Modal Verbs

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Instructor : Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung


A. Rewrite the sentences ,using the words in brackets

1.Why don’t you take part in this activity ?(should)

I think you……………………………………………………….
2. You could call and see your sister while you are in London (ought to)
While you’re in London……………………………………………
3. I suggest you arrange to meet her outside the National Theater (should)
4. Why don’t you phone her to make the final arrangements? (ought to)
5. I suggest you drink less coffee late at night (shouldn’t)
6. You should eat more fruit and vegetables (Why)

B. Making a request using ‘’Can I …., Could I…….., Can you…..,

Could you…..., Would you mind ….

7. I want to smoke
8. I want you to answer the phone
9. I want to turn on the TV
10. I want to have the bill
Instructor : Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

11. I want you to phone me later

12. I want you to help me with this suitcase
13.I want to open the door

C. Making a suggestion:

14. I can’t speak English fluently (practice speaking English everyday)

15. I have a terrible headache (take medicine)
16. I always feel tired (do morning exercises regularly)
17. I cannot remember new English words ( study new English words

18. I always get low marks for my homework because of some mistakes
( do your homework carefully)
19. My mother isn’t pleased with my study result ( study harder)

20. My friend is angry with me because of my absence from her party
(apologize to your friend for your absence from her party)

D. Rewrite the sentences using other structure

Instructor : Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

21. Would you mind not smoking here?

I’d rather………………………………………………..
22. I want to go out tonight
I’d rather……………………………
23. I like staying at home more than going out
I prefer……………………………………………………………………
I’d prefer……………………………………………………………….
I’d like…………………………………………………………………….
I’d rather……………………………………………………………….
24. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday
I would rather………………………………………………………
25. Let’s go swimming
What about…………………..
I suggest……………………………
My advice……………………………
26. My advice to you is that you should give up smoking
You had………………………………………………………………
27. How about something to eat before the show?
28. May I borrow your pen?
Would you mind……………………..?
Would you mind if……………………….
29. Why don’t you buy them this picture as a wedding present?
My advice to you is that…………………………………………………
30. We’d prefer you not to smoke
We’d rather………………………………..
We ‘d prefer…………………………………..
31. Do you want to go over the main points again ?
32. I often get up early
I am used………………..
33. My father usually smoked a lot before
My father used………………………………………….
My father isn’t…………………………………………..
34. Would you mind if I close the door?
Could I……………………………………………………..
35.He’d rather golf than tennis
Instructor : Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

He’d prefer……………………………..
He likes………………………………………
36. Perhaps he left HCM city for Hanoi
He could………………………………………………….
37. He maybe got wet yesterday
He might………………………………….
38.There is no need for you to talk so loudly
You don’t…………………………………………………………..
39. You don’t have to hurry
You don’t need……………….
40. You are not allowed to park here
You mustn’t……………………………………….

E. Write in English

41. Laøm ôn ñöøng laøm oàn . Con trai toâi ñang nguû

42. Baïn coù phieàn neáu toâi ñeán nhaø baïn vaøo buoåi toái khoâng ?

43. Phieàn baïn laáy giuùp toâi caùi aùo möa ôû treân caùi keä ñaèng kia

44. Baïn coù theå cho toâi möôïn maùy tính cuûa baïn trong giaây laùt ñöôïc

45. Toâi coù theå môû maùy laïnh ñöôïc khoâng? Toâi thaáy noùng vaø
khoù chòu quaù

46. Vaãn coøn nhieàu thöùc aên trong tuû laïnh . Chuùng ta khoâng can ñi
chôï hoâm nay ñaâu

47. Baïn coù thaáy bieån hieäu ‘’Caám huùt thuoác ‘’ ôû ñaèng kia khoâng ?
Chuùng ta khoâng ñöôïc huùt thuoác.

48. Hoâm nay thôøi tieát ñeïp quaù. Chuùng ta haõy ñi picnic nheù

49. Moãi ngaøy chuùng ta phaûi taäp theå duïc ñeå giöõ söùc khoûe toát.

50. Baïn toâi ñang ñôïi toâi ôû coång tröôøng. Toâi phaûi ñeán ñoù ngay

51. Toâi coù thoùi quen chaïy boä ôû coâng vieân vaøo saùng sôùm
Instructor : Ñoaøn Phan Phöông Dung

52. Khi toâi coøn nhoû, toâi ñaõ töøng soáng vôùi OÂng Baø toâi ôû noâng

53. Toâi khoâng gaëp anh aáy toái qua. Coù leõ anh aáy baän toái qua

54. Hoâm nay baïn coù ñieåm xaáu. Chaéc haún baïn ñaõ khoâng hoïc baøi
hoâm qua

55. Toâi thích ôû nhaø hôn ñi chôi vaøo cuoái tuaàn

56. Saùng nay baïn ñi hoïc treã. Toâi muoán baïn ñi hoïc sôùm saùng nay

57. Baïn ñang laøm oàn. Toâi muoán baïn khoâng laøm oàn

58. Hoâm nay toâi coù ñieåm xaáu. Toâi muoán coù ñieåm toát

59. Hoâm qua toâi khoâng gaëp coâ aáy. Toâi muoán gaëp coâ aáy hoâm

60. Baïn coù thoùi quen laøm gì vaøo chuû nhaät?

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