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Journal of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61 – 70


Controlled release system formed by supercritical

anti-solvent coprecipitation of a herbicide and a
biodegradable polymer
S. Taki, E. Badens *, G. Charbit
Laboratoire d’Etudes et d’Applications de Procédés Séparatifs, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Saint-Jérôme, Case 512,
A6enue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille cedex 20, France
Received 4 September 2000; received in revised form 18 January 2001; accepted 5 February 2001


Coprecipitation using a supercritical antisolvent technique seems to be a promising way for the elaboration of
controlled herbicide delivery system since it allows the preparation of a herbicide (diuron) loaded in amorphous
microparticles of a biodegradable polymer (L-polylactic acid, L-PLA). Coprecipitation was successfully realized in
methylene chloride. The concentrations of the two components had a major influence upon morphology and shape
of the final product. Spherical particles of L-PLA entrapping diuron were obtained provided that the initial
concentrations of L-PLA and diuron did not exceed, respectively 3 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% in methylene chloride at 10
MPa and 308 K. A parallel study of the precipitation of diuron by the SAS process showed the formation of long
needle-like crystals with a mean length of 500 mm. The precipitation time being very short during the SAS process,
the growth rates observed are 10 000 times higher than the growth rates of diuron in aqueous solution. © 2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supercritical anti-solvent; Precipitation; Herbicide; Controlled release system

1. Introduction of active substance and the cost of labor. In this

context, the controlled release system of a herbi-
The search for high profitability in agriculture cide seems to offer these advantages compared to
implies having more active pesticide products with the conventional formulations which consist of
longer term effects. A reduction in treatment fre- suspensions of herbicides in aqueous media.
quency is both environmentally and economically Several controlled release systems of drugs have
of interest in order to reduce the required quantity been elaborated using supercritical fluid processes
[1–6]. Indeed, recent techniques using a supercrit-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 33-491-288411; fax: +33- ical fluid as a solvent or as an anti-solvent are
considered to be useful alternatives to produce
E-mail address: elisabeth.badens@leaps.u-3mrs.fr (E.
Badens). fine powders and coprecipitation can be realized

0896-8446/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 6 - 8 4 4 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 7 6 - 6
62 S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70

in one step. The general concept of using super- in the study is the L-PLA which has been the
critical fluid as anti-solvent is relatively well estab- subject of a number of studies [2,13,14]. This
lished [7]. Supercritical carbon dioxide offers paper reports the first results of this work and
various advantages compared with organic sol- concerns the influence of various process parame-
vents widely used in microencapsulation pro- ters upon the size and morphology of the particles
cesses. Carbon dioxide is environmentally formed, i.e. pressure, temperature, composition
acceptable, non-flammable, non-toxic, abundant, and flow rates.
its critical coordinates are moderate and it is
gaseous under ambient conditions of pressure and
temperature. 2. Experimental
In the supercritical fluid antisolvent techniques,
carbon dioxide is used as an antisolvent for the 2.1. Materials
solute but as a solvent with respect to the organic
solvent. Different acronyms were used by various The following chemicals were used as received:
authors to denote micronization processes: aero- L-polylactic acid (L-PLA), molecular weight:
sol solvent extraction system (ASES) [8], precipi- 29 000, inherent viscosity (in chloroform, 25°C):
tation with a compressed fluid anti-solvent (PCA) 0.97 dl g − 1, Purac Biochem, the Netherlands.
[9 – 11], gas anti-solvent (GAS) [12,13], solution 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl-urea (di-
enhanced dispersion by supercritical fluids uron), purity 98%, Aldrich, France. Methylene
(SEDS) and supercritical anti-solvent (SAS). The chloride, purity 99.8%, Aldrich, France. Tetrahy-
SAS process involves the spraying of the solution drofuran (THF), purity 99.7%, Aldrich, France.
composed of the solute and of the organic solvent Carbon dioxide, purity 99.7%, Air liquide Méd-
into a continuous supercritical phase flowing co- iterranée, France.
currently [5]. The simultaneous dissolution of the
supercritical fluid in the liquid droplet and the 2.2. Obser6ation and characterization
evaporation of the organic solvent towards the
supercritical phase induce a supersaturation of the 2.2.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
solute in the liquid phase which then precipitates. Solid particles were observed with a PHILIPS
Compared to the other anti-solvent techniques, model 515 SEM. Samples were sputter coated for
the SAS process offers two advantages: 80 s with gold–palladium to a thickness of ap-
“ Because of the dispersion of the liquid phase, proximately 100 A, using a BALZERS SCD sput-
very fine droplets are formed and a high spe- ter coater. SEM images were collected using the
cific surface area is available for the mass EDAX Scan Generator software.
“ Since the carbon dioxide and the organic sol- 2.2.2. X-Ray diffraction (XRD)
vent are continuously drained off from the X-Ray diffraction analyses were carried out in
vessel, the precipitated solid is the only species order to characterize crystalline products. The
remaining inside. Thus, relatively high amounts Debye –Scherrer diagrams were obtained using
of liquid solution can be processed before re- X-rays with a wavelength l equal to 1.540598 A,
covering the solid. and an exposure time of 1800 s. The detector used
The aim of this work was to study the feasibil- was an INEL CPS 120 System.
ity of the encapsulaltion of a herbicide within a
biodegradable polymer using the SAS process. 2.2.3. Energy dispersi6e X-ray (EDX) analysis
The diuron was chosen as the herbicide because Element compositions were determined using a
of its wide use in agricultural treatments. We PHILIPS EDAX apparatus and DX-4 software.
specially turned our attention to the recrystalliza- We proceeded with an acquisition time of approx-
tion of this species since very interesting results imately 600 s. The tension used was 20 kV and
were obtained. The biodegradable polymer used spatial resolution was approximately 1–2 mm.
S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70 63

