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NMOS Paes aN es GEOGRAPHIC eae oraseeny Teacher’s Guide Reaclin EXPLORE r Paul Macintyre ¢ Nancy Hubley Target Vocabulary Definitions ee Definition Word Definition ‘olny put an a smating ‘estaophe fh) an unpaid wnt that cones sbeurd (eau ont aking sane ‘ea sug er damage stundant ad) preamtiniageguanities ase {0 core sorties oto shacont rt oman os Py apres ey {n) complet seat ana conten staten a) acorinctbangveywonies SMH gaan satan at Wtoretsonwone sod adingwows FONE be) for an res asin avery erg fr urpeaser stston stee——trorontadractenoenrg SON} wa aed what pare gorg rtachng bean ne fs = amateur (a) sree who done someting as SMaBSe 0 ser al down Shoboyorbacsueitciun * coleague fn) screen you wa with, ambition {f.)the deste to be succassiu rch, beeen eres orpome colide (toch io emahing ‘walogous fa anlar sue respects Colossal (ad extern rge farcipate —()oleakFrwueosomethnghn _tmmence to ta orang sovaco ott happening commit) 0. smating Yale bad he assemble (came or ng geting Se gap compatible i) asng, hr, o working wel sue) '0comhes someone at together wit connct ormatingis wer wi deity compeling (ad coving ork ation rappen comple (toca rap together mary atmosphere (n thetoyer of or gabe around Blces ot tcrmaton Bonet compuisoy fc) pcessary because some ie subentire garde sunt ay ou mat swesome fac) wey moreeshe ond ofan -—concavable (ac) maghabla,baleabio fettoing concentrate (to gve someting your erro eres barge bang ores ontheto0 oF canting) to Keo somhig win tn rly (ad ont pose contort (oda crt with probe, bet (ra scrtercentice task orparon bet (totinat ermeingisrasor conquest fn) thang ove a county ot Sayre reepon troup erpecre bowing (a) scotland poate when contagious ar) elo spread fom one parson Sea win he eoonary ‘banctee bomce {elo srngormave upanddown contaminate) to make something ty or ham boundary (n)aniaghay neat spares contoverslal lax) auc ote pie ‘ow ana fom ancthe Seaposmere ute ()most ot someting, te morty conventional ac) behing na way that is ured fad} onered up in ahoe no ‘pied a romain ce) sand Word Detnition Word Detnition am (n)awal bat across aero legant’ a pleasing ox acehah tormakoatake snpesrancs oye odication 2} svete, bang conmitedto embrace fn.) awarm or afloat hug wh soneting with tne andlor manoy ame aun the ther parson etance _(njanatitud thal shows you re rct_ engage ——_—(v) tobe nv, priate ving oy someting ‘enrich (a toimoove the aay of detect (2) make somthing change couse someting by ading tot 201 cogs not you erode (0) toroduce someting by waareg it democracy fn)asytomef goverment in which aay oreo chose rr by ving ‘tical (oc) conforming to g00d moral donee (ch ott packed ogee, ery ‘conch toc evade (e)t0 ai or esca00 ‘descendant (n)scmecne rated oan ancestor Sooke {1} to cause a pertioder emery, ‘who ed nh pat "oa or emeten to oceur designate 4) 0 stand ot asi fora erate (oc) uns o rtresting boca pavesterrurona (Gaim hot suai pa set0r (c} make someene not wantte 6o expt (i) 10 cowep recurs anc vee rcontue dong samathing ‘hom for commercial actin devastate (0 daragesomsting bady ot gxtant (2) he length, sea, or sao of ‘Seaioyi totaly someting vice (aan coo thet hasbeen vented for paride purpose fantasy (a) plaza suaton you tink Bgestion —_(n)the process of tb by taking about and wart to happen raion rom ooo feasible aa) poesne, ade to be done dlomma ——_(n}astustoninoting adteut ——femy (2) boat hat ransports passengers raee bewenn anton fn sometimes vices aoe hers cuigont (aq) hard-working na cart and ors ebetahes ofa toough way fierce (6) vy aoa arr diminish oveducein so, moorance. tf (W)tonm away bensty ‘unt (2) aio to spask a tnguge only discard} otrow somstting away andooresty discem ——jlobeavawofeometing end — folk (2c) traional or pial ways of ow wat ‘ora tangs scipined fac) ale to workand behave forbid (toro alow someting tobe done ‘cortoled way, oben des foresse ——_{s) to erpact and bole that discourage s) caus somecne to sais or ‘SSneting wt happen Pe eusis former (ac) someone who use to have a depute 2) a0aoun daarooment pation ut ne lenge ha. rapt (e)tointoruct and prevent someting femthcoming lag) open and wilng to cooperate from contndngin anomaly fog (¢)t tat aninstuten, company. distort (0) ave an inaccurate or ‘ganization ranged repo some foundation a) the things on which a bole or stressing (ac) unsatng, causing e27Ow, ‘ayo a is bed sing, or pan fraction (n) try amount or proporton ofthe avert (1) make someting flow a ae eet rote or 9210 anche 2 yyy (2) te dot of pope in an tga or ‘drawback fn) acandvartage dahonest way ‘Target Vocabulary Definitions 91 eee ee rere une Word Detnition Set __Defniion ‘evolous ac ail ithe stead serous bn sone. oe (0) caer otros or iblanos: 3 shave Delve te ngs ‘ene (9) te pat tact nang {ning tht contests phys characte, row, and \eveopment ‘orwine ac ra ot a ola (7) avery tight ttt eo to look at Gradual eo) occuring mal stages on 8 Jong potod, not sucdon ‘rand (ac large and pressive ray (0) the foc that causes tings to ‘op he oun orev (0) 0 foe very sad abou stig, ‘ual deat ‘uidetine 2) acicw about how todo samating harmony (nace raha than hing or rain harsh (2c) rpieasanty cr hai hard or rough hazardous (ac) dangerous or ham Idea (23) the best posite parson or ‘hia fr a purpose cr tase immense ao) sxvemaly lego or rest, Inelnaion jn) festng that makes you want acta parlor way Inconeusive (ao) not provdng any cer ance orreaut industious (ac) har. weréng, energetic Infrastructure (ne teste ofa county roy such as tanpertton, Commuricatons, an us thet alow to notion Intrtating ac) mading, making somone ‘oarerely angry Inabtant (2) apason uta een the place cancornnd feet ac) base, arto the vay nate of semathing Inert (10 rcake something tm dead aople who used fount Insight (n)an scurato and aap ndtening ct omating 92. Target Vocabulary Definitions ee eee Word Definition ee eee Deemonisereeen deed instar (itor equorent or stare Somenhwre so can beused Instinct (a) anata tency to beh or ‘act na parte vy Institton —_{n)alage, mootantorgarzaton ‘such at aumeraty or tank inaut (410 do someting tht ude or ens tetas (2c) complet, not carnage cr changed Intogal ta) nscossary Boose itis an ‘essen par of something Inteectual (a) imatg a persons ety to {hk and to unceretan ies ac) rato Intorat (ero fo berwoen to cates Intgniog fa) inreting,srege or curous onic (ec) oct because ti tha oppose ‘twat you mig oak (7) crack or hoe that aor gas can pase tough Joan (ec})low ina Mestye (a) he condtions, bv, nd habts peal ofa group ‘kewiso (oo) nthe sae vay longesty —a)iengite mainland —_(n) helrget pat ofc or Continent as conmased to ars massive (a) oxromaty ge, nage itary (a) lating ote ered ores of county mine! ac) very matin uate, oF soos ‘modertion (nan acon tat reasonable srs noted modity (30 change someting sgt ‘usualy fo mprve ‘motivation 1.) ho cause or antusiesm or went too semating motor (nthe part ot @ machine at uses tuto make t mow mutual (ac have the se fengs tomar sch other nationwide (a) happening er xetog in a pats olacouty Word Definition ee Cater cee eee navigates} omovo ator aroah ona ‘course to aretha place noble (2) grand rire in ‘sppearsrce nonetheless ck) ners, n spt ofa stustion om (1) way of behaving tats Considerod nome uuain society tty (410 tr ofa norm sorreone about somealhng rnotwith- ac) reverts Standing ‘numerous fc} recat in lege nurbers ution fn) the process of he boy taking and absetrg nations tom fod ‘obsessed (ac hing about one ting constant obsolete fac) no longar needed bocouse ‘Something batter nas bean verted as (6) stange, unsual