Laws of Motion 3 (D)

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Exercise 3 (d)

1. State the usefulness of Newton’s third law of motion.

Answer: Newton’s third law unlike the first and second law of motion, explains
how the force acts on the object.

2. State Newton’s third law of motion.

Answer: Newton’s third law of motion states that: “To every action there is always
an equal and opposite reaction”.

3. State and explain the law of action and reaction, by giving two examples.
Answer: Newton’s third law of motion states that: “To every action there is always
an equal and opposite reaction”.
For example:
(a) A book lying on a table – a book exerts a force equal to its weight W, when it
is placed on a table top which is the action in downwards direction. The table
balances it by exerting an equal force known as reaction that acts in an upward
direction on the book.
(b) While moving on the ground, we exert a force by our feet to push the ground
backwards, the ground exerts a force of the same magnitude on our feet forward
which makes us to move forward.

4. Name and state the action and reaction in the following cases:
(a) Firing a bullet from a gun
Answer: When a bullet is fired from a gun, the force exerted on the bullet is the
action. An equal recoil experienced by the gun is the reaction.

(b) Hammering a nail

Answer: Force exerted by the hammer on the nail is the action. The force
experienced on the hammer by the nail or the wall is the reaction.

(c) A book lying on a table

Answer: The force exerted by the book due to its weight on the table is the action.
An equal upward force, equal to the weight of the book exerted by the table is the

(d) A moving rocket

Answer: The burnt gases at high pressure and high temperature are expelled out of
the rocket nozzle. Thus, rocket exerting a force on gases to expel them through the
nozzle backwards is the action. The outgoing gases exerting an equal and opposite
force on the rocket becomes the rection.

(e) A person walking on the floor

Answer: The force exerted by the feet to push the ground backwards is the action.
The force exerted by the ground on the feet which makes the person to move
forward is the reaction.

(f) A moving train colliding with a stationary train.

Answer: Force applied by a moving train on a train at rest is the action. Force
exerted by the train at rest on a moving train is the reaction.

5. Explain the motion of a rocket with the help of Newton’s third law.
Answer: Newton’s third law states that for every action there is always an equal
and opposite reaction. In a rocket, fuel burning inside is expelled as burning gases.
The gases are expelled at a higher temperature and pressure through the nozzle of
the rocket causing the rocket to exert a force F on the gases to expel them through
a nozzle in the backwards direction. The outgoing gases put forth an equal and
opposite force R (reaction) on the rocket because of which it propels forward.

6. When a shot is fired from a gun, the gun gets recoiled. Explain.
Answer: When a bullet is fired from a gun, force F is exerted on the bullet which
forms the action. The gun in turn experiences an equal recoil R which forms the

7. When you step ashore from a stationary boat, it tends to leave the shore. Explain.
Answer: In order to get out of the boat we exert a force on the board of the boat.
This creates a force of reaction which enables us to step out of the boat. The boat
tends to leave the shore due to the force exerted by us.

8.When two spring balances joined at their free ends, are pulled apart, both show
the same reading. Explain.
Answer: When two springs balances A and B are joined at their free ends and are
pulled apart, both show the same reading. The pull on the spring B by the spring
A is the action 𝐹𝐵𝐴 and the pull on the spring A by the spring B is the reaction 𝐹𝐴𝐵 .

9. To move a boat ahead in water, the boatman has to push the water backwards
by his oar. Explain.
Answer: The boatman pushes the water in the backward direction (action) to move
a boat with his oar. The water in turn exerts an equal and opposite force (reaction)
in the forward direction on the boat because of which the boat moves forward.

10. A person pushing a wall hard is liable to fall back. Give reason.
Answer: A person experiences a force (reaction) by the wall on his palm in the
opposite direction when he pushes the wall hard (action) by his palm. Hence, he is
liable to fall back.

13. A light ball falling on ground, after striking the ground rises upwards. Explain
the reason.
Answer: A ball exerts a force when it strikes the ground. The ground in turn exerts
a force on the ball in an opposite direction. Hence the ball rises in the upward

14. Comment on the statement ‘the sum of action and reaction on a body is zero’.
[Hint: The statement is wrong]
Answer: The statement is wrong. The action and reaction never act on the same
body, but they always act simultaneously on two different bodies. Hence the forces
of interaction are always present in a pair and it is not zero.

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