2.3. Apparatus and procedure Pierre, France). Pressure and temperature gauges,
security rupture disks and valves complete the
2.3.1. Preliminary studies: determination of plant.
solubilities and phase diagrams Carbon dioxide was preliminary introduced
into the precipitator through a frit filter to set the Solubility. Solubilities were determined us- operating pressure. When the experimental condi-
ing thermostated glass cells. Successive small tions of pressure were reached, a vent was created
masses of diuron were introduced into a certain in order to maintain the chosen pressure in the
volume of solvent. When the liquid solution be- precipitator and a constant carbon dioxide feed
came cloudy, successive volumes of solvent were rate of 400 g h − 1. The liquid solution was then
added to obtain a homogeneous solution. The introduced at various feed rates through a 150-mm
solubility S (g l − 1) was calculated from the total internal diameter capillary (Chrompack, les Ulis,
amount of solid and of the solvent used. France), during times of approximately 30 min.
The liquid solution flow was then stopped and a Phase diagrams. The phase boundaries of pure constant carbon dioxide flow was maintained
the ternary systems: polymer/carbon dioxide/sol- in order to completely change the volume of the
vent and herbicide/carbon dioxide/solvent were precipitator and thus to remove the residual sol-
visually determined in a high-pressure view cell vent. After this washing step which lasted approx-
equipped with a sapphire window, temperature imately 90 min, the autoclave was depressurized
and pressure gauges, a movable piston and a for 30 min at the experimental temperature. The
camera linked to a TV monitor. Detailed descrip- collected solid particles were then observed by
tions of the apparatus and operating procedures SEM and characterized by XRD and EDX analy-
have been published elsewhere [15]. sis if necessary.

2.3.2. SAS precipitation

3. Results and discussion
A schematic diagram of the SAS apparatus is
shown in Fig. 1. The central feature of the ap-
paratus consisted of a 6.3-cm i.d., 500-ml 316 3.1. Preliminary studies: determination of
stainless steel precipitation vessel provided by the solubilities and phase diagrams
Exenia group (Italy). Two high pressure pumps
deliver the liquid solution (Gilson model 307 3.1.1. Solubilities
pump, Villiers Le Bel, France) and the supercriti- To be successful, the coprecipitation implies
cal antisolvent (Dosapro Milton Roy, Pont-Saint- two conditions:
1. the solubility of the diuron and of the polymer
must not be infinite; and
2. the diuron has to precipitate first.
Methylene chloride, chloroform and tetrahy-
drofuran are generally good solvents for poly-
mers. Methylene chloride is more interesting than
chloroform because of its higher volatility which
makes the removal of the solvent easier. The
boiling point of methylene chloride (313 K) is
lower than chloroform (334.8 K) and tetrahydro-
furan (339.1 K). Diuron is soluble in practically
all organic solvents.
Solubilities of diuron and of L-PLA in methyl-
ene chloride and in tetrahydrofuran at 298 K are
Fig. 1. The SAS apparatus for precipitation. reported in Table 1. Solubilities of diuron in
64 S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70

