
11. That was the reason ………………..he didn’t marry her
when where why which
12. An architect is someone ………………designs buildings
who whom which whose
13. What was the name of the girl……………….phoned you last night ?
who whom which whose
14. What was the name of the girl …………… phoned last night ?
who whom which whose
15. The bed ……………..I slept was too soft
Which on which in which at which
16. The man……………..she is married has been, has been married twice
Whom in whom to whom with whom
17. The party ……………..we went , wasn’t very enjoyable
Which on which at which to which
18. Who was that girl……………… were yesterday ?
Whom with whom at whom in whom
19. The flight ……………..we wanted to travel was fully booked
Which in which on which at which
20. I enjoy my job because I like the people ……………..I work
Whom at whom with whom in whom
21. I wasn’t interested in the things ……………….they were talking
Which to which about which at which
22. The house …………………which I am living is not in very good
Which to which with which in which
23. My brother, Jim,……………….lives in Houston, is a doctor
that who whom which

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

24. Brad told me about the Grand Hotel,………………Ann recommended to

who whom which that
25. My English teacher ,………………comes from Australia, loves
Who whom which that
26. This morning I met Diane, …………..I haven’t seen for ages
who whom which that
27. Amy, …………….car had broken down , was in a very bad mood
Who whom whose that
28. Mrs Bond is going to spend a few weeks in Sweden,…………her
daughter lives
when where why that
29. Jack has three brothers, all of………….are married
who whom them that
30. They gave us a lot of information , most of ……………was useless
who whom them that
31. There were a lot of people at the party , only a few of ……………..I had
met before
who whom them that
32. I have sent him two letters, neither of…………….has arrived
who them which that
33. John won $20,000 , half of …………….he gave to his parents
it whom which that
34. Ten people applied for the job, none of …………….were suitable
who it which that
35. She couldn’t come to the party, ……………..was perfectly true
who it which that
36. Jill isn’t on the phone,……………..makes it difficult to contact her
which that this it
37. They said they didn’t have any money ,…………was a pity
which that this it
38. I haven’t got a passport,…………..means I can’t leave my country
which that this it
39. He offered to let me stay in his house,………….was very nice of him
this which it that
40. They didn’t thank us for the meal before they left,…………..I thought
was very rude of them
this which it that

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

41. The part of town where I live is very noisy at night , …………..makes it
difficult to sleep
this where that which
42. That’s the room ………….I used to stay
which when where why
43. That’s the supermarket ……………I used to buy things
which where when why
44. That’s the one …………..they serve the best food
where which when why
45. Doc let is the beach ………….I used to sunbathe
where which when why
46. It was the time ……………I had a lot of toys
where which when why
47. Those were the days ………….we played truant
where which why when
48. That’s the reason ……………I didn’t come to the meeting last night
when where which why
49. I know a place ……………there are a lot of daffodils
where how when why
Combine the pair of sentences using relative pronouns
50. Alice is my friend . Alice’s mother died last year

