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EXPLAINATION- MTB MLE started in the year 2012 as part of the key to 12
basic education program it is implemented specifically in kindergarten and
grades 1/2 and three it provides a strong educational foundation on the first
language with successful bridging to or more additional languages including
Filipino and English.
Before, it was kind of hard for students to use and learn Tagalog and English
though they are being thought about this at home they are used to their home
or first language and it brings confusion to the child. This approach is helpful
for the transition.
EXPLAINATION- this framework revolves around these three factors namely
political sociological, pedagogical, and culture factors.
POLITICAL SOCIOLOGICAL- when we say political from the term itself politics
and nature and sociological such as customs and Merced socio economics
and educational level and other social conditions.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL- involves how the learners absorb what
they learn how they behave and respond to each situation pedagogical
pertains to teacher support organization and order motivation routines modes
of instruction and teaching methods.
CULTURAL FACTORS- comprise a set of values and ideologies of a particular
community or groups and which decides the students how he or she behaves
at school.
ASSESSMENT - aligning assessment with intended course learning outcomes
is crucial to assessment as learning.
LEARNING OUTCOMES- prescribe that students are expected to demonstrate
and the assessment plan shows or tells them how they will do that.
Now, let's dissect this framework starting with the lower part it states here the
cultural and social cultural processes which are based on theories and one of
these is the language acquisition theory.
So, that theory states that children are able to learn language out of desire to
communicate with their surrounding environment and world language this is
dependent rather upon an emerge from social interaction.
Now, going back my competencies mentioned here oral linguistic knowledge,
practical and creative writing, critical literacy and language use and reading
and language comprehension.
So onces, ma master ning learning competencies students are able to acquire
and master the next levels spectrum of skills which includes comprehension
of academic content and curriculum mastery. Listening, speaking, reading,
writing and viewing. (GREEN)
So kani nga mga components. contribute children's cognitive development
ma achieve ni sa bata and eventually and academic development pud.
they are and the interchangeable apil na and second language development
where Filipino English and other languages are practiced or used as medium
of instruction. (ORANGE)
Finally, the use of this languages provides students with communicative
competence and that influence them to become lifelong learners. (GRAY)
END SPILL (FRAME WORK)- So, that is for the MTB-MLE Curriculum
P1- we learn when we use what we already know to understand more than new
concept or topic. Which means that teacher should start on what the learners
already know about the topic the news is to introduce the new concept.
In addition (read slide)
As a result, teachers should develop awareness on how first language worked
to support the learning of second and third languages.
P2- So, in this case if the person is well skilled to his or her first language dali
lang sya maka acquire ug additional languages. And it turns out that dako
syag impact sa academics achievements sa bata.
With this, it it's highly recommended for teacher to continue the oral
development of their first language and start reading the mother tongue to
strengthen the second and third language learning.
as well as the academic achievements across the curriculum.
P3- that is why it is necessary to continue developing critical thinking
As well as second and third language additionally.
when we learn we can explain (read the ppt)
P4- so it is a sorry for teachers to find out what students have already know
about the topic then provide an activity that magamit nila ilahang prior
knowledge to learn new task or concept.
P5- so i'm sure we already know what is appear interaction right?
The students will work together by pair or by group to do the particular activity
or task that teacher given.
By peer interaction the students will gain confidence on learning new
language or second and third languages. And be the active learners of that
language. Because they will interact with other students.
Ask me talking or purposeful talk. by talking you can share your own ideas to
that particular activity kasi even thought you are group or pair tas walay mag
istorya sa inyu or dimo mag share ug own thoughts dili Ninyo ma solve and
which is why teacher should give a plenty of activities that will engage the
student and apply their knowledge and skills to the activity.
P6-it is necessary for teachers to give up plenty of activities that focus on both
meaning and accuracy.
P7-so we must begin second language learning by focusing on he or she
through the activity that enables students to build up there listening and
vocabulary. Before they are expected to talk.
Moreover research indicates that learning SLA takes minimum of (read the ppt)
but when society supports that learning and meanwhile (read the ppt)
Second language learners benefit from virginities to receive feedback in a
respectful encouraging way it is helpful when teacher respond first to the
content of what the students are saying or writing focusing one or two errors
at a time so it's OK to have a mistake when you are learning a second
P8-in this premises it is highly needed that learners are encouraged when they
know they are valued in the classroom and their language and heritage are
seen as resources.
Moreover children from ethnolinguistic language groups tribe in a welcoming
environment in which teachers and peers value them as a positive presence in
the classroom and the school.
so it is important to encourage the use of their first language provide books
visual representation and concrete objects that reflect their backgrounds and
Literacy- so as the previous discussion mentioned earlier acquiring second
and other languages for easier because of the strong foundation of the first
Moreover, If ma develop and oral proficiency and bata will eventually develop
reading comprehension.
Prior knowledge- And that, ma apply nila ilahang prior knowledge to the
current or existing knowledge.
Cognitive Development- MTB MLE cultivates and strengthen both critical
thinking and language as students articulate expand and talk about their
thoughts and ideas.
Strong Bridge- MTB MLA provides strong bridge to listening speaking reading
and writing the L2 once the basic iron reading fluency is attained. Dihan a
mosunod ang reading in the L2.
so there is a gradual transition through the process? Yes! to avoid confusion
to understand the distinction of the L2 or between the L2 and L1 and of course
to become proficient in both languages.
Alongside the reading and the L2 ma develop pud and oral and written
proficiency and pwede na mo proceed using L2 as a medium of instruction
without the support of L1.
Scaffholding- teachers model fluency and inflection they facilitate the
development of the Alto they help students express ideas in the L2 and L1
supports and transcendence the L2 the learning of elto as L1 is used in
teaching it.

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