Table 1
Solubilities of diuron and L-PLA in methylene chloride and in
tetrahydrofuran at 298 K

Solute Solubility in Solubility in

methylene tetrahydrofuran
chloride (g l−1) (g l−1)

Diuron 20.9 89.4

L-Polylactic \100 Insoluble

Fig. 2. Phase diagram of the ternary system: CO2 (45%)/di-

uron (0.9 wt.%)/methylene chloride.
methylene chloride and in tetrahydrofuran at dif-
ferent temperatures are reported in Table 2. percritical fluid equilibrium (S–SCF). Operating
As L-PLA is insoluble in THF, we chose to use conditions in the (S– SCF) region will lead to
methylene chloride. It is worth noting that, in this herbicide precipitation and to easy removal of the
solvent, L-PLA is more soluble than diuron. This solvent. The same diagram could not be deter-
condition is necessary because diuron has to pre- mined for the L-PLA/diuron/CH2Cl2/CO2 system.
cipitate first in order to be coated by the polymer Indeed, because of the turbidity of the solution,
which has to precipitate next. the V–L to V–L–S transition was not visible.
From the results presented in Table 2, we note Figs. 3 and 4 show the experimentally measured
that the solubility of diuron in both solvents
phase boundary for the two ternary systems, re-
increases when temperature increases.
spectively: diuron/CH2Cl2/CO2 and L-PLA/
CH2Cl2/CO2 under various experimental
3.1.2. Phase diagrams
conditions. The lines denote transitions from the
A key role in the precipitation process is played
(V–L–S) region to the (S–SFC) region for vari-
by the different phase transitions of the multicom-
ponent system. The phase diagram allows selec- ous compositions.
tion of the best operating conditions for the SAS Two main conclusions may be drawn from
process. these measurements:
Fig. 2 shows the general shape of the phase 1. At a given temperature, the transition pressure
diagram of the ternary system: CH2Cl2 (solvent)/ increases slightly with an increase in the weight
CO2 (anti-solvent)/diuron (solute). The two phase fraction of carbon dioxide (Fig. 3). The same
boundaries define three regions: vapor– liquid (V– observation was made for the L-PLA/CH2Cl2/
L), vapor –liquid –solid (V– L – S) and solid– su- CO2 system [16].

Table 2
Solublities of diuron in methylene chloride and in tetrahydro-
furan at different temperatures

Temperature (K) Solubility in Solubility in

methylene tetrahydrofuran
chloride (g l−1) (g l−1)

298 20.9 89.4

303 26.4 99.1
308 29.8 116.2
313 41.3 134 Fig. 3. Phase diagrams of the ternary systems: CO2/diuron (0.9
wt.%)/methylene chloride with different CO2 compositions.
S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70 65

Fig. 4. Phase diagram of the system: CO2/L-PLA/methylene

chloride with different CO2 and L-PLA compositions.

