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Colegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation, Inc.


Brgy. 1 Quezon, Tabontabon, Leyte 6504


NCM 117

1. Liza is anxious. She cannot complete tasks assigned to her. She does not respond to redirection. She has ritualistic
behavior. She often cries. She has severe headache. Has been nauseating, vomiting and diarrhea. Trembling, rigid
stance, tachycardia, chest pain and vertigo.

What best describes Liza's situation?

A. Liza is in panic level of anxiety.

B. Liza is experiencing Crises.
C. Liza is in severe level of anxiety
D. Liza is anxious.

2. A patient diagnosed with Schizophrenia is holding the curtain, shouting, telling the nurse, "Help!" "Help!". The
devil is here." What is the psychotic symptom manifested by the patient?

A. Hallucination
B. Illusion
C. Delusion
D. Euphoria

3. A patient diagnosed with Schizophrenia is holding the curtain, shouting, telling the nurse, "Help!" "Help!". The
devil is here." What is the external stimuli?

A. Radio
C. Curtain
D. Nurse

4. A patient diagnosed with Schizophrenia is holding the curtain, shouting, telling the nurse, "Help!" "Help!". The
devil is here." What is the most appropriate response of the nurse?

A. I see no devil around. Do you know who’s the devil? I am the devil.
B. I see no devil around. You are the devil.
C. I see no devil around. This is a curtain.
D. I understand that you are seeing objects again?

5. MJ had been frequently abused by her father who recently died. When the nurse asked MJ how his father was, she
replied, "My father was the best father in the world."

How do you interpret the statement of MJ?

A. Denial
B. Projection
C. Identification
D. Dishonesty
6. Cris, 35-year-old vendor, was held by the policemen due to illegal selling at the sidewalk.

He kept on biting his finger nails while talking to the police authorities.

What defense mechanism would best describe Cris?

A. Denial
B. Projection
C. Suppression
D. Fixation

7. Shaina involuntarily forgets some of her life events three years ago.

What defense mechanism best describes Shaina?

A. Suppression
B. Undoing
C. Repression
D. Symbolization

8. Jaydee is a self-proclaimed famous in school and considered himself as the closest relative to the Local Chief
Executive in their community that resulted to some chaos.

What sign/symptom best describes Jaydee?

A. Delusion
B. Delusion of Grandeur.
C. Delusion of Ideas of Reference.
D. Delusion of Control.

9. Ms. Smith was telling the nurse "I want to die now. But I don't want to die."

Identify the psychotic symptom that best describes Ms. Smith.

A. Labile
B. Ambivalence
C. Anhedonia
D. Apathy

10. The patient is in the male psychiatric ward. He has a problem in his speech. And he believes that his belief has
super powers.

Below are the symptoms of altered thought process. Select all that apply.

A. Neologism
B. Alogia
C. Hallucination
D. Illusion
E. Anhedonia
F. Tangentiality
G. Alogia
11. John was fired at work. When he went home, he threw things whatever he held and saw.
He argued to his wife and beat his children.
What defense mechanism would this behavior interprets? __________________________ (2pts)

12. The goal of the treatment is to return the client to at least a precrisis level of functioning.
Identify what Phase of Crisis is this. _____________________ (2pts)

13. Enumerate Psychological responses of the Panic level of anxiety. (6 pts)

14. Identify the level of anxiety that most a student experience during exams.
Enumerate psychological and physiological responses. (10 points)

15. Identify the types of Crises. Tabulate variety of life situations and events that fall into each category (15 points)

Mental Health is Wealth!!!

Prepared by:

Claire L. Leona, RN, SCFHS-RN

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