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Stage 8

Paper 1 Non-fiction 2023

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test
Mark Scheme

© UCLES 2023
S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Section A: Reading

Question Answer Marks

1(a) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• low rumble
• piercing roars
• haunting wails
1(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

• enigmatic
1(c) Award 1 mark for: 1

• elusive
1(d) Award 2 marks for: 2

• It connects the description of the elephants’ calls to the research into the

Award 1 mark for a reference to the elephants’ calls and 1 mark for a reference
to the research.

Question Answer Marks

2(a) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• to introduce an expert opinion

• to offer/give a personal viewpoint
2(b) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• (the use of) a colon

• (the use of) a dash / dashes

Question Answer Marks

3 Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• to show a contrast (between two pieces of information)

• to add information / give additional information

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Question Answer Marks

4(a) Award 2 marks for: 2

• It refers back to findings/discoveries by researchers and links them to what

can be learned from this / the implications.

Award 1 mark for a reference to findings/discoveries and 1 mark for a reference

to what can be learned / the implications.
4(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

• by using not only … but also.

4(c) Award 1 mark for: 1

• (it) remains to be seen

Question Answer Marks

5 Award 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 marks: 2

• The writer uses songs (in the fifth paragraph) to mean the noises that
animals make.
• The writer is also referring to listening to music (in the sixth paragraph).

Accept elephant language and human songs.

Question Answer Marks

6 Award 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 marks: 2

• The first sentence is a simple sentence.

• The second sentence is a compound-complex sentence.

Question Answer Marks

7 Award 1 mark for: 1

• an idiom

Question Answer Marks

8 Award 1 mark for: 1

• They can pick things up off the ground.

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Question Answer Marks

9 Award 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 marks: 2

• It seems easy to understand because the sentences are

short/straightforward (simple).
• The writer makes comparisons between the anatomy of an elephant and
human anatomy, which allow the reader to identify with the elephant.
• The writer expresses opinions.
• The writer uses rhetorical questions.
• The writer uses hyperbole, (‘amazing’).
• The writer uses idioms.

Award 1 mark for a reference to short/straightforward sentences.

Award 1 mark for a comparison between elephants and humans.
Award 1 mark for expressing opinions.
Award 1 mark for rhetorical questions.
Award 1 mark for hyperbole.
Award 1 mark for idioms.

Accept any response that conveys these ideas.

Question Answer Marks

10(a) 3
How does an elephant
use its trunk…
when drinking? to smell/taste the air / detect water; to draw up
water; to spray water in their mouths
when eating? to pick leaves / snap twigs / pull up grass; to
reach food high in the trees
when looking after itself? to spray water and mud over their bodies / to
cool down / to discourage parasites; to defend
themselves / use as a club
at other times? as a snorkel to breathe through / to breathe
when under water: to lift heavy weights; to feel
with (‘tactile fingers’)

Award 3 marks for 7 or more points.

Award 2 marks for 4–6 points.
Award 1 mark for 1–3 points.
10(b) Example answer: 2

When they drink, elephants use their trunks to find water, draw it up and spray it
in their mouths. Their trunk helps elephants to reach high branches and snap off
leaves and twigs to eat. They also use their trunks to defend themselves, lift
heavy objects, and feel with.

Award 2 marks for 4–6 points.

Award 1 mark for 1–3 points.

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Section B: Writing

Notes to markers

• Use the marking grids on the following pages.

• Marking should always begin from the lowest mark in each column and work upward.
• A ‘best fit’ judgement should be made in judging first in which box to place the response and then,
within that box, which mark is appropriate.
• The lower mark within a box should be given if some the criteria have been met but not all.
• Note on extent:
Award 0 marks where the performance fails to meet the lowest criteria.
Award 0 marks for 20 words or fewer.
Award a maximum of 7 marks for responses of between 21 and 60 words.
You need not count the words unless you think there will be fewer than 60. In normal-sized
handwriting 60 words will be approximately 8 lines.


Creation of texts (Wc) 5

Vocabulary and language (Wv) 3

Grammar and punctuation (Wg) 7

Structure of texts (Ws) 7

Word structure [spelling] (Ww) 3

[Total 25]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
[5 marks] [3 marks] [7 marks] [7 marks] [3 marks]
Content is wholly suitable The response is presented Grammatical structures are almost
for the intended audience. clearly and is well-organised always accurate throughout the
using a good range of text. For example:
organisational features • a wide range of sentence
Text is written from a clear
accurately. types are used accurately
and well-presented
and effectively to support
viewpoint. i.e., contains Ideas are developed with the text type.
detail that sustains interest chronological or logical links • detail and shades
with writer’s style / personal throughout the text from an meaning conveyed
response which effective introduction to a through the grammatical
emphasises particular successful conclusion. structure of sentences,
points. e.g., controlling the order
Paragraphs are used of clauses in complex
successfully to structure the sentences.
Uses relevant features
content. There is effective • Consistent use of formal
consistently for a chosen
cohesion within and between and/or informal register
purpose to clarify meaning.
paragraphs. according to context,
purpose and audience.
Some combinations of A good range of sentence
structural, linguistic and openings and connectives Punctuation is accurate and used
literary features to create a are used appropriately to to enhance meaning, for example:
specific effect. support content. • commas, ellipses, colons, semi-
colons, dashes and hyphens
are used accurately to clarify
and enhance meaning
• conventions of layout are
always applied effectively and
consistently e.g., bullet points.