2. At a given temperature and within the range

of compositions studied here, the transition Fig. 6. L-PLA fibers precipitated from methylene chloride at
pressure is quite insensitive to small changes in 10 MPa, 308 K, 6 wt.%, 30 ml h − 1.
polymer concentrations (Fig. 4), in agreement
with the results of Magnan [15] and of Yeo et Fig. 5 shows a sample obtained by spraying a 1
al. [17]. The same observation was made for wt.% solution into CO2 at 8 MPa, 308 K and with
the diuron/CH2Cl2/CO2 system [16]. a solution flow rate of 18 ml h − 1. Small mi-
croparticles are produced with size ranging from 1
3.2. Precipitation of L-PLA by SAS process to 5 mm. Similar spherical particles of L-PLA are
also obtained at 10 MPa, 308 K and with a
For the following range of pressure and solu- solution flow rate of 30 ml h − 1. In contrast, Fig.
tion flow rate: 6 shows polymeric fibers obtained by spraying a 6
“ P: 8 –10 MPa; and wt.% solution at 10 MPa, 308 K and with a
“ solution flow rate: 18– 30 ml h − 1, solution flow rate of 30 ml h − 1. This polymeric
spherical and non-aggregated particles were ob- fibrous network has already been observed by
tained at 308 K for concentrations lower than 3 Bodmeier et al. [14]. The whole SEM photographs
wt.% and polymeric fibers with cobweb-like of L-PLA particles obtained by SAS process are
macrostructure were obtained for upper shown elsewhere [16].
concentrations. Microparticles of polymers will precipitate on
condition that the jet of liquid solution breaks up
at the outlet of the capillary, thus forming individ-
ual droplets. The size of these droplets is governed
by a number of parameters such as the internal
diameter of the capillary, the density and the flow
rate of the liquid solution. The viscosity of the
polymer solution is another important factor. In-
creasing the polymer concentration will result in
higher viscosities that have a stabilizing effect on
the jet and yield bigger droplets. High polymer
concentrations may even reduce the atomization
forces to such a low level that they are not
sufficient to break up the jet into droplets [14]. In
that condition, the precipitation kinetic is much
Fig. 5. L-PLA particles precipitated from methylene chloride fast than the droplet formation kinetic and fibers
at 8 MPa, 308 K, 1 wt.%, 18 ml h − 1. are formed rather than microparticles.
66 S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70

that both products have the same crystal lattices

(identical intereticular distances d) and the same
structure (comparable intensities).
In conventional crystallization in solution, di-
uron is known to give crystals with good crys-
tallinity in very short times; typical values of 0.03
mm s − 1 were reported [18]. Although this growth
rate depends on several parameters, such as super-
saturation, its value remains of this order of
In our experiments, needles of diuron with a
mean length of 500 mn were formed (Fig. 7). This
implies very high growth rates that can be esti-
mated if the precipitation time is known. This
Fig. 7. Crystals of diuron precipitated from methylene chloride precipitation time was evaluated to be a few sec-
at 10 MPa, 308 K, 0.9 wt.%, 18 ml h − 1. onds referring to:
1. an experimental observation; and
3.3. Precipitation of diuron by SAS process 2. literature.
(i) A few needle-like crystals were formed and
For the following range of pressure and solu- settled in the upper part of the precipitation ves-
tion flow rate: sel. This indicates that the precipitation time is
“ P: 10–11 MPa, very short. Indeed, the liquid solution is intro-
“ solution flow rate: 18– 30 ml h − 1,
duced in the autoclave with a rate varying from
needle-like crystals of diuron were obtained at 308 28 to 47 cm s − 1.
K from methylene chloride solutions with concen- (ii) Kikic et al. [19] have studied the amount of
precipitated solid as a function of the axial coor-
trations varying from 0.1 to 1 wt.%. Fig. 7 shows
dinate, h, of a cylindrical precipitator. Depending
diuron crystals precipitated from solutions with a
on the nature of the solute, the amount of precip-
diuron concentration of 0.9 wt.%. Fig. 8 shows
itated solid may be a function of the ratio be-
the Debye –Scherrer diagram of the raw diuron
tween the gas and liquid flow rates. In the case of
provided by Aldrich (a) and of the diuron crystals phenanthrene precipitated with toluene as solvent
obtained by SAS process (b). Diagram (b) is and CO2 as antisolvent, this amount can reach
similar to the one of the raw material, this means 80% (with respect to the total amount of compo-
nent in the initial solution) at h equals 2 cm
whatever the ratio of flow rates. Moreover, Kikic
has evaluated the time at which the droplet disap-
pears depending on the nozzle diameter. The or-
der of magnitude is the second. On the contrary,
the amount of solid precipitated is strongly depen-
dent of the ratio of gas and liquid flow rates for
naphthalene precipitated in the same conditions.
This amount can be of only 5% at h equals 20 cm.
In this study, the presence of crystals on the
upper inner wall of the precipitator, i.e. just below
the end of the capillary, implies that a certain
Fig. 8. Debye – Scherrer diagrams of diuron provided by
amount of diuron is precipitated early. Consider-
Aldrich (a) and of diuron precipitated from methylene chloride ing these results, we can estimate a precipitation
(b). time on the order of a second or of a few seconds
S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70 67