51. The boy will be punished . He threw that stone

52. My sister wants to speak to you . You met my sister yesterday.

53. The flowers were roses. I bought the flowers for my sister

54. Do you know the boy? He sat next to me at the dinner party

55. Swimming makes people strong. Swimming is a good sport

56. The woman is a nurse . We saw the woman’s daughter last week

57. The man is a doctor. My parents bought the man’s house

58. The paint on the chair is still wet. You are sitting on that chair

59. The girl is very beautiful. Her dress is red

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

60. Jane is the woman . Jane is going to China next year with her.

61. That is the room . The meeting is held there

62. I’ll remember the day . I first saw that sight on it

63. She was born in Malaysia . Rubber trees grow well there

64. No one knows the school . My uncle taught at it

65. Please ask them the time . The train started the trip at that time

66. We’ll take you to Dalat. You can enjoy pure air in it

67. The field is very fertile. They plant potatoes in it

68. You can enjoy hiking in winter . Snow covers everything in winter

69. I never forget the village . I was born in it

70. Monday is the day . We’ll come then

71. Auld Lang Syne laø moät baøi haùt ñöôïc haùt vaøo ñeâm giao thöøa

72. Chieác ñoàng hoà naøy laø quaø dì toâi taëng cho toâi vaøo sinh nhaät
thöù 15

73. Baïn Tom cuûa toâi , ngöôøi soáng ôû Myõ , coù theå noùi tieáng Vieät
raát gioûi

74. Toâi thích ñoïc saùch keå veà nhöõng daân toäc vaø caùc neàn vaên
hoùa khaùc nhau cuûa hoï

75. Vaøo sinh nhaät cuûa meï toâi, cha toâi thöôøng taëng baø nhöõng ñoaù
hoa hoàng thôm ngaùt vaø xinh ñeïp

76. Ngaøy mai toâi seõ ñeán phi tröôøng ñeå ñon baïn toâi ñeán ôû vôùi
chuùng toâi trong dòp leã giaùng sinh

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

77. Cha toâi laø ngöôøi ñang ngoài ôû chieác gheá baønh vôùi moùn quaø
trong tay

78. Meï toâi laø ngöôøi ñang ñöùng caïnh cha toâi

79. Baø Noäi toâi laø ngöôøi maëc chieác aùo maøu tím

80. Chuù toâi laø ngöôøi ñang maëc chieác aùo len xanh

81. Jack laø caäu beù ñang ngoài treân ñuøi meï

82. Mark Twain laø 1 nhaø vaên maø nhöõng taùc phaåm cuûa oâng toâi
raát thích

83. Toâi caûm ôn ngöôøi phuï nöõ môùi vöøa cho toâi möôïn ñieän thoaïi

84. Ngöôøi phuï nöõ coù caùi ví tieàn cuûa baø bò ñaùnh caép ñaõ goïi
caûnh saùt

85. Thaèng beù coù moùn ñoà chôi bò hö khoùc thaä lôùn

86. Lan laø moät trong nhöõng ngöôøi baïn cuøng lôùp maø toâi thöôøng
noùi chuyeän nhaát

87. Baïn coù bieát teân cuûa caäu trai ñang ñöùng ôû ñaèng kia khoâng ?

88. Baïn ñaõ ñoïc xong quyeån saùch maø toâi cho baïn möôïn tuaàn roài
chöa ?

89. Baïn ñaõ traû laïi soá tieàn maø baïn möôïn anh aáy thaùng roài chöa ?

90. Thaùng 12 laø thaùng coù nhieàu ngaøy leã kyõ nieäm vaø leã hoäi

Change the adj clause to phrase

91. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us ?

92. The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

93. I come from the city that is located in the southern part of the country

94. The children who attend that school receive a good education

95. The book which was written by Mark Twain is very interesting

96. The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood

97. They live in a house that was built in 1980

98. We have an apartment which overlooks the park

99. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making

100. Did you get the message which concerned the special meeting ?

101. Ngöôøi phuï nöõ ñöùng ôû ñaèng kia laø dì cuûa toâi

102. Baøi baùo caùo ñöôïc vieát bôûi Nam thì raát roõ raøng

103. Baïn coù bieát teân cuûa caäu beù veõ böùc tranh naøy khoâng ?

104. Nhöõng böùc aûnh ñöôïc in treân tôø baùo saùng nay troâng khoâng
bình thöôøng

105. 2/3 soá ngöôøi bò baét vì troäm xe gaén maùy ñeàu döôùi 20 tuoåi.

106. Baát cöùsinh vieân naøo khoâng ñi hoïc maø khoâng xin pheùp ñeàu
ñöôïc baùo cho phuï huynh.

107. John Quincy Adams sinh vaøo ngaøy 11/7/1767 laø toång thoáng thöù
6 cuûa Hoa Kyø

108. Thaät laø quan troïng khi lòch söï vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi soáng trong
cuøng 1 nhaø vôùi chuùng ta

Instructor: Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

109. ÔÛ treân töôøng, coù 1 taám aûnh goàm coù 5 ngöôøi ñang haùt vôùi

110. Thaät khoù tìm ngöôøi coù cuøng quan ñieåm vôùi mình

111. It was last Saturday………my Dad bought a new car

a. When b. which c. on which d. that
112. It was in this house ……..i was born
a. Where b. which c. in which d. that
113. It was for Nam ……..the father repaired the bike.
a. That b. whom c. who d. whose
114. It is by using some software …… can kill computer viruses.
a. Which b. that c. of which d. what
115. Chính tại bệnh viện này tôi đã cất tiếng khóc chào đời cách đây 15 năm

116. Chính là vào ngày này năm trước chúng tôi đã đi picnic với nhau ở Vũng Tàu.

117. Chính là ông ấy ,người đã giúp tôi làm việc này.

118. Chính quyển sách này đã giúp tôi cải thiện môn tiếng Anh rất nhiều.

119. Chính trên con đường này , 4 người chết và nhiều người bị thương nặng do 1 tai nạn
thảm khốc đã xảy ra hôm qua

120. Chính cha tôi , người đã thiết kế ngôi nhà này.


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