[4–5] [6–7] [6–7]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
Content is suitable for the The response is relevant The response is presented Grammatical structures are Spelling is usually correct
intended audience. using a vocabulary clearly and is well-organised mostly accurate throughout throughout.
accurately for the purpose / using a range of the text, e.g.,
text type. organisational features • a range of sentence types There may occasionally be
Viewpoints are well-
accurately. are used to support the phonetically plausible
presented and consistent attempts at complex words.
Uses language precisely to text type.
throughout. Ideas are developed with
clarify and extend meaning. • Some detail and shades
chronological or logical links of meaning through the Correct spelling of most, not
Uses relevant features throughout the text though grammatical structure of all, polysyllabic words, e.g.,
consistently for a chosen there may be some sentences, e.g., accommodation, appear,
purpose to clarify meaning. inconsistencies. controlling the order of information, probably,
clauses in complex separate, business,
Paragraphs are used to help sentences. essentially,
May begin to add structural
structure the text where the • Formal and/or informal wondering/wandering.
and literary features in parts
main idea is usually register is generally used
of the text.
supported by following appropriately according to
sentences. context, purpose and
A range of sentence
openings and connectives A range of punctuation e.g.,
are used appropriately to • commas, ellipses, colons,
support content. semi-colons, dashes and
hyphens are used mostly
accurately to clarify
• Conventions of layout are
applied consistently e.g.,
bullet points.

[3] [3] [4–5] [4–5] [3]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
Content is mostly relevant Creates and controls The response is generally Grammatical structures are Spelling of common and
using some literary meaning through precise well-organised and attempts generally accurate throughout some less-common
techniques appropriate to use of a range and variety the use of some the text, e.g., words, including
the text type. of language. organisational features. • Use of some range of polysyllabic and
sentence types to support the compound words, is
Some attempt to sequence text type. generally accurate, e.g.
Main features of the text Creates effects by using a
relevant ideas logically. • Some complex sentences friend, another, around,
type, if appropriate, are range of linguistic and
attempted to create effect. because, anything,
evident. literary techniques.
Paragraphs / sections are • Formal and/or informal something.
evident, though not always register is attempted if
Viewpoints are generally consistently or appropriately. Spelling of plurals and
relevant e.g., depending on
clear and help engage the Related points are grouped some past and present
target audience
reader’s interest for the together or linked by time words is generally
most part. sequencers. accurate, e.g., boxes,
Some range of punctuation:
• e.g., commas, semi-colons, clothes, told, stopped,
Movement between dashes and hyphens) is used wanted.
paragraphs or sections, may accurately to clarify meaning.
be disjointed with a limited • There may be evidence of
range of sentence openings comma splicing.
and connectives.
Note: if punctuation is totally
lacking and other descriptors met
then give the lower mark here.

[2] [2] [2–3] [2–3] [2]

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S8/01 English Stage 8 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2023

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
Some material included Language is simple, relevant. Some attempt to organise Basic grammatical structures are Spelling of high frequency
that is relevant to the and suitable for the text type. the overall text. generally correct, e.g., words is generally correct,
task. • subject and verb generally e.g., their/there, when,
Some basic sequencing of agree were, what, some, etc.
Language and meaning of
The writer’s attitude to the ideas in relation to the • past and present tense verbs
words/phrases is mainly
subject inconsistently stimulus. are generally consistent.
clear, with some errors.
conveyed, with some • simple and some compound
attempt to engage the Paragraphs / sections are sentences
reader. evident with related points • some complex sentences may
grouped together or linked be attempted to expand detail
Some elements of the text by time sequence. but not always successfully.
type can be seen; a • Formal and/or informal
maximum of 1 mark can Movement between register may be attempted but
be awarded if not the paragraphs or sections, not consistently according to
correct genre. is disjointed with a very context, purpose and
limited range of sentence audience.
openings and connectives.
• Demarcation of
straightforward sentences is
usually correct.
• Commas are used in lists and
occasionally to mark clauses.

Note: learners should gain marks

for good English with punctuation
errors rather than lose marks for
essentially good English.

[1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

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