for the precipitation of diuron in the experimental

conditions studied here, that is to say growth
rates of approximately 100 mm s − 1.
The very rapid growth observed for diuron is
contradictory to the idea that a rapid volumetric
expansion of the liquid phase (liquid droplets in
SAS process) leads to the formation of small
crystals [12]. The influence, during the GAS pro-
cess, of the pressure rise on the nucleation and
growth of the crystal has been discussed by Gal-
lagher. During the GAS process, the liquid solu-
tion is expanded less rapidly than during the SAS
process. During both processes, the solute in solu-
tion is depleted owing to the formation of nuclei Fig. 9. Crystals of diuron and L-PLA particles precipitated
and to the crystal growth. A rapid increase in the from methylene chloride at respectively 0.9 wt.% and 1.8 wt.%,
at 10 MPa, 308 K, 18 ml h − 1.
supersaturation generally leads to a high nucle-
ation rate which results then in little and numer-
ous crystals. So, the GAS process is supposed to varying the composition of the liquid solution and
imply higher growth rates and thus to give larger to a certain extent by varying the pressure. The
crystals. Our results show that there is a competi- former parameter has a preponderant effect since
tion between nucleation and growth, even if su- the coprecipitate formed can look like acicular
persaturation increases rapidly. Berends et al. [20] diuron crystals with microparticles of L-PLA ag-
observe growth rates varying from 0.01 to 0.14 gregated or like small diuron crystals entrapped in
mm s − 1 for the precipitation of phenanthrene in polymer.
toluene by the GAS process. The growth rate Fig. 9 shows a failed encapsulation of diuron
observed for the diuron precipitated by SAS pro- yielding the formation of long needles of diuron
cess is 104 times bigger than growth rates ob- with aggregated microspheres of L-PLA. Obvi-
served for the crystallization of diuron in liquid ously in that case, too much time separates the
solution under ambient conditions or for the crys- precipitation of the two species and long needles
tallization of phenanthrene during GAS process. of diuron could develop before the precipitation
of L-PLA. Such a result is due to an excessive
3.4. Coprecipitation of diuron and L -PLA by concentration of diuron which results in an early
SAS process precipitation of this compound.
Figs. 10 and 11 show the results of successful
Diuron and L-PLA were coprecipitated from a encapsulations leading to spherical particles of
single liquid solution by SAS process using meth- L-PLA entrapping small crystals of diuron. In
ylene chloride as solvent. these two cases, the experimental conditions were
It has been shown in the literature that the the same except for the concentration of L-PLA
temperature may greatly influence the precipita- which varies from 0.1 to 1 wt.% (Figs. 10 and 11).
tion of polymers. In particular, the morphology of The particles which size ranged from 1 to 5 mm,
the solid formed may differ depending on whether were similar in appearance to diuron-free mi-
the operating temperature is higher or lower than croparticles. In order to check the presence of
the glassy transition point. Notwithstanding this diuron inside the L-PLA particles, we carried out
fact, the effect of the temperature was not investi- an energy dispersive X-ray analysis. During the
gated in this study; pressure, flow rates and com- observation with the scanning electron micro-
position of the liquid phase were the only scope, the electron beam was directed towards the
parameters varied. Dramatic changes in the mor- center of one particle of coprecipitate in order
phology of the particles formed were observed by that it entered the bulk of the spherical particle.
68 S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70

Fig. 10. Particles of diuron coated by L-PLA precipitated from

methylene chloride at respectively 0.1 wt.% and 1 wt.%, at 10
MPa, 308 K, 30 ml h − 1.

