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Grade 7

Revision sheet
Material covered for grade 7 final exam
1- Alkali metals
- Able to know the position of alkali metal
- List the alkali metals elements
- List the physical and the chemical properties of alkali metals
- Know that alkali metals able to lose 1 electrons
- Alkali metals form ions with +1 charge
- Able to list the trends of alkali metals down the group in term of

Reactivity –melting point and boiling point-density

- know that the reaction of alkali metal with water form a hydroxide and hydrogen

- Test for hydrogen by using a lit flame will give a squeaky pop sound
2- Halogens : know the position of halogen in the periodic table
- List halogens element
- Know the physical and chemical properties of halogens
- Focus that all halogens exist as diatomic elements
- Know the trends in term of reactivity , colour , state , melting point and density
- Know the displacement reaction that a more reactive halogen replace a less reactive halide in a
compound or solution
3- Transition metals
- Know that transition metals are elements from column 3 to 12
- List the physical and chemical properties of transition of metals
- Compare the properties of transition metals to alkali metals
4- Noble gases :
- Know that noble gases are elements of group 8 or 0 or column 18 in periodic table
- All are gases
- All exist as single atom
- All are unreactive
- Know the uses of some noble gases such as argon, neon, helium and …..
5- What is a chemical reaction
- Define chemical reaction and chemical equation
- Know the reactants and products in any reaction
- Write any reaction inn term of an equation using + and 
- Balance simple chemical reaction
6- Water in the lab
- Know the formula of water
- Know the melting and boiling point of water
- Know test of purity of water
- Know test of water in term of anhydrous copper sulfate or cobalt chloride
- Analyse heating curve
- What is water cycle
- Able to label the parts of water cycle including evaporation ,condensation and precipitation
1- What are alkali metals?



2- List some elements that are alkali metals.



3- List 5 properties of alkali metals.







4- Describe the trend in softness for alkali metals down the group.



5- Describe the trends of reactivity down alkali metals.



6- Describe the melting and boiling point trends for alkali metal.



7- What ion will be formed from alkali metal .Explain using electron configuration.
8- Complete

Alkali metal +water ………………………………+…………………………………

Sodium + water ………………………………………………………….

9- What are halogens?



10- List 2 halogens



11- What is the most reactive halogen? Deduce the reactivity trend for halogens.



12- Complete :

The …………………………..reactive halogen can replace a ………………………. reactive halogen in a


Chlorine + sodium bromide  ……………………………………………..

13- Fill in the table

Halogen State at room temperature Colour




13. Fill in the blanks

Halogens –unreactive-metals –(non-metals) –eight –gaseous

14- Noble gases are elements of group ……………………….in the periodic table

15- All noble gases exist in the …………………….state

16- Noble gases are ………………………..

17- ……………………………are poisonous

18- Both halogens and noble gases are ………………………..while alkali and transition are ……….......

19- Which of the following is true for alkali metals and which if for transition.
a. Soft: ………………………………..
b. Hard: ……………………………….
c. Act as catalyst: ………………………………..
d. Highly reactive: ………………………………..
e. Less reactive: ………………………………..
f. Iron: ………………………………..
g. Sodium: ………………………………..
h. Form white compounds: ………………………………..
i. Form coloured compounds: ………………………………..

20- Chemical reactions and equations

a. Define the following:

Chemical reaction: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A chemical change that occurs when 2 or more substances comine to form a new substance

Chemical equation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A chemical equation is a written representation of a chemical reaction.

b. Consider the following reaction about formation of Hydrogen chloride in the lab.

When hydrogen molecules react with chlorine, molecules of Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is formed.

i. Identify the reactants and products in the above reaction

Reactants: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Products: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
ii. Write a word equation for the above reaction


iii. Write a chemical equation for the above reaction.


iv. Balance the above equation.

21- Balance the following equations.
i. ……SO2 + …… O2 ---> ……. SO3

ii. …….Mg + ……. O2 --> ……MgO

iii. …….KClO4 --------> ……..KCl + ……..O2

iv. ………..Sb + ……… O2 -----> …….. Sb2O3

22- What does the (+) sign means in chemical reaction? ............................................

23- What does the means in chemical equation? ………………………………………..

24- Elements of group 1 called ………………………………………

25- Elements of group 2 called ………………………………………

26- Elements of group 7 called ………………………………………

27- Elements of group 8 or 0 called ………………………………………

28- The formula of water is ………………………………

29- Water made up of ……………………… of oxygen and ……………………………..of hydrogen

30- The melting point of water is ………………………………… while the boiling point of water is


31- Impurities ……………………..the melting point and ……………………the boiling point.

32- Salty water boils at 110 0C because it is not ……………………………………..

33. Label the following water cycle

33- Transition metals :

Complete the following table to compare alkali metals and transition metals

Property Alkali metals Transition

Hard /soft
Compounds colour
1- Which of the following metal is not an alkali metal?
a) magnesium
b) rubidium
c) sodium
d) caesium

2- Which of the following is the charge of alkali metal cations?

a. +1
b. +2
c. -1
d. -2

3- As we go down the halogen group reactivity ……………………and the colour become

A. Decreases , lighter
B. Increases , lighter
C. Decreases ,darker
D. Decreases , lighter

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