ina peoaler way cnt (ac) este on the amet ‘oppose i) to sage win what someone wants todo and ty ston hn or ber ‘optimistic ac!) hopetl about the ft othe succes of semahing. outdo (1000 more success hana ‘compete at an actly ‘verano partial cowr someting 80 ‘hares an arc shred by both ‘versees ac!) 2088 the ocean, vi ancther county overtake) tops someone ahd of you ‘o's movingin the sare ration passion fn) astong ean love ae atrecton fe someone or aoething Personally (n) one's whole cheractr annie pest (2) aninsect or cher mal anal {hat camages cope hlosepher (2) aacnok of te nate of stones orhow peopl shoud ie ite (2) 2 cunt of ings ng on op of one another Pioneer fn) on of hast post to do Soman ee Word Denton ee Demeoniieareciege eae pet (0) te connected cares of ort that ake up astery portable fac) aves ose (e)t0 caus a protiem or anger Practitoner —_) samoane who works Ie Professor especialy mecne DProsice fn) an urveconatle dla ofa aricular eum Privilege fn) special aator advange thst ‘ony one group has ‘rominent (ec) easly be, cious root (1) tact x oun showing that ‘someting i tue or ents Proponent) an acto eupporr of nea oe course of acon Prosperous fac) rch end cosa Prudent ac) sensible an cara ‘quotation (n)asartanco or prase thats ‘peated by semecne ele recruit ()to sect people ana persue ‘em to wor fra organization refined (ac) improved, mre prac with ‘one onore reform (410 change or improve aan, soc Syston, er etuton equate) to contra an actty, epoca by rmaans of ee relay (6910 sera etomaton Felentess oc) nove stoping or becoming let ierse ‘aleve (0) toma someting fos Unpleasant ort masa kedeappoar replenish (4) make someting tater ‘complete aan reproduce x) t0 copy eometing, to produce ofsorng ‘eoutation (nthe opinion poops have about someane or somting resemble x) olbok or appar vey snr to someting ace Fetieve (4) toget someting back am the oce whee you revenge fn) punishment or the act of geting ‘ren wih cemaane ho hat jou revered fac repcted ‘Target Vocabulary Definitions 93 Word Denton ‘evokion 1) vay gaat change h the way that somethings dove or mace ‘yh (7).areaulr sexes of sous cr ‘ite (7) mating has vary cut to undstand ‘od (0c), si, and ioe rial (1). sates of actions thet people "eau cary ou ina pane remanee (a) astong alacant or ‘nvhrement between poop owe veute (2) away rom one place another al (ac) nth cou. away rom ies erie ture tle (ac pan, cme, ypieal ofa courry este secred (23) beter to bo hy win a speci cormecon 9 God scattered ta) sreed ever an area a masoy or reglr way seinario (x) he wayn which a stun may ‘sevop (acho, it, ana peat sec wth aac) sosded ‘seze (0 take contot of somthing ‘icky are suc th ore skeptic (.) a peron wha hes doubts about (hinge tet of ponlebetve species .)aclass of plano animes spectacular (a) very ire or dramatic = (4) fd out scat rtoraton ‘sbout aria ogieaton ‘ston (3) 1 cover or extend over an ra or ‘satanoe 94 Target Vocabulary Definitions Word Definition subbom —ae) uniing wo obngo ono na laressonaby toric substance) a0, powder ado ysl mat you can sh Supplement take an dn osmuhing {improve supass jy) tobe beter than. ore mow ot ‘parce ua thn ancher suspend) tohargsomating oma igh Hoe ‘emptor fn) son that someting i ‘wthyaurbodyormng (1097 under eat tins, especial stot waineses theme (2) an porate eset that fino 8 woe thereby oy ecm of at fWoger fi). caune someting to happen or oat Undergo) tohave somthing ncaa {reteset Pappa you teash (to suey lose a pone {oe orang uttety (ad) come. ema varich toon espa ton nan ‘neon way Vertis (a stan pointing each up vital, (races or very mgotant weapon fn) an objec toa gun oreo usec hutorll poo wrersoy ao) by maae ot wich wing a hep odo someting \olutany heb cooparatha windraw fy) pba move back et

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