X-Rays of the emitted rays were then examined.

The X-ray peak positions, along the energy scale
identify the elements present in the solid particle.
This analysis was repeated for approximately 20 Fig. 12. Energy dispersive X-ray spectra of L-PLA and diuron
particles. Fig. 12 shows the superimposition of the
EDX spectra of L-PLA precipitated from methyl-
diuron is really entrapped inside the spherical
ene chloride and of the product of the coprecipita-
particle of L-PLA.
tion of L-PLA and diuron in the same solvent; all
It is worth noting here that we did not detect
other experimental conditions are identical. The
the presence of chlorine arising from methylene
spectrum of (diuron+ L-PLA) shows the presence chloride in the spectrum of L-PLA alone. Obvi-
of nitrogen and chlorine; these two elements are ously, the solvent is quite completely removed
not present in L-PLA but only in diuron whose during the washing step.
developed formula is also given in Fig. 12. This The weight percentage of diuron in the mi-
main point of our results shows obviously that croparticle should be equal to 10%. Indeed, this
percentage corresponds to the weight ratio of
L-PLA and diuron in the liquid solution sprayed
“ the whole quantity of L-PLA and diuron intro-
duced in the vessel precipitate (no solid was
recovered in the cold trap); and
“ the SEM observations showed particles abso-
lutely similar to the one of L-PLA obtained by
SAS process without diuron (Figs. 5 and 11).
All the diuron is then probably entrapped in
the microparticles.
Our experiments led us to the conclusion that
the main parameters controlling the encapsulation
Fig. 11. Particles of diuron coated by L-PLA precipitated from
of diuron by L-PLA are the absolute concentra-
methylene chloride at respectively 0.1 wt.% and 1 wt.%, at 10 tions of the two components, rather than the ratio
MPa, 308 K, 30 ml h − 1. of these concentrations. The concentration of
S. Taki et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 21 (2001) 61–70 69

each component has an upper limit, 3 wt.% for may not seem realistic. It must be kept in mind
L-PLA and 0.1 wt.% for diuron and the encapsu- that reducing the treatment frequency may be the
lation is successful when the two concentrations key point in specific cases where the cost of labor
are below these thresholds. Fig. 13 illustrates this is of the same order of magnitude as the cost of
observation for experiments carried out at 10 the raw material (treatment of railway, roads
MPa, 308 K and with a solution flow rate of 30 shoulder).
ml h − 1. For other values of the pressure, the In other respects, commercial herbicides like
respective concentrations remain the main diuron are generally available as aqueous suspen-
parameters controlling the encapsulation but the sions called ‘Flows’. We can imagine these flows
thresholds are slightly shifted towards higher val- being prepared in the precipitation vessel intro-
ues as the pressure is increased. ducing the aqueous medium just after the depres-
surization step of the SAS process.
The data reported here constitute the prelimi-
nary part of the study which is at the present time
4. Conclusion been extended in order to improve the method
and complete results have not yet been obtained.
This study shows that encapsulating diuron by The three studies in progress deal with:
L-PLA can be achieved by a one-step SAS pro- “ the kinetic of the herbicide’s release;
cess. More broadly speaking, even though the “ the percentage of herbicide entrapped; and
species to be encapsulated crystallizes under an “ the search for less expensive coating material.
acicular form, it has been possible to process the
coprecipitation by acting on the concentration of
the active molecule and of the coating material. Acknowledgements
Such a result may be interesting if the method
could be transposed to pharmaceuticals that gen- The Research Laboratory CRMC2 (Centre de
erally crystallize with acicular habit. Recherche sur les Mécanismes de la Croissance
The highest concentration of solid (herbicide+ Cristalline, Campus de Luminy, Marseille) is
polymer) in the liquid solution that can be pro- gratefully acknowledged. The authors want to
cessed is of 3.1 wt.% in methylene chloride at 10 thank particularly Dr S. Veesler and J.P. Astier.
MPa and 308 K. This limit may seem low but the The authors are also indebted to PURAC
method offers a high degree of flexibility as con- biochem for the supply of L-PLA.
cerns the ratio between the concentrations of the
two species.
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