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A) Explain Operating system with its types, roles, responsibilities, and its importance.

Operating System (OS) is a software program that let the computer to communicate
and operate with the computer software. It is a set of programs that helps the user
to use the computer hardware, run applications, and manage files and other devices.
It acts as an interface between the user and the hardware and it also provide user
interface, and providing security.

Types of Operating Systems:

1. Multi-User Operating System: This type of OS allows multiple users to access a
single computer system at the same time.
2. Multi-tasking Operating System: This OS permits the execution of multiple tasks at
the same time.
3. Real-Time Operating System: This OS is designed to respond to external events
4. Distributed Operating System: This OS distributes the tasks among multiple
computers, which are connected via a network.
5. Embedded Operating System: This OS is designed to be used in embedded
computer systems.

Roles of an Operating System:

1. Memory Management: The OS manages the computer’s memory and allocates it
to different programs and processes.
2. Process Management: The OS manages the processes and their execution.
3. Device Management: The OS manages the devices.

Importance of Operating system:

The importance of an OS cannot be overstated. It is the driving force behind the user
experience, and is responsible for ensuring that the user gets the most out of their
computer. If OS is not available, the user would be unable to interact with their

Operating System is the importance for any computer, and is essential for the user's
B) Briefly explain the characteristics of Modern of Operating System.
Modern operating systems have a lot of features that make them more productive
and user-friendly than their early versions.

Features of Modern Operating System:

1. Multitasking: The ability to run multiple tasks at one time is one of the most
important features of a modern operating system. This helps users to run multiple
programs at the same time, improving efficiency.

2. Memory Management: Memory management is a vital feature of modern

operating systems. This enables the OS to assign memory to multiple task and
manage memory usage between them.

3. Virtual Memory: Virtual memory is also an important feature of modern operating

systems. This enables the OS to use disk space as if it were RAM, allowing for more
programs to run at the same time.

4. Security: Security is essential for modern operating systems. Security measures

such as authentication, encryption, and access control help protect data from
unauthorized access.

5. Networking: Networking is an important feature of modern operating systems.

This allows the OS to communicate with other computers on a network, allowing for
the sharing of resources and data.

6. Graphical User Interface: A graphical user interface (GUI) is a feature of modern

operating systems that allows for easier user interaction. This includes features such
as windows, menus, and icons.

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